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Everything posted by DocOlds

  1. I would start by removing the cheesy stuff that makes no sense. No more taming lions, tigers, bears, crabs, or liquid flame firehoses. Then focus on balancing the armor, firearms, bows, and melee weapons to feel right and actually be lethal. After that, ships would get all the love that tames get from the current regime.
  2. Shipwrecks are decent at providing gold since the recent update. Use the gold for crew because having a crew on your ship opens up a whole new world of options. I have less people then you and every quest except the ghost ship(which I can't find) done, on pvp.
  3. Making life harder on the little guy, one new feature at a time.
  4. In my experience the entitled American kids are the salty griefers trying to ruin the game for others. I actually moved closer to China after the wipe because they are better neighbors.
  5. I'd take longer range on the resource box/food larder over lower payment any day. Gold/food are easy, stocking all the bins is the pain.
  6. Would have been nice to know this before i got vet explorer
  7. If you fast travel into a new server you usually don't get the disco point on the first try. But if you die and spawn at the bed a 2nd time it will give the point.
  8. It doesn't go up with level as far as I know, 2180 is 104 for me(still roughly 39 per level above 51)
  9. Nakeds with grenades exist, I'm one of them. Nades work wonders and 400+ hp is all the armor I need against this games weak guns. Then again, I'm small time, maybe the megas have moved to a post naked nade world. I wouldnt know what they do, they mostly leave me alone because I'm not a d-bag or easy score.
  10. They could throw small groups a bone and scale the time by group size. Like a couple hours less for the little guys and a couple more for big.
  11. With how you can pump up your ship weapon damaged now, the slight HP buff on whales isn't really an issue.
  12. This isn't new, I dropped a yard in front of somebody my first week of the game.
  13. The island claiming is far to cheap and fast, especially with the new shipwrecks giving so much gold. This cheapness will lead a lot of weak groups to claim islands they cannot hold simply because they were online when the update happened. As soon as the first wave of raid windows open, it is going to be a bloodbath. Nobody is going to buy war tokens because the 9 hour raid window is plenty to take an island. I suspect the 2nd land rush will be where things really shake out and we see how many players remain.
  14. The war tokens aren't even useful, you can take islands during the raid window easy enough. Anybody throwing 100k around is prolly not going to need the extra time to get the job done.
  15. I suspect it will be a beta you opt into under steam properties, might be explained soon, servers just came back online and jat is testing now.
  16. They have said a lot of things lately, just calling it like I see it.
  17. Pretty sure they are going to do empire pvp and colony pvp instead of NA/EU pvp. No extra servers, just a different split that gives the eu and na guys a chance to mix it up.
  18. Your not alone, the mismanagement has me wondering if they are screwing up on purpose so they can point to the lack of players and say "we tried, sorry". Saw a lot of the same things happening in their "Survival of the Fittest", drastic changes, drastic drop in players because of illegal teaming, then no more game.
  19. A change was needed, but giving the powerful protections that the weak need while making it harder to live in the weak zone wasn't even close to the solution.
  20. The problem I see is the people that quit because they couldn't cut it under the old rules are just going to quit again when they get wrecked and lose their safe space. This update is going to give the mega tribes more protection while making it harder to live on lawless, which is where most small companies are. Sprinkle in some limits on allys so the small groups can't get any real numbers together for battle and big tribes can't ally with you because they don't have slots and this seems like a recipe for disaster.
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