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Everything posted by TyGeR_STD

  1. Had two different crashes when trying to create a pathfinder. First was a hard lock of the game (Not responding) had to close and reopen. second was a CTD. Was able to finish pathfinder on 3rd try.
  2. Aren't you able to do these with out the sub? I thought you could do these with the diving suit also, but would be easier with the sub.
  3. If your going to wipe the server you can atleast add a few new gate sizes. A 2x2, 3x3, am 4x4, would be awesome. Dont even need new art, just resize the ones that are in the game now and reskin the later if need be.
  4. Somethings you'll need to edit the .ini file to make work. hell, you still have to do that t get some of the keyboard stuff to work.
  5. Hmm, the golden age of gaming right there..... I do understand the concern of this. I remember the days of watching Order vs Chaos fights all around while I was just trying to get in and out of the magic shop to buy regs. It was awesome. Made the world feel more alive and dynamic. I would enjoy something like this here.
  6. Instead of having two different servers for both sides of game play merge them into one server. With both PvP and PvE co-existing on the same server it will give larger more dynamic world for all players to interact with. The PvP players will seem more like traditional pirate with fighting and battling all around the map, wile the PvE players would seem more like merchants and traders just trying to live there life and not get swept up in the combat and wars. Add gold/loot system to destroying player ships. So when a player ship is sunk all players with PvP enabled in the area, and that have caused damage to the sunk ship with in the X time of the ship sinking receive gold/loot or some other type of reward. PvP players can use this to trade and barter with those who prefer to keep a PvE focus. This gives those who want to keep a PvE focus in the game a group (the PvPers) to barter and trade with. A company that has PvP enabled would recive higher rewards from destroying enemy ships, giving an incentive for company wide PvP. There would need to be a few new systems in place but I do not think it would be overly complicated. -Add an ability to enable/Disable a PvP flag for players/company who want to PvP with other players. Enabling PvP has a short timer. Disabling PvP has a longer timer. -When a player enabled PvP, this flags all owned buildings and ships for PvP. -Anyone with PvP enabled will have a red glow when looking at them through a spyglass (like the blue glow for discovery points) -Anyone with PvP enabled will show up on the map/grid to anyone who has an active sextet buff in that area. -Your Pathfinder has a timer while logging out while PvP is enabled before your pathfinder will disappear from the world. (stop PvP players from logging out to avoid combat/death) -A Company is able to enable PvP company wide. Enabling this has a short timer. Disabling PvP for a company has a 48 hour timer (or longer) to avoid disabling PvP to avoid raid windows. -If a PvP enabled company owns an island they set the raid window as described for this island. This will apply to everyone on the island with PvP enabled. All PvP enabled company's on a PvP enabled island raid window will sync with the island raid window. (This is to help stop different PvP compnays using different raid windows to block/shield each other from being raided) -if a PvE company owns the island, there is no raid window for the island. Each PvP enabled company will set its own window on the company tab (Same as island raid window.) This is not a complete list of what would need to happen, more of a rough outline. In many other MMO games PvP and PvE players would live in the same world. It added a larger fuller experience to the game world. I think it can do the same here.
  7. Tresure maps at Sea . you find your message in a bottle as normal as instead of showing the gird and island picture, it gives you a message that " blah blah Ship was sunk in the NE area of H12." when you get to that area you'll see the same red marker like a tresure map, when you get to a certai n range the a group of SoTD will spawn in a pack like the dev described in the live stream. once you take care of the group of SoTD you can dive down to a ship wreck at the red marker and open the tresure box. When the box opens it splits everything with everyone with in X range like a normal tresure map. Depending on the quality and level of the map you might get one or two small SoTD, or a big pack with a mix of small, medium, and large higher level SoTDs. This would give companys more reasons to get multiple ships together to do something .
  8. It's a game, not a simulation. gamers will always find non conventional ways to do things. they will game the game.
  9. I understand your concern. as long as there are only one or two of these groups per grid it shouldn't be an issue. I dont like the idea of multiple SoTD traveling in a pack. I DO think this would be perfect for another idea I had. Tresure maps at Sea. you find your message in a bottle as normal as instead of showing the gird and island picture, it gives you a message that " blah blah Ship was sunk in the NE area of H12." when you get to that area you'll see the same red marker like a tresure map, when you get to a certain range the a group of SoTD will spawn in a pack like the dev described in the live stream. once you take care of the group of SoTD you can dive down to a ship wreck at the red marker and open the tresure box. When the box opens it splits everything with everyone with in X range like a normal tresure map. Depending on the quality and level of the map you might get one or two small SoTD, or a big pack with a mix of small, medium, and large higher level SoTDs. This would give companys more reasons to get multiple ships together to do something .
  10. For PvE there needs to be a way for company to claim an area of land to build what they want/need. From the sounds of this current system a company could start building a town area and joe douche can start building right in the middle of them and there is nothing they can do to stop it. Or a company can setup at a certain location due to good resources and someone can build on top of those resources to block or troll them. Have more smaller islands per grid and give companys the ability to claim the island in PvE just like PvP. Or limited building to X close to the shore line so resources inside the island are protected from people blocking them to troll other players.
  11. I've seen this issue also. set your bear follow distance medium or farther back. also wait till your riding the elephant before you tell the bear to follow, this wH it follows the elephant and not you. these two things helps a lot
  12. Message in a bottle gives treasure maps which are fun, but are always on land. There should be treasure maps for the water. Same concept. you find a bottle near shore and it has a note inside. "Our ship was attacked and sunk by X number Ship of the Damn in the north area of J10!" so you sail to J10, see the red marker somewhere in open water on the north end of the zone and when you get close one (or more depending on the map level) unique colored ships of the damn will spawn. Once these ships are destroyed you can dive down to find a ship wreck and recover a treasure chest. The map quality will give a clue as to the level ships that will spawn. Also with the upcomming SotD changes the ships that spawn can be different sizes and levels. lower level/quality maps should be one or two very low level SotD, a higher level/quality map would be 3, 4, 5, or more high level SotD that will take several company members with several ships to deal with.
  13. Or pull the recourse out of the smithy or recourse box if I have them open. having to shuffle mats in an out of my inventory to craft small stuff gets annoying
  14. Beastmaster NPC in Freeport. when you go to him he gives a list of all your animals and will port them to you for a fee. each time this is used the fee goes up. would give players a way to recover animals that float off, fall threw the world, or magically disappear crossing zones.
  15. I was in a heatwave, to hot, in the rain, and cold.
  16. Give NPC crew abilities that can me level up as they gain levels. Sail handling, reloading speed, repair, aim speed. As your crew gains levels you can increase these abilities. this would make keeping, and leveling crew worth the effort. Max crew level at 50, 75, 100, whatever would seem balanced, each point per level you can add .1 to a skill. If I dumped all 500 too 100 level points into a skill it would add 5% to 10% to that ability. not over kill but definitely make them worth keeping. could even go farther and have crew you get from SoTD gain additional levels like taming animals. They would have a higher max level. NPC crew seems disposable at the moment, not worth keeping for long.
  17. 1x2 door, or double door, 2x2, 3x3, 4x4. seems like it shouldn't be to difficult to resize the current game to these sizes and adjust crafting cost accordingly
  18. Bear-give the ear the ability to collect honey, be because.... it's a bear! Bull-return the ability to gather thatch. Elephant, Giraffe, Rhino- because of the size of these animals I would like to see some type of rear attack to help defend against mobs that come up from behind Horse- gives a damage buff to bows and spears (or all throwing weapon's, or all weapon's) when used when mounted. you could base the buff off of the horse melee power. (Can we get a javelin!) Crow, parrot, monkey, - all smaller shoulder pets that give a buff when on your shoulder. make the buff an AoE buff when you have a pair of them together and tamed. General improvements remove all tier 1 non-combat, non-riding tames from adding to the player count on ships. Add an behavior mod to disable collecting Berry's. From the E: commands you have an ability to move pet to ship, once on a ship add command to move pet off ship
  19. Or give an option to turn off all the red claim circles on the map. then we could see the red X
  20. ok, I ran it for about 10 mins wile I was off the PC and this is what came back. I'll run it over night tonight or sometime this weekend. thank you for the help Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 452, Received = 452, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 15ms, Maximum = 168ms, Average = 19ms
  21. Is anyone else having issues with this? For awhile it seem to get a lot better but now again it seems I'm dropping connection with this message a few times an hour. I have a higher end gaming PC I build just at a year ago, game is installed and running on a SSD. The only weak spot on my end is a DLS internet connection. Not sure if this is the problem or something else. Not sure if this is a common issue for other players. Didnt see any other topics for this so thought I'd post.
  22. it came, and some troll agroed everything and pulled it to where we were all waiting just as it sapwned in. THEN, someone parked ontop of my raft so I couldnt spawn anymore..... was able to build a sloop and come from C8 back up. Was able to get it for myself and about 10 other crew members. Good stuff!
  23. was easy to get in when I did, about an hour ago. still waiting come in from the south thru that lake, you'll see the skull cave
  24. gotcha, im at the stairs that lead into the main room
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