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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/22/2019 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Last Anarchy patches brought so many lags. Character can't even move normally. Game freezes every 5 seconds for 0.5-3 seconds. Every structure renders only when it's in front of your nose. If you sail to an island you have to wait for 20 seconds before at least something starts loading on shoreline. This is so terrible. Even in heavy raids with full server of players the performance was better than nowadays. And I'm the only person on server! Tried it on different grids. If grid has many structures it is absolutely unplayable. I used to play at medium settings, except mass pvp times. Now I dropped all settings to Low. It doesn't help. I tried to change your new-old bandwich settings. It doesn't help My graphic card is ok. Other games run fine, as usual. My internet connection is fine, about 60mbts/s and stable. I asked my teammates. They are all having issues.
  2. 1 point
    I know the first step of the "roadmap" is optimising but come on... talk about it. where is the game's development currently standing at? when can we expect you to be working on real content? its been been a very long time and many months since any "real content" was added to the game... if you even count a single boss and a couple tames "real content".. and no i'm not talking about the currently useless garbage like the player shop, plague, torpedo, crossbow and hydra pistol. what happened to tarot cards? what happened to bounty hunting? what happened to making an actual economy and piracy? WHAT IS GOING ON?!?
  3. 1 point
    I love to build in ARK and ATLAS and once that was introduced into the S+ mod in ARK I stopped playing Official servers and only played private servers that used that mod. This company and game could be SO MUCH more if they'd just pull their heads out of their asses and listened to the community. I would LOVE to see a company make a community driven game where they opened the code and had people build MODS. Hell, they could even pay the mod developer any time it was used in the live servers. It would be so much cheaper to develop a game like that than having a bunch of on staff programmers. That's my vision of what the future will be in game design. Think Ready Player One and the Oasis.
  4. 1 point
    The creator of the S+ mod for ARK added this so it's already available. You could go to your smithy and select an item to build, for instance a rifle or a gate, then go through and pull the mats you needed out of your storage containers or from other crafting stations without leaving the smithy interface. Later he added a button that when selected, would just automatically go and pull ALL the resources you needed from the largest quantity. HOLY SHIT THAT WAS SO AWESOME.
  5. 1 point
    I’ve seen many arguments about this topic and I see both perspectives. But the fact is without any sort of offline Protection new players simply won’t stay, when someone spends 6-12 hours of their spare time every day farming and building just to log on the next day and everything is gone and destroyed from an offline raid is infuriating. It’s not the fact that people destroyed the base or ships it’s the fact it was done while they were unable to protect themselves. If I lost a brig or a galleon in a ship fight I wouldn’t mind, they won fair and square but if someone sees my ship anchored and destroys it while I’m sleeping or at work then all I’m doing every day is wasting my time. There’s no progress when you gotta start from scratch every time you log on. The game has huge potential but requires my buildings and ships to be safe while I’m busy trying to live an actual life. A simple Protection timer would do fine, it could activate 15 minutes after logging off to prevent it being exploited in actual pvp fights and it can last 3-4 days and after that time is over then bases and ships can be destroyed while the players are offline. Something along these lines would work, but in its current state official servers simply aren’t fun for new players.
  6. 1 point
    Probably working on another game. Almost a year and there are still so many huge issues which were there at day one. This game is unfixable. Sad, I was so hyped about Atlas.
  7. 1 point
    Along with the coming changes tomorrow (11/22/19) I have a suggestion in order to make the extra crew cost meaningful for us. Right now, Allied players cannot use stuff on ships that aren't their own. I want to be able to invite my allies to Kraken fights and put them to work on my cannons! I want them to be able to join me in whaling! I don't want them feeling useless. And I mean players, not crew. I understand the change is needed for crew. But please also allow the option for everyone to allow their allied players to be useful on the ships!
  8. 1 point
    Moar tames!!! Or just some developers working on optimization/customising this engine, and some new fucking ships? lol edit: i like tames, i want to tame a ptera i mean leatherwing thing edittt: By Dollie 11/21/2019 We will be releasing a patch this Friday which will change the following: Players and tames belonging to an allied company will now count towards a ship's max crew limit. If you have allied creatures/NPC's/players on your ships you may want to move them prior. wtf, did i miss some exploit? lol how long does it take to patch that, and why is that such a prominent notification on the forums and not ingame somehow? how many people will visit the forums before friday or whenever this patch is?
  9. 1 point
    Did someone say new tame?? Seahorse is on it's way!!
  10. 1 point
    Added new animal uploads to our discord market "Children of Aule" https://discord.gg/ZZ4rMKU Some examples:
  11. 1 point
    Seems we all are getting ignored. Look in the xbox section and see how many post have zero replies and the ones that do get replied to are form other players. I even have a post regarding this issue and guess what? No reply from dev's. They just dont care about any of us. But they do care about our money though. They get your money then throw you out with the trash.
  12. 1 point
    i want farm in section N8 but the islands have a red circle around them can still harvest resources from those islands
  13. 1 point
    How does contesting work? We placed our flag down minutes before a rival company and claimed the island. They are now contesting. Do we have to sit by our flag like they do to keep the timer haulted?
  14. 1 point
    i think currents and trade-winds should be top priority. for me. delete 90% of tames and use those resources to make more ships / real npc ships (not the silly ghost ship things)
  15. 1 point
    This has happened twice before and 2 weeks apart. An entire corner of my 5 lvl tame barn disappeared. Yesterday part of my dock vanished too. Have I over built, or is it a dbase glitch? Enquiring minds need to know
  16. 1 point
    Woke up in my little hovel and found I was surrounded by 3 wolves. Rude awakening! When will spawns be fixed to not work in a building with floors, walls, ceilings and roofs?
  17. 1 point
    why is this so hard and why doesn't "ark" just let everyone select a picture that has a transparent background and add the picture item to a choosable loc.
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