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Everything posted by DilBert

  1. What Jat was quoted on is explained on the steam store page. People really need to read and comprehend more. Jat did not say anything new he just restated what is said in https://store.steampowered.com/earlyaccessfaq/
  2. Another post from someone who did not bother to read the "what is early access" part on the steam page. It tells you that the game is in a playable testing phase. Even goes as far as to tell you to wait and not buy it if you can not accept it is not a finalised version.
  3. An anthill is just the entrance to an ant bed.
  4. All said and done the OP is still correct, even if they went about it the wrong way.
  5. used them today to climb peoples walls on NA pve. Climbing picks work fine on all structures.
  6. Never tried yet but can you repair equipment that is a higher tier without the skill? if not then you still will need the skill.
  7. they are just barely under green bps. make nice disposable gear. they mostly average int the 108%-114% range.
  8. I have a few common bps from maps that give extra stats. cheap to make and maintain. lol
  9. Dont need a powerstone. You can only tame mobs that have "wild" as a part of their name. You can tame a Wild Shieldhorn but can not tame a Shieldhorn.
  10. They will punish if provided with proof.
  11. Indeed Mace with maxed perks melts AoD.
  12. Freeports for trading npcs could be ok as long as they limit them. Maybe to 1 per company per freeport. No need for a salesman npc on you claim, that is what you are there for. lol
  13. Meh. Same thing except he will have to go find the shop with the materials he wants. Going to be lag city with just the shop npcs, double them with WTB npcs and no one will escape a freeport.
  14. - New Feature: Player shops in freeports. Players can set up automated shops in each Freeport, listing loot for sale and naming their own gold coin prices. From patch notes for late February
  15. The islands that are in the oceans were once in the sky. The lore even mentions them returning to the sky.
  16. - Every Tame can now get a minimum of 30 tame level-ups put into it, plus however many base levels it had when wild. So for example, a level 5 wild wolf would get 35 tame level-ups to apply, whereas a level 40 wild wolf would get 70 tame level-ups to use. From patch notes V9.2. was not hard to find.
  17. dunno what you could be missing. but tundra is best place to find coral.
  18. I guess you have to work harder now then. You are not going to be happy even when given solutions.
  19. Read the lore. Steampunk magical tech fits right in. Atlas is not set in the 1600-1700s. It is a future world that has fallen into ruins.
  20. Ramshackled sloops never have been salvageable.
  21. cook/make the food then place in preserving bag with preserving salts and it will last for days and days.
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