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Keins Thallow

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Everything posted by Keins Thallow

  1. After watching a single torpedo sink a galley ....... just thinking about the farming and effort that can be destroyed in 5 seconds... I'm gonna go ahead and vote no torps.
  2. 1) Are affordable shops being "SAVED" for a feature to be paraded out on the next mega patch?
  3. One of the problems is that the devs started out designing a game for MINIMUM of 40 man companies. But they promoted the game as something a few people could pick up together and enjoy. As someone who prefers solo or 2-3 man tribes in ark, it took me a LONG TIME TO REALIZE THIS. The "mega" update was supposed to make it more friendly to solo and small groups, but with the divide of the servers into colonies and empires may people just quit. Now that neither server has a good population they are moving back toward making the game favorable to larger groups. There needs to be a message when you log in reminding players that the larger the company they have the more content they will experience. I'm in a small group with 3-4 active members, we have had a 65pt island since launch and spend most of our NON RAID time gathering gold and fortifying our island against attacks. I think if we had just settled on someone else's island and paid the tax we would have experienced a lot more of what the game has to offer. Seriously considering trying to get the other 3 small tribes on our grid to merge with us and consolidate to 1 island so we all have less work to upkeep and more time to play.
  4. I feel like its being "SAVED", for when they release the next MEGA patch so they can taut it as a NEW IMPROVED FEATURE to draw players back....... What about the loyal players who have stayed through all this chaos??? Really shady imo.
  5. Because they aren't being used yet, people underestimate how MASSIVE this part of the game could be. Sad its being walled behind a Gold Sink. I'd gladly travel to my nearest FP and buy the woods, metals, oils, gems of diff kinds from other players for crafting.
  6. They player shops cost a Gold / per Minute. Which for most tribes that aren't packing 50+ members is way too expensive to justify bothering.
  7. Seriously. Why is the upkeep set so prohibitively high?? You've let out a few small and 1 major patch now since then. And here we sit with not a single player shop up on official. Please send help...
  8. What kills me is they know this is a problem, all they have to do is move a few decimals in the tax rate to get people to start using and testing them. When we put our shop up our server crashed for about 2 minutes. Maybe they are unstable and the only way to keep them in game but keep people from using while they work on a fix is to make it too expensive. Then they dont have to say" sorry guys the shops mess up the servers, were not sure how to fix it yet"
  9. Hopefully its to fix player shops, move the tax rate on them by a few decimals =D
  10. Set this shop up like 9 hours ago before i went to sleep, i already owe 700 gold when/if anything sells. Iridium and honey .
  11. Rent is TOO DAMN HIGH! 1 g/ minute to run a shop does not promote the whole trading thing. Just my 2 cents.
  12. They are NEVER going to get the numbers they want on the test, no one wants to put any time into yet another imminent wipe....
  13. You can set your flag to allow only allies to build offensive structures on non raid time at least so enemies cant pre place cannons during safe time at least.
  14. Damn you and your logic!!! GRRRRRR
  15. Haha, inexperienced plebs. This is the same group of people who missed or delayed patch after patch after patch, update after major update, when developing ark. Remember back in 2016 when we were supposed to get dynamic length bridges? Expect the PTR to be up in the next 24hours - 24 days from now. Anything earlier would be unbelievable. Rule of thumb, (Estimated date X days game has been out / #active players *(the number of times devs have replied to a relevant post) + the number of leap years in the 20th century - 1 = Actual release day.
  16. I'm a bit confused about the whole new system, can someone clarify if they know the answer please. Will it just become a race to islands and the first to claim the whole thing will never be able to be kicked out, with the new no structure claim change?? Or will it operate as it does now during the raid window and you can takeover the island if you want to take it over and pay the upkeep? That stream left me with a lot of questions but I'm slow so
  17. As the older generation of gamers who grew up on diablo 2, everquest, classic wow, all grow older and the younger generation take the market place this has become the norm. The we want everything NOW and with NO RISK and NO EFFORT GIMMIEGIMMIE, this is TOOOOO HARRRD LOWLUZOR #something something salty tears OMGAU?L where iz my skinSS!
  18. Please dont make the mobs trivial. They add a little danger to the game. Ive died plenty of times to them as well but thats part of the challange. If you have pistols or flame arrows they are already a joke. Yes the better resource NON starter islands have dangers. Adapt, survive, thrive. not just "Make all the mobs killable with 1 punch please so I can get back to farming unmolested".
  19. HOW DARE THEY be more organized and efficient than us!!!
  20. I dont need to quote a thing, if you cant understand that concept by the amount of crew needed for big ships, the amount of materials needed to build, the amount of skill points each character gets "forcing you to have may ppl who specialize one or two things , the size of the map, the difficulty of the elementals and other creatures on the golden isles... this game may not be for you. You would have to be OBLIVIOUS. Ark and Age of Conan will let you get by with smaller groups. I personally recommend both. Conan still needs a bit of polish though.
  21. So many thread from these 4-10 man crews about how its not fair they cant hold their territories and get raided all the time...... The game was DESIGNED around LARGE companies. It's like having a " 4 " man football team taking the field, then complaining when the other team gets on the field with their 11 players. ITS FOOTBALL you need more players!!! There is PVE although from what I hear that still has plenty of problems, or Unofficial servers with small companies. Stop expecting the game to cater to you. Recruit more players or join a full size team.
  22. Its literally the concept of the game lol, economies, taxes, player built nuances. So many ppl expect to go out in their little 4 or 5 man crew and hold their own territory . Sorry if this is a PVP game DESIGNED for massive groups. JOIN a larger company or go play pve or unofficial with others who want to do the small crew thing. This just helps balance things out, makes it prohibitive to have more claims than you can monitor and defend. You will see lots of claims from the mega factions being lost now because they are easier to contest and a too much of a pita to go protect when nowhere near their fleet.
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