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So I know you have been adding questing and are planning to add player bounties soon but I think you could really expand on the PVE content which would give both PVP players and PVE players tons of repeatable content to do. You could easily expand on levels of difficulty, rewards, etc. So the intent to a degree as previously stated is to have Atlas be a big MMORPG similar in some ways to EVE. Most MMO’s have daily, weekly or other kinds of repeatable content to do on a regular basis. One type of content I would love to see changed is a kind of quest/bounty system that can be repeated. You could either add a menu we can access, maybe a bounty board which can be crafted or which is located on every settlement near a settlement town square or something. You can accept individual bounties, make a party and accept a group bounty or have a company level bounty. For a starting idea it would essentially be to have NPC fleets you can get a bounty to go hunt and sink for X reward. Some of the rewards can be tier based on difficulty as well as quantity etc. You could be given a bounty to chase down a merchant ship, take out Armada X of navy Y, You could also add NPC islands which are prebuilt bases which players can accept bounties to Siege. Clear the fort and get to the loot room. After a while the fort resets. As for the shipping bounties you could be given a location to go to similar to the maps. Once you approach the area you could either 1 spawn in the ships or 2 have a situation where you have to try and find them within the vicinity. The bounty can have a timer from when you start to have to get to the location. More time if it’s further away. Daily limits and reset timers after X time. After the ships spawn in or you find them a ship battle commences of varying ship types and numbers depending on what kind of bounty it is. This could be listed in the bounty. After succeeding to sink the NPC ships you could loot the shipwrecks. This also would leave open a PVP opportunity if someone happens upon you and sees you looting a freshly sunk bounty. You could instead of having SoTD allow the crew members who don’t die and sink to the bottom to be pressed into service aboard your ship, those who refuse can be executed or taken back to a Freeport and turned in for a bounty or other countless options. We are supposed to be pirates and we should be pirating merchants and navies. Sometimes we will work together and sometimes we will fight each other over what the other has. You could have Infamous NPC pirates to fight as well in addition to the bounties placed on other players. As far as what kind of loot you can really expand on it. Gold is an obvious choice. You could also have rare items that get used in additional content which gets added down the road. rare trading spices, metals, woods, blueprints, cosmetics, etc. You could also have items to collect and turn back in for different items in the Freeport. Ship customizations and all sorts of other similar things the options are endless. I really feel like this game is too heavily focused around PVP at the moment and that is going to cause the game to be very limited as to who it draws in. I think by adding non PVP content on both servers will drag in a lot more players and leave everyone with something to do. Even people who PVP enjoy PVE content. Powerstone islands are another big opportunity for content. You could add this as a bounty as well beyond just the quests to do each powerstone for the eventual kraken fight. I would also love to see the powerstone island tunnels expanded upon. You could turn the tunnels into a dungeon, find a key to open the door inside this could be the powerstone key itself or another key that gets you inside. You could fight your way through or have puzzles or really expand on this and make it a fun challenge to get to the powerstone beyond the current cobra/bat maze where you just keep trying until you get through. There could be unique rewards at the end of each one which makes unique items. There could even be multiple types which players could trade parts and pieces with each other to make said items. I really hope the Kraken is just the first kind of “end game” raid style content on the game. This again can be greatly expanded upon as the game goes on having different types of bosses to fight both at sea and on land. I am sure other people have other ideas for PVE content in the game and I think you guys really need to add more. I am really hoping that Atlas does not repeat the Ark style of PVP only content. In my opnion it’s a toxic environment for most players to enjoy. If you want this game to be an EVE style game it needs a lot more content to do beyond PVP and things everyone can enjoy. I also think the PVP server should have low risk low reward zones which players can be safe inside of and high risk high reward areas where PVP is the mainstay. I would personally like to see PVE only servers removed as there are just as many people on those servers whose main goal and purpose is to grief players who are just there to have fun just as much as there are people on PVP who live to do the same. Every MMO I have played to date has PVP on it in some way but PVE and PVP exist side by side to varying degrees. If anyone else has ideas and thoughts feel free to share and expand. Hopefully the devs can pick some of them up and run with them or maybe get inspired on similar content they already have in the works and expand upon it. TLDR; I want to see a lot more MMO style repeatable quests, bounties, dailies, weeklies, dungeon, raiding content with generic and unique rewards and to be expanded upon as development continues. Have any thoughts or ideas feel free to make a post.
The island I live on once had a player count of over 85 every day. Then Chinese companies repeatedly rolled in and sunk ships while we got at most 5 hours of sleep. Most of them left for this reason. Today once again, a company rolls in and sinks EVERY ship on our island while we slept. Some companies are small, some have 20+ people in them. None of it matters when youre offline. We had two towers with 15 NPCS each in them. All with varying distances on range, the ships had cannons also manned, costing me almost 1k gold a day for defenses. None of it mattered. If you're going to allow people to offline raid your ships, then cut the cost on them by 60% so it doesnt take 4 hours smacking trees and fiber to gather the resources to replace them. This is why people are fed up. The common answer, "Join a LARGE company". Well from the many people within large companies, that spend hours smacking trees, only to have the box they drop the wood in Pin coded to admin, or any other number circumstances, no thank you. This game is labeled as an MMO but with now tiles that take 30 minutes to get across, featuring a population of 20 PEAK hours, its not so massive anymore. The mechanic for offline raiding NEEDS to be fixed through either balancing, or some other way. Ive got 500 hours into this game at this point, and am just about ready to hang the towel.
- 26 replies
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- game dying
- raid
- (and 8 more)
First off this is a first post to your forum. Kudos to the Devs for working these crazy hours and through the holidays releasing the EA for the game. This discussion is with regards to the offline ship sinking that is truly causing people to leave the game. People talk about Region locks fixing this but I disagree with that idea. This will just reduce the game population too much, and I think diversity is good as long as no one is cheating. Below is a proposed fix ***Offline Ship Raiding Fix*** Companies that are 100% offline and ships are Anchored will receive an armor/HP bonus to PVP attacks both Cannon or fire related. HOWEVER....This scales based on company size. For example. A 3 man company that is 100% offline will recieve 100% of the bonus armor/HP. A 20 man company will only recieve a 80% reduction and so on. My thoughts are that large companies should have more diverse players allowing some someone to almost always be online. Take a look at this pole someone started on the subject..... Let me know what you guys think. I hope a Dev or two sees this and seriously adds to whatever plans they are working on for this issue, or considers my fix. **Just so everyone knows...I have 266 hours of game play as of this writing. So Ive seen quite a bit of all sides of the game to make this writing.
Playing on official PvP EU. Since day one we have had trouble with getting our ships destroyed during the night. Not by people we are at war with, but by randoms passing through. Just griefing I guess. Can we have a certain time for raiding during prime time please. Something like this maybe: Stone buildings can only be destroyed during prime time 18/19:00 to 22/23:00. Same goes for ships anchored in own territory. - Except after a ship pulls anchor it can not go invulnerable for 1 or 2 hours. This way people can sleep at night and those who play off hours, can still do sea battles. People need to be able to have a real life or this game will for hardcore huge companies only. A competing survival game has done this and it vastly improved the player base.
Hello readers, I want to suggest adding dedicated raid times to official PvP servers. At the moment lots of people constantly get raided during the night which makes it imposible to progres in the game. Also it is not fun for both the raider and the defender. I would love if you guys put up timeframes where raiding is allowed. And the rest of the time buildings cant be damaged. for example from 5-12 PM raiding is allowed. But before and after that buildings that are claimed are protected. Lots of other survival games have this and with the gigantic size of atlas it doesnt sound like a bad idea to me.