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Everything posted by Aasimar

  1. yep... same for me... kicked by Battleye, reson Client not responding I have the rejoin button.. but loadingscreen of eternity
  2. also cant log back in into the game... Got kicked by battleeye because client not responding...?? since then i cant rejoin.... loading for a while then i get a gamecrash message
  3. on my brig i get always... cant reach the water or something like that... no clue what to do tryed like every free space on the ship
  4. why not.. just keep an eye on the PVE Forum... or create a v1 Kraken hunt by yourself
  5. No... thats wrong... the skill he got is the Veteran Pathfinder... you can see it in his Screenshot... so dont tell him nonsens with missing mats.... the skill you get for killing the Kraken v1 looks like the Submarine and is called Explore the Depths https://atlas.gamepedia.com/Special_Skills he simply was on the wrong Kraken kill...(nothing wrong.. because you killed it.. but its the wrong for the Sub)
  6. Short awnser, you did the wrong kraken Long awnser, There are two Kaken versions v1 Is Blue, you need the powerestone and you get as reward the Submarine. v2 is orange, you need the Essence and you get as reward the 40% bonus on all cooldowns Problem: As far as i know... if you already have all the Essences.. you cant call the v1... which is realy bad you need someone who still can call the v1
  7. in the bag.... the "fridge" is sadly only a ice machine
  8. yes it works underwater... you just have to build it there... wehre its cold enouth.... so you may have to dive 50-100m we have a "frige" like 2-3 galleons deep right below our harbour
  9. Pro Tip.... Build it underwater
  10. Try it with Bears... they are easy living.... get them to 10% and they eat from the trough (berrys)... very easy... Tames that eat meat are a whole different story You need to canstantly farm meat, because it gets rotten (a Tigre juveline died today because i whanted to sleep 6 hours)... but fear not.... with the new megaupdate hopefully ice cubes will help.... tho i didnt read anything from throgs... just from presavation bags..... well hopefully in the future thy will also support a throg... till then... dont breed Meatbags.... only Vegans... *sigh*
  11. I had the same problem.... whanted to shoot fire from the Dragonshead... but just a tiny burst then dismount :/... so i also removed the swivel
  12. rofl.. yeah... sure https://www.usdebtclock.org/world-debt-clock.html
  13. 169% with Myth shipyard = level 48 max...
  14. Aasimar


    EU Kraken Sa+So 20:00 CEST. Meet&Great at I8 20:00 CEST, go in for the Kill at last 20:30 feal free to join
  15. I think its still easy, and i dont mind the change (EU/PvE). But ok.. i sail aroud in a Galleon and blast everything out of the water when i sail by... I have 7 Cannons on the Stern of my Galeon, if i have the need to pull someting, and iam prety happy with it btw... someone said something about realism with ship to ship fights? Take a look at the Movie Admiral-Michiel de Ruyter from 2015.. its Movie from the Netherlands Yes its a Movie, but i think its still quite accurate
  16. EU PVE Travel via Ship or Bed broken
  17. F10 down on EU PvE. Just sailed into the grid, now i cant reenter the game
  18. Ist uns auch schon passiert... Galleone gesunken...(was solls.. haben noch 2-3 in bau) viel schlimmer finde ich, das irgend welche Penner immer noch dein Schiff mitten in der Nacht versenken können (PVE) entweder durch an die Leiter hängen, oder einfach Tiere draufschmeißen bis das Crewlimit überschritten wird.
  19. I know, ist not the best solution but... If you own a Ship... sail to a freeport and collect resources there... we did that.. farmed there for one day and did build our Galleon parts on the ship (because the wheigt is way lower). Its realy smooth, because no animals that will hunt you down every few minutes. But it was a act to bypass all the SotD on the Way to Homebase.. but we did... And yeah.... fix the damn Buoys and the Lighthouse
  20. 1.st If you put it on Water, it dosnt lit... because of Water 2.nd If still not fixed, it prevents spawn of res in a big area
  21. Build 2 story buildings and kill em from above or throu the wall (Needs a lot of ammunition tho, and build Stone buildings))... thats what we do with the Alphas. We only have Crocs and Snakes tho, and those insane Vultures you realy regret when you hit one. But respawntimes are way to fast for them, when your solo... with a Group its "easy"
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