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Everything posted by microphobe

  1. *Licks fingers* You want a spanking you naughty little boy? Well if that's what you WANT! I'm going to give you ice cream instead! How do you like that? Hah! No spanking for you! But while I agree that you can schedule holidays etc. just taking a sickie for a game is not on and will be rewarded with whatever patch etc not actually dropping on that day.
  2. I did always wonder why they split up the eu/na servers in the first place. assuming a total player population of highest peak rate of ~50k Split 50:50ish between pvp and pve you are looking at 25k players per server, averaged throughout the day you aren't likely to have more than 10k players on at any one time which is way less than the servers can handle in theory. With the added pvp raid windows this should help the time zone issues a lot and would allow some variation experiments in server types such as mixed pvp/pve zones etc to help narrow down just what the players actually want because god knows they don't really know themselves, they just shout out ideas and then go back to playing and forget them a week later.
  3. If you take the day off of work/school for a patch or whatever game related BS you should be punished. Get your priorities straight. This game wont put food on your table or knowledge in your head, don't miss out on an opportunity to get that by playing games.
  4. People will always go the path of least resistance, they build the gates because it is easier than building that many walls, it also has less of an effect on pop in times etc. Adding behemoth walls, and floors etc would solve the problem far more elegantly than just "you can't".
  5. the problems with keeping the other companies small is that taxes are collected based upon what they harvest, if you make them stay small then they won't harvest as much and there will be less taxes. You also don't know how much each tribe is producing unless you assume more members = more harvesting so having bigger groups is better. This type of claim system is one that the more I run scenarios the more I think it is well thought out as the peasants have huge influence over how easy the life of the land lord is.
  6. honestly, it would be a good thing. more players in one world will make it more alive.
  7. the land owners will quickly find the benefits of sharing and maintaining good relations as if they anger their settlers they will either revolt or leave and give bad rep on the forums. islands without settlers will cost a fortune to hold and be poorly defended. given that there are limits to the number of islands you can hold it is bad business to hold an island that is not profitable unless it is VERY strategic. So no mega is going to want to hold an island that is costing them resources/time. if upkeep scales with number of islands held it would be even worse. It will take players a while to figure all this out but they will get there eventually. The people have nothing to lose by trying to overthrow a bad landlord as they would have their stuff taken/demoed anyway.
  8. this is the fear that most have and why i suspect communes will start to pop up with many small groups allying together to overthrow a land owner and set a tax bank to 1% or however much it costs to maintain without profit. something I hope to see honestly, smaller groups ganging up on the big guys who are being bad landlords.
  9. The upkeep cost is determined by the size and quality of the island. Take this as an upkeep of 100% comprised of a combination of gold and resources. The full amount of the upkeep is paid by the owner of the island whoever that may be. The upkeep is withdrawn from the tax bank every payment period. The whole island is considered taxable territory If the owner company of the island is alone on the island, meaning that there are no other companies present then the upkeep is 100% Numbers used are for example only. If there is one other company building on the island then the total upkeep is reduced to 98% still paid by the owner but he is collecting tax from that other company. If there are two other companies then 96% etc down to a set minimum. Non-owner companies never have to pay the upkeep as it all comes from the tax bank. It is the responsibility of the owner company to ensure that the upkeep is met. The easiest way of doing this is trying to encourage many small companies to build and gather on your land as this both reduces your upkeep % and increases the overall amount of taxes you will collect.
  10. Levels be damned! Thats my character and we have shared some good memories and good times. They deserve better than poof and gone. Give us an end of the world fight with perma death, let them die like vikings!!!
  11. Not opposed to the map/claim wipe, it may be what the game needs to get some new blood or at least some old blood back. Just opposed to the idea of granting the new players some special bonus just because they purchased the game after everyone else. I dont think i have been serious in any of my conspiracy posts except that I think they are going to merge the na and eu servers but I actually think that would be a good thing as well. Not really a fan of having my toon deleted though, i think there could have been a better option than just *gone*
  12. Gates have a purpose, can't imagine building a safe tame storage without a gate, wouldn't be long before they were eaten by a lion.
  13. actually no, in a business model that relies on microtransactions to maintain servers and continued profit, the invested old players are far more valuable. New players don't invest in cosmetics old established players tend to. giving an advantage to new players is a sign of a failing game. It shows that they will do anything to boost player numbers because the old players are leaving in droves. Think the buddy bonus in wow, not strictly the same as just a bonus for new players but definitely the first sign that they were concerned that new players weren't joining to replace the ones they were losing.
  14. the gates aren't really appropriate for ships, having a gate like that submerged in water would be so slow to open as to make them frustrating at best. if they wanted gates for boats they should have made lifting gates or floating gates.
  15. they need an ability to solidify sections of wall/floor into one piece after you have finished building. Even if they give a tool that allows you to paint sections so that they all join into one piece. the only issue would be renovations which if they allowed it to be undone afterwards wouldn't be a problem.
  16. One bigger, one smaller than the current ones. though I do feel like they should be changed to actual pirate ships and the current sotd be made really rare spawns that are very powerful. I don't believe that the army of the dead could out number the living by like 20:1 and not have managed to accomplish whatever it is they have set out to do yet.
  17. Floating as in drifting at sea along a present path would be cool, but floating in the air will likely only come with the addition of airships otherwise you will have to build a babel tower from the sea floor to get to them.
  18. I am assuming you are talking about the behemoth gates and not the small ones. Half height is fine but the width of the behemoth gate is good. I believe that the crab will probably be quite wide. I would also like a couple of styles for example a 4high 6wide gate with a rounded top that could act as city gates
  19. I agree they usually go the easier option but if people can place a repair box in the middle of a field of pillars then its not going to fix the problem in any way. I'm sure they would have thought about it in one of their meetings.
  20. it will likely be a connected structures repair, so anything not connected to the repair box will decay.
  21. They are the "enemy faction" for lack of a better term but I do agree there should be a number of merchant ships sailing around that you can either sink or do trade with.
  22. Taming, trade, farming resources, getting seeds, exploring, treasure maps...
  23. it will likely be delayed a bit as they revise exactly what they want to do with the patch re claims given that they have had a pretty strong backlash against their ideas for the current system.
  24. In regards to having things that can be rewards for raiding bases I came up with this one recently. It would allow for raidable items as well as a metric other than land grabs, it would encourage the raiding of the top companies and give people something to work for other than just to wipe a base, meaning that people would target the treasure room not the base in general.
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