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Everything posted by Percieval

  1. I’m saying if it won’t work, it is because of Nitrado, which it is. Could you stop spreading misinformation? I’ve told my concernd about numerous things already.
  2. I’m not really sure if it is intended or not. But I hope it isn’t because I’d like to know who destroyed my stuff just like you. Hopefully it’s a mess up and it needs to be added still. But it won’t be on the top of their lists at this moment. Bit stupid.
  3. But what do you want for island types? You want more islands in the sentence of just islands you can live on or boss islands etc?
  4. Off thread? I’m telling him why his idea probably won’t come here any time soon with thoughts and actual testing myself. What should I say? ‘It’s technically hard to do at this point, but even if it was easy they wouldn’t do that’ That sounds like I’m a pessimist at that point. And maybe you should look a bit more on the forums then, since I’m not doing any of it. You want me to say; It’s not a GS problem, but it needs to come more from Nitrado, but let’s blame GS for it anyway? That’s a bit childish isn’t it.
  5. That’s a grid, what company. What tribe.
  6. Yes please, tell us what company you were in.
  7. At 2 years before launch? I’m sure stuff will come along the way. I’m not saying it is technically impossible, I’m saying it can take a while before Nitrado agrees to something like it since more load will cost them more money than agreed upon. It’s not an easy clap thing.
  8. I believe there is land enough for everyone wanting to play on official. It’s just that the claiming system is screwed up making it nearly impossible for new peeps to settle in. You can add more land, but that isn’t a matter for GS but a matter for Nitrado. The amount of islands and the distance in between them is what makes the load, meaning they either need to up their game or do some good security checks before launching anything like this. I have done some testing myself with dedicated server/making your own map and it is pretty glitched at this moment. Sometimes your RAM usage can double (!) at restart when the islands are in some particular order. Now that doesn’t matter if you have 32 gigs for 1 grid, but they have 225 grids they need to take care of. If those start doing weird stuff.. Not to forget that making more land will probably be taken by mega’s at some point along the way. They can just better make a good claiming system with maybe even 1 island per company. Fixing some good trading between alliances, which is from my experience way too little.
  9. I have done that for approx 2 weeks. After that some good cooks settled in so it is a little more spread out. But on voyages I still suicide. It’s just easier.
  10. I hope they will make it so the shores don’t dive down 30m in an instant. That would also help to not ram into them since you can see how far you can still go.
  11. No need to check his history for that, you can look at his latest post for an example.
  12. That’s where the game is about.. If you want less protection, you can do other stuff. If you want a max out cannoned brig, fact is you will need to compromise other stuff. That’s how it is supposed to be.
  13. I think the amount is intended, tweaking the aggro range and such is something needed. And the respawn rate ofcourse.
  14. But do you kill them? Many people are talking about an overfload of alpha’s but when you ask if they wiped them they won’t answer. It can differ a lot. Some people only bait them away and are later amazed to be killed by one.
  15. No. Disagree. The weight sails are perfectly fine. I don’t want stuff to become too easy.
  16. Give it a pvp tag so you rule out the people that are hurt.
  17. Ah, was just gonna say oh no another person that wants everything easy, but I’ve seen you changed your mind xd
  18. I’m not sure if it is activity based though. We have some very active people on farm islands that don’t have buildings on them and the only thing they have encountered in the last 3 days of farming is a alpha cow. It’s some weird stuff.
  19. You can redesign all the ships to make it to your liking. Then it will work.
  20. ‘All countries’. Ghehe. Why are you making up the biggest bullshit to make a point thy wasn’t even a point to begin with if you thought about it first.
  21. You can jump out of the sloop cargo hatch, or atleast I did it yesterday, maybe they updated something or you were just unlucky.
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