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Everything posted by Archsenex

  1. oh yeah, that's what's going to happen. We're already moving everything back. The whole point is that they spent MONTHS trying to get people out of lawless, and once again they're turning it into the most structured, organized zones with the most consistent rules.
  2. For a lot of people.. yes. That's the entire reason for the "build anywhere" mechanism, so that people can share the bigger islands that they can't afford with landlords who are willing to share. Now if those landlords change their mind, quit, leave the island etc. your entire base is just gone
  3. If the company is long dead, then all their structures will magically poof after 10 days. This feature literally can ONLY hit active companies. And since in PVE the only time you lose an island is going inactive, it's only intended to punish the previous tenants and settlers
  4. Honestly, this + the fact that the biggest PVE content addition... won't be coming to official PVE.. makes me, without hyperbole or exaggeration, wonder if their goal is to make the PVE networks so untenable that they can just shut down the official PVE. They clearly don't want to be running so many networks, and they can just shunt the responsibility off on Non-officials.
  5. At least we still have lawless... those servers with a consistent, predictable set of rules since practically launch... And yeah, we were about to move our breeders to an allies island... Now to take them back to lawless. Lose our entire stock because the island changes hands? Thats just dumb.
  6. Seriously? Nobody in my company can even come close to understanding this one. The whole premise since wipe was build anywhere, and after 24 hours it's safe. Now... We cannot risk building on other people's claims. If our allies quit.., our base can be trivially wiped out? And don't say the gold cost means a thing. I can earn 25k in a day, solo.
  7. It was reverted at the wipe, those extra levels were what they made into the bonus from quality. They leave a lot out of the patch notes.
  8. Uh... galleons sorta spray and pray. Yeah, a full volley on one plank would probably get it to leaky but.... They aren't they clustered in their shots. I usually get to at least the 4th volley before there's even a chance of a leak, and that is a 30+ galelon. Lower than that is usually dead before the first volley. I killed a 52 by myself, no repairs needed. Its still 41 with a basic (100% quality). Every 10 quality (round up) is +1 level. Quality = durability -20 (min 100)
  9. How can they kill what you're taming? A proper taming facility should have at least 2 layers of walls to prevent anything, player or otherwise, from interfering. T hats what the air gap is for.
  10. Ok... Not so sure about the raze. Doesn't that mean any people who've been living on unclaimed islands for over a month are just SOL? Glad we never left lawless. We didn't get an island fast enough to have a good claim base and this is going to massively punish those who built on 122 point islands. Plus the "pay for everybody's repairs" bugs mean even people who own islands could get razed now if the bugs eat all their gold (which happened to us a couple days ago and 3k gold vanished from our company only flag in about 8 hours) Lawless... where there has been the most consistent laws since launch. Yeah.. it's now way too dangerous to build on claimed land. Our allies quit the game and we lose our base on their land? That's a terrible idea.
  11. In terms of both number of panels and number of ships my company has lost, Rocks are WAY more dangerous than SOTD. Nerf Rocks!
  12. Ok, I'm confused then, if having crew repair when on stations causes them to burn resources so fast.. why don't they burn just as fast when off stations? When I take 6 crew off cannons to repair my anchored galleon, I come back in a couple days and there's certainly still metal in the chest. How are ships taking damage (other than getting hit by enemies on PVP) while anchored? Is there a new passive decay I don't know about (and I thought those places with passive decay overruled auto-repair)
  13. When you are in a Galleon, the packs are very easy. They can be taken out with almost no effort and very low risk until they hit the 50+ level range. Having them be solo would require them to hit VERY hard to be anything close to a challenge, which would just mean they would shred schooners etc. even easier. Brigs and even schooners can take out the lighter packs. From what I've seen, there's a lot of people that just won't be satisfied until there are no threats on the seas. If you're in a Galleon, you can just push right through any SOD. On our transport galleon (completely unarmed) I don't bother to turn when I see enemies, just push them out of the way.
  14. No decay was way worse than decay. When they had no ship decay people parked boats everywhere until every iota of coast was 2 deep in some places. If they just kept stuff forever, the garbage would pile up. Not everything people leave behind is a helpful ramp, and you don't want to have to have fields of walls that slowly build up over time. The only way you can have permanent structures is if you had truly private islands, where you only eat up your own space, but the game isn't built that way. Well, or solo/offline play. But shared servers have to have some form of decay.
  15. 1. Don't leave your tames on passive. A single tame can easily solo a masterwork maps worth of aod. Tames are more or less invincible. A chicken can guard your pen (only slight exaggeration). 2. There's no magical "maps spawn here" indicator to tell people where they will be. They can be almost anywhere on an island, and there's variance. Any random stretch of land could have them. Or on top of ruins. Or rocks. Or beach. There's no pattern. 3. Build your base on stilts. It prevents this problem entirely. We never use foundations. 4. I hit 91 over the weekend. I have not abandoned a single map due to a base being where it spawns. Plenty due to bad terrain etc but bases where maps spawn has so far never happened. My guess is they won't spawn where there's the enclosed buff.
  16. The apparently said this nerf was to prevent using swivels to farm xp and gold from a ship, now that they added gold to dead on golden age. Curious how people were loading crossbows into their swivels but that was the stated reason.
  17. You can never get explores on your current home server. If that server is a freeport then you wont get them. Change homes to another and then you can sail and get them.
  18. Good thing they nerfed that method too then. Cant have anything taking away from the focus of our bear overlords. Guns take 5 to 6 shots to kill one mob, so the 50+ from a masterwork will only take a few hours to work through (the map resets long before then)
  19. Still an odd choice that they're making maps, the only source of xp for leveling past about 40, REQUIRE bears. Do they expect a player doing a fine map to whip out a sword to kill 15 aod, with 4 to 6 warriors? Granted you couldn't do them without a bear or swivel before (even grenades weren't enough) but at this point just call them bear content. Reduce the spawn by 80 to 90% and maybe players could kill them in man to man but a masterwork map spawns 50+ enemies... nobody is using a sword for that
  20. The wind never hits zero. Even in minimum wind, you can outrun them in any ship. Unless you overload, of course. Don't overload, and then you can outrun them even in minimum wind no matter what.
  21. SOTD are not particularly dangerous. Ive never lost a panel to a fleet. And even if i did i carry about ten spares just in case (and for rocks, THOSE are dangerous). I honestly have a hard time figuring out how anybody sinks to these things. even if a fleet drops on you on the zone border, you should easily outpace them before they do real damage. even galleons dont dish out that much. i take multiple fleets (galleons and brigs) on a galleon, and have also fought the smaller fleets on a schooner. i never use deck cannons, all broadsides. kiting is slow, even when it worked. unless you literally come to a stop and sit until they sink you, they are no threat
  22. Or just make sailing xp based on time and not distance. Faster ships shouldn't level faster .
  23. They might also just not have everything in place to handle ships going twice as fast. People ALREADY complain about hitting stuff that hasnt loaded yet. Unless render distance can be increased you'll be slamming into galleons of the dead left and right, and player docks at every island.
  24. All I care is that Tarot contains a spread for "summon unnatural wind"
  25. I wouldn't recommend putting all weight sails on any craft, but there are breakpoints where you'll be going faster with them. Assume that a Large weight sail produces 100 thrust. A speed sail is +40%, so 140 Thrust 6 Speed sails therefore makes 840 Thrust (140*6). 5 Speed sails + 1 weight sail is 800 Thrust(140*5+100) A Galleon at 15000/30000 weight: With the speed sails, this ship will go 70.7% Max Speed, or 592.9 Thrust (840*.707) With the Speed + Weight, it will go 74.7% Max Speed, or 598.0 Thrust (800 * .747) Now, that's not exactly a LOT more, but then again replacing 1 sail on a 6 sail configuration shouldn't cause a huge shift. The main thing is that you need to not increase your load weight to over-negate the load benefit. You'll also get more benefit from upgraded weight sails (since they work while upgraded speed sails dont)
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