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Everything posted by krazmuze

  1. use the ishome=true flag that freeport uses on lawless servers, if you look back at old .json maps when lawless was login servers that is how it was done. There is a server flag for enabling pvp though I guess ishome might disable pvp?
  2. I have to agree the patch changed something. I am running an offline copy of official and it only runs servers that I am in, and only when I am on it. So there was no opportunity for damned to build up even though I might not visit it for weeks. There was for sure much much more damned in freeports and lawless usually 6 in view when normally it would be 3. My sloop was lightly loaded so I escaped but it was a two hour journey to cross half a grid as you can only outrun them with the wind, and there would always be another in the way. Devs need to own up to the hidden change, this is not about 'git gud son' it is about fixing bugs and making sure they are not regressing code accidentally as they make feature changes. I suspect what happened is they put in the AI change for the upcoming damned change. If they cannot fix it then they should have the damned turn on each other.
  3. Kill rate < spawn rate is why damned spawning in freeports makes little sense. Who will kill them? Not lvl 8 ramshackle sloopers without cannons. Nor will the gally running in to fetch things from the store, they want to get out before they get damaged too bad, and protecting the sloopers from the greens is not worth the reward. I think in order to control the population when players are not - damned should turn on each other.
  4. polar has more damned as does golden grids. Best do a count in other areas. If player kill rate is less than spawn rate then it does get busy.
  5. that is not a ghost ship that is a damned ship. With the latest patch your base and anchored ships are safe unless you engage. Based on my testing (full redis wipes) It seems that the current settings are for three of them at a time to harass you (four in polar, five in golden). Reducing NPCShipNumMul seems to reduce how many swarm you but see others posts it seems to require a full redis wipe to take.
  6. Worse further from origin sounds like floating point precision which gets worse with larger numbers. That is inherent with floating point, both unreal and unity have the same issues.
  7. there is still a buff to pursue just not forced into it with a debuff. I like the treasuremap idea though maybe make it take multiple random tries to find the right map and loot box so that you would not know for certain where to go at 90 might take you till 100 to find it. Anyone in your group would benefit just like treasure hunting. Make it the most elite spawns. I think you should break your idea into its own thread. It never made sense to me that the fountain of youth would be found in powerstones islands where there already is an endgame quest and just creates a naked sloop lag fest - even bumping up to 8 locations is not going to help much. Treasure map makes it every location and fits within the lore of foy that is was something to search for. And they did say the are entertaining a redesign of foy.
  8. pretty much need voxels to do that, like minecraft, wurmonline, planet explorers and nomansky. Otherwise it would have to be preexisting caves that you can mine nodes, like ark caves just make that the main purpose. Terrain is not dynamic in this game, performance already gets bad with dynamic structures and boats forcing limits that still have horrible drawin - can you imagine how much worse dynamic terrain would make it?
  9. avoid the bug by using standard tiles, instead of 4x dimensions uses 4x tiles. Does mean redrawing map and wiping though if that is your concern.
  10. That it probably cannot be fixed without high cost? Thus the workaround of using standard tiles, the only gameplay change it creates is the shimmer (and any bugs crossing servers)
  11. wave generators often using spatial frequency domain synthesis, what that means is waves are relative to the size of the grid as otherwise it would require 4x the memory to make waves be same size. They cannot just copy paste the same wave pattern 4x as it would create unrealistic discontinuity and they cannot half step the pattern as that would smear out the waves.
  12. It is already in there, but not an ini like you think. It is a server customization in the .json or island editor. It is used on official for damned in polar and powerstone grids. Not sure how number of grids has to do with it as it is a grid specific setting. More likely is their spawn was balanced for the larger population expected to be killing them on official, unofficial has smaller populations thus less killing means more ships. Here is an old post on it. on
  13. Incorrect assumption as it was the devs that posted the patch with it at default of 'false' as per the official game, indicating it is a boolean along with the naming convention 'b' prefix which also indicates it is a boolean. More likely assumption is that there is a another variable that sets the age that they did not disclose. So anyone has this variable working?
  14. The Atlas devs released their server files for free for this very reason that people can play on their own servers, also if you are going to develop mods using the devkit the best way to develop them is to use single player. ARK only allows you to make server clusters for teleports, there is no ship sailing across borders, so not sure where the idea comes from that ARK is single player ATLAS. Many of the systems in ATLAS are improved from ARK as well. This guy wrote a server navigator to play the entire official map and the discord is active supporting those trying to get setup. https://discordapp.com/channels/532730727570210826/532731162250969118 Maybe you play official and want to use single player to scout out where resources are. If that is too big then there are some smaller sample maps in the server editor and a number of people making them. Yes Atlas has no direct LAN search and if you setup your maps using external IP you need a router/ISP that lets you get out and back in. But you can also setup your maps with LAN 128.x.x.x or play on your gaming PC using 127.x.x..x here address which is how the servers already access the redis database. Add your login server to steam and it will show up in ATLAS favorites. The only drawback to the internal address is rejoin does not work, and every logout server needs to be added in steam (or you bed teleport to freeport to logout) And yes there currently is no mod that solves the server not up so bottles are empty problem. You could just multiply treasure to compensate.
  15. bUseStaticCharacterAge=true Adding this was supposed to freeze your current age but it made me crazy ancient, so I just deleted it and that broke the ancient by making me 20. Nobody ever confirmed the attribute froze your age, still waiting for others to say it worked for them.
  16. https://atlascalculator.com/?ac_3Z5gsE 70 points to unlock much of ship building because map maker levels are leaves of that tree. It would make sense if it was parallel to sightseeing, cosmology, and navigator branches in the sextant tree. I personally think because the in game UI is spaghetti compared to this tools logically placed tree, nobody noticed this illogical leaf placement.
  17. but the admins can destroy it if they consider your report of obscene structure valid
  18. That is for small number of claims only, it is 3days inactivity if large number of claims. How does a small time player with one claim troll you? Either they go inactive or they are checking in to see how the game is patching out.
  19. ASC 'Atlas Server Controller' thread was linked in this thread. 16gB certainly not with nine grid plus game, but easy with current/freeport grid open and if you need you can run game with low mem option. There are people on ASC discord doing 16GB. Six grids plus game plus a bunch of chrome windows it can get tight in 32GB - I have had a couple crashes. The map editor does not require the dev kit that is just where you grab the latest map file. The map editor itself is lightweight, it purely is just a graphical parameter editor so you can drag/drop islands and settings rather than hacking up the .json text file to do the same. The only thing it is used for is to export the map to your servers with your IP/port settings, although once you have it you could make your own maps you do not need devkit as you are not modding you are just rearranging.
  20. But the issue is you can sail from the top of the map onto the bottom, tried to propose a hemisphere map that was polar to equator for unofficial and triggered a bunch of people that said they would be sailing from pole to equator. That wraparound is what makes it the torus (devs most certainly could have put a red wall there though) As far as your compass goes? Well it is magic steampunk powered and also provides GPS coordinates. Cause if indeed it was an unrolled torus up would be down and down would be up depending on if you are inside or outside half of the map - it is not a north south half despite what the compass says.
  21. the map editor comes with couple small maps and the entire map. It has not been updated with the latest lawless change but if you join ASC discord you can get the update, or download the mod dev kit which is updated. If you have room left on your PC you do not even need a dedicated server, ASC lets you have 1-9 grids open - the entire point was running it on average hardware even alongside your game. Your only issue will be dealing with IP/router/ISP - ASC does not document that part as that is not any different than any other game. He just tells you what the ports he is using in the batch files he generates. So yes it is not as easy as ARK SP as you need to set it up and fiddle with it, but it does in fact work. Why devs released mod kit without making setup pushbutton as in ARK is beyond me because you need a private server if you are going to mod.
  22. It is not the north and south pole, notice the regions are named east and west but not named north and south? This is because you are not on a sphere you are playing on an unrolled torus. The first and last row of the map are the same pole at the top of the torus, the middle row is at the bottom of the torus. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torus
  23. The PVE PC hover fix applies to NPC as well I think, but could still happen on PVP if your boat was full but then birds on the poop deck is the least of your ship worries on PVP.
  24. Anyone who ran ark also knows the command line shares some of the gus ini, and that is another way to do it by putting into the json server/default command line overide section ?param=value in the json or in the gui. That is a cumbersome format but it did work for harvest amount. Seems that there is still much ark/cut paste code in atlas and they did not make reuseable code that could be redirected so every parameter works in the json . for example "bAllowUnlimitedRespecs": true works in the .json whereas "OverridePlayerLevelEngramPoints": 100 must instead be put in each servers .ini. Please prove me wrong as I am trapped in the nightmare of trying to get scripting to do that workaround. But seems if some of it has to go in the servers dir, might as well do it all that way for easier config mgmt - save pulling your hair out wondering why this worked and that did not.
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