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Everything posted by awakatanka

  1. Your tweak is the war coin. You PvP outside the 9 hour window. Probably you still can attack ships that are not anchord and sail. Maybe the have to be outside home grid. More concerned about a landlord that can behave like a ass and wipe at will.
  2. That is not a small company. Small is 1 to 10
  3. If it is needed.the have to do it before wipe else there is a new wipe if it happens.
  4. If they let people infest mmo time in other mmo games the chance is that they stick to that mmo because the do not want to lose that infested time. Ark works because the private servers. You get almost the same feeling and even better than official. Atlas will not give that on unofficial. The maps are to small What if after a year the players count stay low the will be closing servers. The map will shrink. Biodomes will change players will have to move to New grids. Probably the will merge na and eu. Wipe is needed again because off that The really need to make big changes to hold the base of players and get new ones. And with all the negative you find about this game that will be hard. The started wrong for a mmo even in EA, you need to enforce rules and punish grievers and exploiters hard. And listen to you're base, they try that but not hard enough and not quick enough. EA you play , find a bug en report bug. And not exploit bugs. Those kind of players ( exploiters) you need to get rid of very fast They know players that do it and van only one ban. The rest is still Playing
  5. And the structure is fighting back? The npc is fighting back and that makes it pve. You should be landlord. Then you have slaves that build there structure and if the ready you as landlord just wipe the structure. In your logic you do PvP but just a bit simpler. I vote you be a landlord. After wipe rush to island claim it build asap a bank and your ready to PvP your island slaves
  6. The new PvP claim system will also not work in pve. I do not want a landlord that can wipe my building because he can. I want some sort of protection against grievers. 1 claim would work if I can build house Penn and shipyard in it and all extra buildings like balloonships that will come in the future. But I think they did do the math and see that 1 claim per players will still leave players without land.
  7. You can already build everywhere now even on other claims. They opened that part up. But some stopped playing till wipe is done
  8. Maybe the game did not have given me the experience enough to hold my interest long enough. Our made wrong decisions that made me lose my interest. If you sell it as A and turn it in to B is not my fault, then it is there fault. But we will see at end of the month, there are enough other games that probably want my money and fullfil my interest to keep playing. But for now I see something I see as positive but there also some negative that outweigh the positive for ME. If you are ok with it then I am happy for you. Keep playing and have your fun, that is a good thing. I hope I get my fun to.
  9. The feeling of no progress is killing the will of playing for me. Will try end of month but think this change is not enough. I'm for wipe but did not expect I lose the will of playing because I see no progress now.
  10. Wipe is ok if the system is right. And that is not the case.
  11. I do get that but what if the owner is a d... There are to many of them ;-). Then make it a vote system and all players on that island decide. And have a x time to vote else your vote counts as yes demolish. The random wipe building is to much power for the owner. The others pay tax/upkeep and help him/her to have more resources/money. It already will be hard to defend against random little raids without big defences that only the owner can build.
  12. If they do a claim again and there is the option to open your claim spot for others to build on then there should not be a option to withdraw that option. It is not fair for the person that build something. Would be better to not have that option at al. But a option to sell that claim. Bigger company got have more claims but also to much. If they feel they over claimed, than a option to sell that claim to someone should be possible. A claim system is hard to balance just right, but totally lawless is not the way. Our they have a new system where pillar/foundation spam is not worth the grief. But that would already be used in ark if it existed.
  13. That is correct ;-). I'm devided now, played pve because I do not like the ark PvP they used the new PvP sounds better but hate it that land owner can demolish my building at will but I payed tax/upkeep. And pve is not a alternative now because I expect the ark pillar/foundation grief. I like the looks of the game and it's potential if the make right decisions.
  14. Then I misunderstood that part. If it is also possible to attack ships in that lane I am for it. Some extra speed when sailing is welcome, I mostly have the wind against me when I want to sail another grid
  15. What if I start with a big company use the flags disband leave 1 in it and make new company do the same again.. If a member leaves our stops you lose 1 claim and the have to choose the claim they give up. 1 flag per player. Claim needs a be a bit bigger than now just enough for house, tame pen ( just drop that ark thing ) and shipyards. More members then you have more flags. Have 10 members you area is 10 times a big as the solo player our the devide it to make out post.
  16. Wormholes... Sounds the same as beam me up Scotty bed. Have more grids then devide you company members to protect. You have higher risk because you have less numbers to protect but have more different kind of resources under control. Want less risk and beter protection , then 1 spot is enough. Bed travel takes away the naval warfare. The wormhole lane will do the same. Make alliance with people in far away grids. This makes als trading possible. More boots that sail and more chance of naval warfare. This game stick to much to it's ark roots. It is nothing like eve
  17. Indeed why build on a.island if the owner can demolish at will. You pay tax/upkeep for the owner but if he doesn't like you our your build/spot of building he just wipe your progress. Where is the protection of the small man? Move to another island... Yes and have the chance of the same. This part keeps me from playing PvP. And pve is not a alternative anymore. That will be Pilar/foundation griever heaven.
  18. Also update stupid sods to real sailing ships and make them royal navy that hunt your pirate ass. Sods are just ugly and stupid
  19. Bullcrap PvP has nothing with naval warfare. It is just same as ark with worse weapons. Only thing is you have to sail to a island. But after 1ship is there they do a beam me up Scotty and ark crap happens. Also why tames like the ark crap.. they have npc you can hire. They can work and gather my crap to build. Only animals you need are horse, cow, chicken and pig. Horse can have a carriage to take the heavy guns to a fight. They others you breed for food. The other wild animals can be around but for agro our to kill for food on a long sailing trip and put the meat in the bag.
  20. Must say I have that feeling to. Was logged in and the claim where I life was running out. Other company tryed to claim like me. They logged off I logged off same thing later when both where logged in again and thinking why... It is not that I have it... They can build anyway in my claim if I win.. later in month I have to start at zero again... We talked about it and give him the claim went to my boat and thinking what will I do.. thinking nah not going to play and waist my progress. And started black desert online. I would play but but the feeling of no progress stop me from playing.
  21. Looks almost like pvpve I could try. The chance for pve just sucks if they do nothing about foundation spam our half buildings to bend the rules of foundations. Look for me.pve is dead because of this change. But PvP look more interesting now
  22. New idea. Make a new game and call it ark. Where you tame animals to fight each other. Only land bases with a little water. That would be so cool. You start with Stone age weapons and slowly you get better and at the end you can make tech weapons and saddle. Man that would really be the coolest game ever.
  23. It is because you can not do without them and Tamming methode is better then ark. But leave this stupid taming thing in ark. Atlas is not ark. Riding a horse yes, get chicken, cows and pigs yes but the rest no... They can be in the game for looks our danger but not to tame. Come on stop this stupid pushing ark things in. It is another game.........
  24. Cocaine would be opium. It was not there in the golden age. Hope if you can do the oldest job on Earth you at least can choose the gender of the baby... Forgot to put in my wish. A GM that enforce rules and punish grievers and exploiters
  25. You say it's stupid to invest in skill points and they make alts and want it so that everyone could make the biggest. But you do not want it that everyone could sail them.... Strange logic. If I put the dedication in it to build it I want to sail it to with NPC's. They not that great. Human will always win from npc. Only thing that failed is the canons outside the Canon ports. That makes it easier with npc. Builds that never could sail in real life. Like the designs.they come with but is totally out of place.
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