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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/11/2019 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    If you want to see what kind of "fun" this age quest adds go check it out for yourselves but I for one would love this thing removed from the game as it has no place in an online game as dying isn't entirely under our full control...server lag, players using exploits, crashes, buggy code, erratic and broken AI, getting stuck in the mesh, falling through the mesh, player ping deferential, desyncing, etc... Eating balanced meals and watching out for predators is one thing but why should we get punished for the kinds of deathly events that happen consistently and beyond our control? I play video games for fun not for toil and punishment!
  2. 1 point
    Have any of the QOL items WC/GS said they would work on been implemented? Eg. Sail speeds, shark spawns, ladder fixes, item stacks etc? Are they planning to release all at once or is there something else going on that perhaps I missed an announcement of? I wish we could get an update here and there letting us know what's going on, or current status of fixes etc. Whether here, reddit or the discord it would be greatly appreciated if there was a tad more transparency
  3. 1 point
    So I've been a 5k + hour player in most of all the ARK genre games and honestly without a doubt this is the most deaf and mute studio I've ever seen. I typically stay off forums as these days most posts are just troll but since there's time due to network outages with no explanation I figured fuck it why not make a post. I love their games but their community involvement is absolute shit. All the way back to the Early Ark days when we as testers in Beta were on a single Skype call, they've had problems being in touch with their community. So FFS can you please take one minute to update your community when shit hits the fan on your networks / games. How long does it take for an "EMPLOYEE" to type we are investigating the issue and then to get back to the community when there is updates. We rarely have a clue what is going on with the game and most information is well after the fact. I can't imagine how much more profitable your games would be if you took a minute to just engage the community that obviously loves your games but hate the way you treat them. Wake up Wildcard / Grapeshot / Snail / whatever the hell you are calling yourselves this week. Your community is trying to speak to you! So feel free to vent your frustration here as well or throw your praises because it's highly doubtful the Dev's are listening so don't expect any type of response either way, but if it makes you feel better to rant or rave about the game, might as well do it because right now NA network is down...
  4. 1 point
    Ya, got to wonder how many people are playing just because they have so much invested in the game and are waiting to see how it ends up. Me, I keep coming back every few months to check on the progress. I don't have the patience to actually play the game, but I'll be playing it once in awhile and reading the forums occasionally. I've put in 600 hours on the game, now I want to see how it turns out
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    Try this site. Been pretty accurate thus far after all the changes that I've seen to the Central Tundra regions. https://antihax.github.io/ Just type into the bar on the right what you are looking for.
  7. 1 point
    future? what future? ROFL they already burned half the time they themselfs set to release the game, they will release the game after the 2 years period but only in name because the game will still be in alpha quality. you say the community is not smart, but, what community? the remnants would be a more appropiate name, that said once the game hit rock bottom (hopefully soon) the only direction left will be up, but do they rly have what it takes? the new guy seems to have a much more clear vision of what the game should be but i can envision "difficulties", as of now the game development is more a tv drama than a game development so we will see (i will most likely never play it again but i wanna see how the drama ends xD)
  8. 1 point
    GM´s just need to spectate Hacienda players. They do this stuff every single day. They call that "pvp"
  9. 1 point
    They spawn for me but its not predicable. I stop and start my server and it's not often up for more than a day except when I'm breeding. Sometime there are heaps of them and sometimes none. I read somewhere that building a lighthouse (on blackwood) blocks them forever. That's not true on my server. My guess is that only a finite number of them spawn on the map and they don't de-spawn. So if by chance they spawn in some out of the way place you will think there are none. Search the entire map and I'm guessing you will find some.
  10. 1 point
    So I took the time to comb through the Announcements and General discussion forums to find all of the staff that are active on the forums and look at their accounts. Of the five that I found, all of them have viewed the forums in the last 10 days, but only three have been active. Dollie has been extremely active, but seems to be focused on damage control and support ticket elevation. All of the topics that were actually responded to were things with fixes/patches already in the works. Nothing about future developments or any real response to feedback about the direction of the game. This all tells me that there is little focus on customer engagement, likely because as DOOTS2521 said, they are dreadfully understaffed. To me this says that they are over-committed, and it is taking every resource they have to put out the fires they're currently working on. Given that the game is in preview status, that's somewhat understandable, but there is a definite chasm that needs crossed before release. Too bad they are only hiring candidates with shipped titles and stacked resumes... otherwise I'd throw my hat in the ring. Guess modders and hobbyists who make games better (or in my case make better games) don't count as real developers because we didn't do it with a five million dollar bankroll behind us. Sucks that I have to finish my game (by my damn self while still working full time as a mechanical engineer) before any studio will take me seriously... but I can't get a staff because no one wants to work for free until I ship. Catch-22
  11. 1 point
    jeh its EA but how stupid is it to port a unfinished EA game to xbox. so now they have two open construction on two platforms. ergo the same people are distributed on more work
  12. 1 point
    Wow they finally brought in fast travel? Just kidding lol.
  13. 1 point
    So its always a good idee to shit on the current bugs and implement a crossover platform and get additionall bugs then before and more unhappy player bases. So why not! Roadmap announced on 31. august: Phase 1: Just a few of the changes and fixes (both small and big) we’re planning to make: Fixing speed sails and increasing overall wind speed effectiveness. (not implemented) Adjustments to blueprint stat rolls and crafting requirements. (not implemented) Making improvements to logs for companies. (not implemented) Increasing max stack sizes for certain items. (done) Removing the negative effects of status effects, including vitamins. (not implemented) Giving players the option to choose which Kraken to fight. (not implemented) Reducing the frequency of surface attacks by sharks. (not implemented) Increasing the treasure map spoil time. (not implemented) Cargo Container adjustments. (not implemented) Replacing the text in the game with a universal font style. (done) Hiding more text behind the “Extended UI” function (not implemented) Making ladders easier to climb. (not implemented) But hey here you get xbox crossplay! (done with extra bugs) "GOOD JOB!"
  14. 1 point
    They atleast increased the meat stacks to 50 but as someone who played since Day One And had alot of Patience And also understand the developers Point of view, i must say even tho they told us it will get quiet for some time cant sweettalk the Communication issue anymore
  15. 1 point
    You are not required to place down a Claim Flag in order to build a base, that was the old claim system. Just find any island with a piece of shore that you like and start building. Simply be aware that the Company that HAS claimed the island has free rights to demo anything you place down for 24 hours. 95% of the time there is no issues and the system is more used by island owning companies to help 'clean up' the island of left-over taming traps and DP Bed spawns. But if you want to be cautious simply try talking to the island owners OR start building out of something simple like thatch and keep your extra resources on your boats or in the inventory of your tames for the first 1-2 days.
  16. 1 point
    These questions may be esoteric, but why would you bed-spam a Discovery Point and rob your own company of the fun of exploration? Why purchase a game that you are literally not going to play, but run thru like a boat drill? The end game may be thrilling.... but it is the little victories along the way that give pleasure and when you do make an achievement, you really earned it. When you cheat, you only cheat yourself. And this one is at the expense of other people. They can screw themselves out of the fun, but screwing me and mine out of it is not cool.
  17. 1 point
    So, I haven't seen this information around, and I thought I'd ask here to see if the community knew at all. 1) Does a single crew member repair a structure every X amount of seconds? If so, do we know what the tick interval is? 2) Does the number of NPC crew members available for repairs effect how fast repairs are done? For example, 1 crew member repairs a structure every 10 sec, so 2 crew members mean 2 structures are repaired every 10 sec etc. I ask because I have a gally, and am wondering wether if it's worth dropping more points into crew cap to have multiple repair monkeys.
  18. 1 point
    If this isn't something that can be solo'd (or at least done with a small group), I plan on starting a new character instead of dealing with the debuff.
  19. 1 point
  20. 0 points
  21. 0 points
    @Jatheish just a reminder that this is a big issue for unofficial servers on the Blackwood map.
  22. 0 points
    I don't think developers are interested in atlas anymore.
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