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AHOY Captain's we received a lot messages from all over the world, for teaming up and to slay down the Kraken! [DEUTSCH] AHOY Kapitäne, Wir haben nachrichten von überall in der welt erhalten von mutigen Kapitänen für einen Angriff auf den Kraken ! Discord: KRAKEN FIGHT requirements/benötigt wird: minimum needed is a Battleship(min. 8 cannons) with min. 200% resistence, 400 cannonballs (Sloops and leechers are gettin Blacklisted and announced) For the date and time contact/ Für das genaue Datum und Uhrzeit kontakt: Egon von Sturmberg#2417 Who is Sturmberg / Wer ist Sturmberg? ICE DUNGEON Requirements/Benötigt wird: All normal Powerstones/Skill: around 200 health, 50 fortitued, rest in weight/-Equiptment: food to keep up your vitamins and 1-3 grog, 1-3 Crossbows(prefered highger quality),, 1-5 Carbines(prefered highger quality), 20-30 grenades, 10-20 Medikits, 1-2 monkeys with a good lvl(heals you), some spare armor in case of death(Fur) If you are looking for a alliance for the Kraken or to get the Powerstones or just to socialize, send us a message or contact us on Discord: [DEUTSCH] Alle normalen Steine der Macht/Talente: ca, 200 Leben, 50 Resistenz, restliche punkte in gewicht/Ausreichend essen um eure vitamine 2-3 Stunden aufrecht zu erhalten und 1-3 grog/Waffen: 1-3 Armbrust(bevorzugt von höherer qualität), 1-5 Gewehre(bevorzugt von höherer qualität), 20-30 Granaten, 10-20 Medikits, 1-2 Affen mit einem hohen level(heilt dich), ersatz Rüstung(Pelz) Wenn du nach einer Allianz für den Kraken oder die Steine der Macht suchst oder einfach nur zum sich austauschen kontaktiere uns im discord: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Company Profile/ Kompanie Profil: House von Sturmberg - Is WorldRecord holder and is the oldest and biggest trading organizations in Atlas. ! As international company with more than 60 members, we are a group of adult people teaming up to having fun and the understanding that real life is going first. Freedom and self indepence us what we are standing for. It doenst matter to us if someone is a new beginner, casual gamer or a Hardcore Gamer. We are well known for building amazing Citys and intelligent construction solutions. Our Headquarter is in Central - Sturmberg City and our outpost is in Northpole. House von Sturmberg is leading the biggest alliance of brave pirates and companys who risk theire lifes for honor and glory! Several times we defeated monster like the deep sea demon, the Yeti King or the legendary Ghostship [DEUTSCH] Haus von Sturmberg - Ist Weltrekord halter und die älteste und grösste Handelsorganisationen in Atlas. Als internationale Kompanie sind wir über 40 Mitglieder Stark und sind eine gemeinschaft von erwachsenen die sich zusammen geschlossen haben um gemeinsam spass zu haben, ohne strenge Verpflichtungen. Freiheit und selbstbestimmtheit sind das wofür wir einstehen, dabei spielt es keine Rolle, ob Anfänger, gelegenheits Spieler oder Profi. Wir sind bekannt für das bauen beeindruckender Städte und ausgeklügelter Konstruktionen. Unser Hauptquartier ist in Zentral - Sturmberg City und unser Aussenposten ist am Nordpol. Haus von Sturmberg führt die grösste Allianz von mutigen Kapitänen, die ihr Leben riskieren für Ruhm und Ehre! Dutzende Male, haben wir Seemonster wie den Tiefsee Dämon bezwungen, den Yeti Königoder das legendäre Giesterschiff.
The island I live on once had a player count of over 85 every day. Then Chinese companies repeatedly rolled in and sunk ships while we got at most 5 hours of sleep. Most of them left for this reason. Today once again, a company rolls in and sinks EVERY ship on our island while we slept. Some companies are small, some have 20+ people in them. None of it matters when youre offline. We had two towers with 15 NPCS each in them. All with varying distances on range, the ships had cannons also manned, costing me almost 1k gold a day for defenses. None of it mattered. If you're going to allow people to offline raid your ships, then cut the cost on them by 60% so it doesnt take 4 hours smacking trees and fiber to gather the resources to replace them. This is why people are fed up. The common answer, "Join a LARGE company". Well from the many people within large companies, that spend hours smacking trees, only to have the box they drop the wood in Pin coded to admin, or any other number circumstances, no thank you. This game is labeled as an MMO but with now tiles that take 30 minutes to get across, featuring a population of 20 PEAK hours, its not so massive anymore. The mechanic for offline raiding NEEDS to be fixed through either balancing, or some other way. Ive got 500 hours into this game at this point, and am just about ready to hang the towel.
- 26 replies
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- game dying
- raid
- (and 8 more)
they are glitching tru walls in base and boats and aimboting need admin support asap to punich company BLDX for useing cheats to raid across multipel players Help pls or atlest give us answers if admins will do anything against cheaters
Need help in the raid on the clan Kurosawa Company. Now they have no admins at all and they are weakened. Technically, they can not manage their ships now and are blocked inside buildings without admin rights. They are in the square N12. We will rob the loot! Let's take revenge on our Chinese brothers!
How can players demolish the structures of others in pve? Stealing the trunks on the ship is fine ... but inside the house, it's absurd. demolished my ship base construction. if I wanted to be rationed I would play on the pvp server. even my chests with passwords, 2 guys came and stole everything. and destroyed my ship under construction. This is unacceptable, I can not even retaliate since I am in PVE !!! and this should not happen.
Raiding on bases is impossible because the defender can just instantly replace the wall that the attackers destroy,there should be some sort of timer for replacing walls