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Everything posted by Vorxius

  1. is there a preview? been clicking way too much today!
  2. Always liked the idea of ONE MASSIVE water spout, than 12 little ones that chase you like chavs after you just withdrew £10 from a cash machine. You can then crank up it's damage, and it'll be something you REALLY want to not go in to
  3. One could say the Ancient Egyptians were using flying saucers 2600 BC to build their pyramids to (ironically there is more evidence to suggest they did, than didn't) hahaha
  4. Vorxius


    I got 9 stars last night... Ended up with a buff duration of ~2 hours. 2 hours isn't bad for 45 seconds of self mutilation playing the mini game lol (ok it's not THAT bad, but, i do have a tough time spotting the stars that pop up like hydrogen whack-a-mole)
  5. Quick update on this....... I got my 30 bear back.. Went back to the same island, and bear had spawned at exactly the same location : level 30 WIN. See being a stubborn a$$hat works
  6. 100% this. I have had way way more success taming WITHOUT traps. The animals will lash out at ANYTHING within their field of attack, so when you have a post or whatever in the animals face, it will permanently attack it. Most attacks have an AOE cone, so you trying to stuff something into an animals face when it's busy attacking a post is not helpful to you or your taming. With no post in its face, you'll be surprised as to how easy taming is. Last night used a bear, and tamed another (level 30) bear without incident, and two level 26 rhinos without a single hit. You can attack down to bola health with the bear attack, and if that's not enough, you can bola from the back of a bear. People need to realise the trapped animal isn't attacking them when they have a fence in their face, they're attacking the fence, and you're just collateral damage most times.
  7. If I didn't get a 20% reduction in gold (i can't call it tax) on claimed islands, I'd actually prioritize mapping there instead.. As the gent did, many owned islanders are actually trying to help out mappers, I came across three islands out of 5, some even had a notice when you approach (when you get the island splash screen) that the ramp to xyz hill top treasure is located on the 'east' side... I thought to myself, what awesome owners. Shame you get robbed of so much gold, else it would be a fantastic experience. Btw Cudos for EU PvE companies holding grid rows A + B, implementing these ramps for treasure hunters. Shame about the bugged armies of the damned, and the 20% gold reduction, but that's not on the players, that's one for Grapeshot to ponder over the morning starbucks
  8. One of my contacts on discord (lawless) was complaining that this guy parked his galleon right across his pier, blocking 3 boat parking spaces (that he built for decent players to reverse up to, giving them access to a jetty and easy platforms to the coastal resources, as there was a treasure map location nearby to, so traffic was fairly regular). What did this guy do? well after blocking the three parking spaces, he comes swimming in (ignoring the walk ways), plonks down several foundations, and builds a taming pen around some metal deposits... my friend; he's half laughing, half raging on the channel, and I said, well ask him to move the boat and remove the pen when done?? easy... my contact chuckled a sinister guffaw, and said no way he's going to do that, I have an idea.. After some time, the chap finished his giraffe tame, went straight to the boat, and ignored all friendly requests to remove the taming pen, instead he exclaimed in chat that we could consider it a present (bearing in mind it's unwanted, and in the way). and he jumped on his boat to leave. Only then my mate laughed hard, said the idiot is going nowhere. Apparently, as insurance, whilst this guy was taming, they built under water pillars to block the galleon in. The chap was stuck fast. He started ranting in chat about reporting the corp for griefing and splattering insults everywhere, and a polite reminder was made for him to get back to the beach and undo all the mess he made. The moron still refused. The galleon was there for two days, until all of a sudden the pen was gone, and the mess was tidied up. The pillars were quickly removed, and the galleon was allowed to be on its way, the next day it was gone, so assumably, he logged in and went with his tail between his legs... Immediately, they put foundations all around to protect the area from this kind of thing.. I cannot blame them. In PvP you can remove such unwanted structures, in PvE, as long as the player remains active, game over, untouchable, you have an immune to everything structure pointlessly blocking you. So foundation spam is a deterrent, and preventative measure to stop someone borking your hard work.
  9. Makes a difference when that happens, but alas, Atlas maps in mountains are bugged as hell. It's a lottery
  10. What I want to know is what powers SotD... If it's wind, they're pretty good at sailing in NO wind. And pretty bad in stormy weather, and their non sails, are pretty effective at propulsion. If it's not wind, and have diesel motors, explains why they sail at the same speed regardless of weather condition. Why can't I have a diesel motor!? If it's not wind, nor motor, and it's wizard power... then I'd like wizard power to!... but then wizard power is slower than sails in good wind, but when there's no wind, wizard power is pretty cool. Perhaps there's a wizard / diesel / wind hybrid boat going? Always wanted a Prius Schooner.
  11. Is that the same thing as getting a broken leg for eating too many olives? haha
  12. Vorxius


    The way I think it works is that there's two sets of skills, one does a multiplier on the time the buff lasts, and the other one gives you additional time to 'play' the mini game hence increasing the base time it lasts. The minimum number of stars to get the buff is 4, but the more time on your game 'timer' allows you to surpass 4, so each additional star you get over 4 increases the length of time the buff lasts. In short, one set of sextant skills makes the buff longer, the other set of skills prolongs the agony of being able to play the mini game, but allows you to find more stars which continues to multiply the actual buff duration. Once the mini game timer is up, that's how long the buff lasts. So, both sets of skills combined is what you need. To be honest, I'd bundle both sets of sextant skill trees into one skill. Having two separate skills robs you of more important skills, but grabs you by the short and curlies because you need that extra duration, but it's pointless unless you're multiplying what you do have... like wise t'other way around, no point in multiplying next to nothing.
  13. if you're not planning to stay and take damage.... few points in resistance, for security, and weight weight weight we have crew so, some accommodation can help to reduce overheads (and helps speed up repair when anchored). We use our 'exploration galleon' for all long haul missions. We have animal deck and it has LOADS of weight for resources. With the new cargo update, that's awesome for us.
  14. Yeah, can't agree more, I'd actually think it's a great system if 20% [tax amount] is added to the coffers, than taxing me effectively 20% of my time for nothing in return. Does leave a bitter taste in the mouth.
  15. Told you I have been a .... tw@t ever since My point is, I'm too angry to quit. There's quitting, and rage quitting with a vengeance. This sucker has a vengeance that makes a woman scorned with hell fury seem like a kitten purring. I'm getting that bear back. Aint nobody got time to quit over this shyte!
  16. The best advice I can give to combat this is to 𛚫𛚫𛚫𛚫 𛚫𛚫𛚫𛚫𛚫 𛚫𛚫 𛚫𛚫𛚫𛚫𛚫 𛚫𛚫𛚫𛚫𛚫𛚫𛚫 𛚫𛚫𛚫 𛚫𛚫𛚫𛚫𛚫 𛚫𛚫𛚫
  17. Vorxius


    The mini game is full of frustration. Sometimes there are no stars, or they do not spawn, or they spawn is a place where it wasn't before, it's like a star-whack-a-mole, that's more frustrating than fun. Annoying at the best of times, but when you don't have LOS with the whole sky / horizon, it really is a mood destroying annoyance. The buff, however, is really useful. I never sail with out it, and sometimes you can get it to last a LONG time with the skills in it, for me it's a must have buff when captaining a ship, and I make the crew wait until I have wrestled that necessarily evil mini game.
  18. I rage quit last night to bugged soldiers of the damned in a treasure map hunt.. killed me (invisibly), then my bear was left alone with a herd of skeletons, which they proceeded to easily kill.... then, when I arrived back, they all sank into the floor and proceed to laugh at me inside a mountain. The bear was a tamed level 30 Oh how that unbalanced my evening. Been a snappy twat ever since. I may jump on tonight, and obsessively try to find and tame another 30, just out of sheer frustration, and compulsive cut nose off to spite face.
  19. Been treasure hunting this 2x weekend. The amount of gold lost to tax was in the region of 22,000. After this stint, as i feel like i'm caught by my short and curlies, I'll avoid treasure hunting on taxed islands. Every island was set at 20%, and to know that's the max, makes me pretty resentful, that I should sail half way across the atlas map for a 20% deficit on the majority of my maps. If it DID NOT rip me off 20% of my effort, but magically added 20% to the coffers of the island owners, i'd be endorsing that. I'd happily do my part to contribute, but after these last two maps I'm over it. Which is a shame, because islands that are owned are much nicer to map on, cleaner, and really well maintained. 20% bites too much for me to be enjoyable.
  20. There is unnecessary pillar / foundation spam, and there is needed foundation / pillar spam. Needed foundation spam is to stop some thoughtless and ignorant moron building a 'use-once' taming pen right in the middle of your base, or, putting a use-once ship yard right at the mid point of a pier you're trying to build for visitors. I could be accused of localised foundation spam (to perimeter access points to our main base), but I'd never use what i'd coin destructive foundation spam, like spamming 2/3rds of an island, and ignoring requests for parts to be removed in gentlemen agreements. We moved base, as some twit built a taming pen right in the middle of it, then ignored all requests to get rid of it, we even offered to make a public pen just in case... but no, they won, and we moved.. so hell yeah, foundation'd the area to stop that nonsense.
  21. One thing that has happened several times for us, is when putting a bear back on a boat, it appears in a room inside the galleon on the 3rd deck.. we have to demolish half the boat to get it out. To have a deck-only check would be super helpful (in lieu of animal pens?)
  22. Hi team, just a QOL change needed. We have a galleon and the food hall is at the rear in one of the raised compartments, the only issue is that the crew member on the front sail is out of range, every time we anchor, we have to set that one member to 'follow' and drag him / her to around the second sail in so they're in range of the food. Please can this be altered to encapsulate the whole boat? Seems logical that the larder asset should cover the boat to which it's situated.
  23. Hi team, tldr right off the bat: please can we remove mountain top / side map locations please until the bugs have been ironed out? This weekend I spent a lot of time working through the valuable treasure maps we have, it involved LONG distance journey from K10, to the A grids. For maps that were on flat surfaces, things seem ok, beaches and inland flat low level areas I had no issue with..... HOWEVER, trying to do maps that are on the side of mountains, or in generally rocky and high places just don't work with the armies vanishing inside the terrain, and upon killing everything getting the message 'two enemies remain', becomes very frustrating. Also I noticed we had several groups of undead, every 4 to 5 seconds, bury themselves into the ground and immediately re emerge at full health... Why does this happen? when things are working it's annoying but doable (frustrating as hell, but doable), but, this sinking into the ground tends to trigger the whole inaccessible undead thing, and the glitching. Please can treasure map locations get looked at, and if it's not possible to fix undead mechanics, please put maps in places where the bugs won't affect them i.e. flat areas with no mountains.
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