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Everything posted by CazzT

  1. followed by... There some delusions here, but it's not from MisterMyztik. Glad you enjoyed that style of play. Most people don't.
  2. That looks a lot like Congress/Parliament. wait... you said fight club. same thing.
  3. It is not un-needed. Jat mentioned in the livestream that the wipe has to be total due to issues in the code that cannot be resolved any other way.
  4. The exact asinine builds you're defending. The 20+ cannons on the front/back of the ship. Do keep up.
  5. Interesting. That's the complete opposite of everything we've been told by WC/GS.
  6. What sort of customization is there currently when, in order to stay competitive, you have to build a specific way? You really need to relax before you give yourself a heartattack.
  7. Easy solution. Don't allow others to build on your land. This sort of dickheadedness will always happen if people are given the chance.
  8. In the Livestream where Jat confirmed the wipe, he briefly mentioned that one of the reasons for the wipe is to address issues that cannot be corrected any other way. He didn't elaborate, so we don't have any way of knowing what those issues are. But it's clear that if they are doing a 100% wipe, that some of the issues were in the code for characters.
  9. I'd like to send mail to the GM of the island, but I know I'll get "returned to sender" since those don't exist.
  10. Likened by who? You and Winter? Or by WC/GS? And who is saying they are "responsible" for the structure spam? You and Winter are. The only "trolling" I see here is from two people who don't understand what a GM is.
  11. Just because you don't like, or can't understand, what's being said doesn't make someone a troll. Arbitrarily accusing someone of trolling, however...
  12. I wish the 1080 Ti hadn't been $800 when I needed to replace my card last year. I wanted that, but I had to settle for the 1080. Which was, thankfully, on sale when I got it.
  13. Let me simplify this for you since you're not getting it... Where have Jat, Dollie, or anyone from WC/GS said that the owners of claims are supposed to be, in your silly words, "junior GMs"? How am I trolling when I'm trying to find out where WC/GS have said that land claim owners are to be considered or viewed as GMs in any way? That's the assertion being made by the OP, so I'm wanting to know when anyone from WC/GS have said that. If you think that's trolling, that's on you. According to you. To me, and most people, this is viewed as the claim owner having more options over their claim than most multiplayer games allow. That does not inherently mean claim owners are GMs in any way.
  14. Where have Jat or Dollie said this? Or anyone from WC/GS?
  15. If he claimed the land, how is it not his land? I think there's a breakdown in communication going on. The system isn't being set up with the purpose of controlling others, though. That's why it's not a GM. So.... clan leaders/guild masters. But I don't think you're using GM to mean guild master.
  16. I would not classify that as GM. Quite the contrary, actually. Most games with claim systems don't allow non-members o build in the claim area at all without permissions of the claim being set to allow it. This is just giving claim owners more control over their land. That's not GM level, just a different way to handle he claim feature than other games.
  17. Ah, so you're not actually PvPers, you're just glorified landlords that let everyone else do the hard work for you.
  18. Just wanted to quote this for emphasis. As someone who been a GM for a couple games over the years, I can't stress how important it is to have a clear outline of policy. It doesn't matter if it's a private server or an official server.
  19. There are lots of MMOs that don't have alliances for guilds that aren't solo player games. You're barking up the wrong tree.
  20. Good thing there's upkeep on the claims so this won't happen. Looks like you're panicking over nothing.
  21. You made the claim of 90%, so that's on you to back that up. I haven't made any asinine claims so I don't have anything that needs to be backed up.
  22. This would be awesome to play on. This is what we solo players would love to play on (or something similar)
  23. Well color me blind... I completely misread what I originally replied to you with. This is embarrassing. lol Yes, we are in agreement. I was so redonkulously tired that night. 4 hours sleep, long day at work... My apologies.
  24. That's a bold claim. Got something to back that up? After your assertion that people are scared to lose a fight, I'd point you to raiding. But you probably think that's "weak". The same argument made by anyone who doesn't have what it takes to do anything but smash buttons on their keyboard/controller. One of the most iconic pirate games in gaming history doesn't have PvP. And last I checked, a pirate theme doesn't require PvP. lolwut? Why are you saying this to me? All I'm doing is pointing out how people like you are the reason that people leave games. No one wants to be part of a game's community when they get belittled by children (i don't care how old you are if you're behaving like a child) for not liking what you like. Ah, so here we have the real truth. If people don't play like you, they should leave. You're just proving my point. No one is "weak" or a "wimp" if they don't want to, or don't like, PvP. What a childish, narrow-minded mentality.
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