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Everything posted by Chucksteak

  1. LOL @Ducimus is right. Tames are super OP. I avoided them on principal. However recently I've been messing with it some because they keep adding more and more, its silly OP. Ofc, you could just stroll over and grab your mythical plate armor that everyone has just lying around in arms reach......then ask the other player to stand still for a few minutes while you work down its HP. Don't be ridiculous. You can really love the tames and still be honest enough to lament they are a must have meta due to how incredibly OP they are. They replace weapons, they replace you having to put points in weight, they replace melee tools, they replace any effort of combat that should have been put into Atlas instead of tames. And coming soon, they replace subs, boats and armor. To say they need to be nerfed is an understatement.
  2. Holy cow. Just finished the live stream. Just over an hour long and easily took 2 hours to watch. Please dont use twitch anymore. The lagg and jumping and buffering, oh my. Felt like watching online content 20 years ago. You tube is a far superior platform. I cant even get over how frustrating that was. Oh and great content by the way. Super excited for everything displayed. -CS
  3. +1 Deffinatly could use a mega patch on all the structures and how they clip together. Not just on land, but on the boats as well. I think we could amooth things out and even add some more geometric shapes to build with. Oh and while we are at it, lets put some defense back into the walls ffs. It is supposed to be stone, not paper mache.
  4. In an MMO, yes it does. Its niether new or unfair. Its actually reasonable to do this as it adds incentive to go and beat the boss.
  5. Come now, we arent commy russians or chinamen. Censorship is and always will be a terrible thing on a public forum. Locking a post is one thing, removing a post or poster is not an acceptable practice. Atlas is a textbook deffinition of an MMORPG. Albeit an unfinished one.
  6. I just want to point out, your system is the system we have. If you divide a 60 into 4x 15, then anyone who would have owned it for 60 will just simply still own it for 60. There is only 1 solution for everyone to have thier own piece of land, if that is your goal. Use old system of claims, 1 claim per person. Or at least less than 3. Now everyone has a slice.
  7. Woot! I want a flying ship!
  8. Make him an admin, boom, solved. Your welcome.
  9. Whops, please do not buy or play EA games. You clear dont have the proper mindset. Not just the OP, but anyone worried about a wipe affecting thier enjoyment of a game in development. Yes, there will be another wipe at some point, I promise. This game is in development and not finished. Fucks sake. Forget learn to code, learn to read and comprehend. Every. Single. One. Of these threads should be properly removed by admins. And stop being dumbasses please.
  10. Really, how fucking hard is it to do this simple and correctly. I suggested this over and over. 1 flag per person, 1to 3 for a company. 2-3 beds per person, can only use you own beds. Little else needed to be changed from how it was to fix it. Im not even saying what we have now is broken. Just an unnecessary route to go with.
  11. The age thing sucks. I find no enjoyment or sense of entertainment from my toon getting old in fast time like the guy that drank out of the wrong grail. In fact its a desincentive for me to even care about what my toon looks like becuase it doesnt matter 2 days later. I spent over an hour on the character creation screen the first time. This time I spent maybe 30 sec.
  12. While there is no 1 specific governing body, there is deffinatly a small list of experts that help us maintain a cohesive proper English. Just for starters though ill toss out a name, Webster.
  13. You didnt read what he wrote. Everyone is acting like only thier company can own exist on an island. The cost are fine. In fact the are likely to low judging on how ALL of the small and decent islands were gone before i even got home from work. The bigger islands are meant to cost enough to discourage a single company from wanting to own it solo. Get 2 or 3 companys and then you have enough for a bigger island. I am curious if what the devs want to happen will happen. Im not convinced anyone will want to co exist on an island in PvP. Personally i will co exist but only to be constantly working to overthrow and harass whoever owns the island i decide i want
  14. Its a good idea. I personally cant yet recommend the game to my friends unless it was $10 or less. I like it, but I acknowledge the extent to witch we are in a late Alpha stage of develoment of this game. Id like to think in about 6 months things will be a lot smoother and more well thought out. Then I could see it being worth $20-$25. Now on the other hand, if it looked and played like the advertisement video...$60 all day with no complaints lol.
  15. Oh wow, yeah I thought we were passed these posts. Did you, for some unbeknownst reason, not think that at the VERY LEAST you would get your character wiped before it launched live? Setting aside the fact that you have 750 hours in a game you only paid some $25 for, and should thank GS for the value you received (at the cost of near $0.03/hr). Its super unread and presumptuous of you to assume they only wiped the servers because they were "too lazy" . If you need to be upset with someone, then its the exploiters and cheaters that are more than half the reason there had to be a wipe. They also added about 40% more land, more or less a completely new map. If nothing else, at least google what EA actually means.
  16. A giant target that can be fitted out with am overly abundant amount of cannons, predominately on one side. It can attack a base located near or on the beach, while stopped or moving slowly. It takes a ton of resources to build and even more to crew up with NPCs, because why bother with real people. When it is sunk, you are out a lot of time and effort. OR A bear cart. A small fraction of the time invested vs a Galleon construction. A very small target that can move around at a decent speed and is fairly agile. Due to lack of proper game design the walls are for decoration only and are mere speed bumps for a bear cart. This is not to mention its superior defenses. Also said bear does not even require an NPC. I stand by my position. The best and most OP unit in the game is NOT a boat, but a god damn bear!
  17. Yeah, I know you don't want this to be an MMORPG. I understand your desire for this, not that I share it. However you know how the old saying goes, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and sounds like a duck......its a duck. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massively_multiplayer_online_role-playing_game You will at some point have to acknowledge that this is by definition a MMORPG. I have to think you don't want this to be a "theme park" MMORPG. Assuming you enjoy the game thus far, you have been enjoying a sandbox MMORPG. Or else your issue is perhaps with the MMO part of it. I can see someone just wanting a MPRPG, where you have say less than 50 people in a server with you. Id recommend the private servers if that is the issue. I have considered this myself. Now, concerning Ark, did they not have a mechanic where "turrets" were setup to auto fire and defend? Its the automation I have issue with. The NPC selling things is the free ports is fine. Well HAH! I like them too. I disagree NPCs are a must have though. Its a crutch that can allow a single player to be better at naval combat than a real crew all having to aim adjust and fire independently. This crutch is then abused to the max when a galleon is made with a cannon wall and filled with NPCs giving a single (well funded) person a nigh unchallenged position. What then IS my incentive to have a real crew on my ship? It all comes back to good game design, the BIGGEST issue with Atlas is piss poor game design that is not jiving with the concept. A small company (5-15 members) should theoretically thrive with 1-3 ships. A War brig can function perfectly with 6-15 crew. Sea of thieves nailed it in this department. The better that a crew can work together is a direct correlation to how well they perform in PvP. Put another way, the best cat herder should be the captain. This is one of the incentives we should have to make us want to interact and improve our skill. Unfortunately, we have the not very well thought out single player version applied to every individual. Your small company of 15 can field 15 boats, but the 50 man company can field 50 with the exact same mechanics. Every boat fires perfectly with NPCs, the skill element is absent, and teamwork is faux.
  18. Ill assume you meant "Upping the gold consumption". To be fair, I was talking about the cost of owning an Island. To that respect I feel it should be extraordinarily difficult for a solo player to own one. Everything should encourage and reward interaction of players, as this is an MMORPG. Honestly this whole "NPC Crew" thing is another Ark leftover, I don't think they belong in Atlas. I fundamentally disagree with the entire NPC crew concept in an MMORPG that should encourage and incentivise player interaction, not discourage it in favor of AI. Personally I would remove the "Crew" from the game and increase the defense of walls to favor the defender. Arguably, a gold cost should be added to the wall construction or upkeep.
  19. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tacking_(sailing)
  20. I think we would be approaching the appropriate amount of gold upkeep cost per day on an island. Lawless islands should be encouraged via a high upkeep cost to owning an island. The cost of owning the island should reflect the bonuses of collecting taxes and the ability to set a raid window. At 10k gold a day, it might still not be enough to justify someone from holding say the large island on A4. Gold is super easy to collect, one of my main suggestions is to add more gold sinks. Much more gold sinks. Gold was worthless in its previous form and it should be the most valuable resource to collect.
  21. Meh, I'm in the camp that PvE and PvP shouldn't be separated in the first place. It's lazy design.
  22. Man, I couldn't agree more. Lets please do away with this Dr. Doolittle charade. Why is the most powerful thing in the game; A. A land based unit in a game about the sea. B. Require me to be a beast master in a Pirate game. C. Negating any rational sort of defensive structure. I am continually disheartened at the lack of basic game theory that appears to be in Atlas. Things that are silly in this concept, such as pirates taming land animals and riding a lion around like your Hee-Man, makes it feel more like a Ark copy paste and less like an original concept.
  23. Its been a rough go for you posting. I just want to congratulate you on this one. Its rational, correct, and most impressively you weren't hateful towards anyone else.
  24. You are correct sir on #5. I did not fully comprehend the irony of the 2 conflicting statements. Good to know they plan to only grief the smaller companies around them and leave each other alone. I certainly wouldn't want to end up right back where we started in the 1st Atlas where they only left each other alone and went after smaller targets instead......
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