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Everything posted by blindtale

  1. gah yes please. exploring is fun and all that, but when you're looking for specifics or are short on time; wasting it sailing into a freeport you never wanted to decay and lag through is kinda rediculous.
  2. True. Is just a time waster at the moment. If they 're gonna make us run around to every light, could at least let us repair them on site without having to take it off, rep, put it back, and then turn it on. That's a silly amount of steps game mechanics-wise for something as simple as being able to see inside your base/house..
  3. That's pretty much about where my crews are at now. As it stands, the fountain of youth was not thought out well, at all. On unofficials, where the populations are lower, it's not doable due to the zones they spawn in and mobs guarding it. On officials, there are too few of them for the huge amount of people trying to get to them and the size of the grid, on top of that; making it pretty much impossible. Overall, they wasted their time and ours even bothering with this, with how it was planned and executed.
  4. Not true in all servers. We had a guy down teh beach from us who tried this: only to find out he could only unclaim a built ship in parts, and when the buyer tried to claim, they could only claim teh sails. Meaning: that was all they got. The ship was worthless, as it couldn't be sailed. They couldn't pull up anchor, or even get on the wheel. When selling ships, you're better off just making the parts to spec and handing them over at payment for your buyer to assemble at their own shipyard right now.
  5. Metal for stone walls is fine, and can be found on every grid. I agree it's the paste that's excessive. The saps required aren't even present in the lower and upper three tiles of the grid, where stone is needed most. There simply isn't enough of it to go around. As is, even prior to this; what islands that do have sap were overcrowded, over-farmed messes; with some even walling the sap in so it was inaccessible. Expect it to get a lot worse in those spaces so long as the paste usage is a thing.
  6. A lot in my crew who have been playing since the game dropped are stuck on this because of this exact problem. Just coming into the zone is laggy, because there are so many people there looking for it as well: and, it only gets worse the closer you get to the actual island, between the concentration of players, ships, mobs, and at times pulled bosses. Add in AoD on the way in and being kited in, the inability to set anchor half the time because there are so many ships you literally just can't; and the stupid level of mobs and bosses on the power stone islands that they spawn on (impossible for small companies and single players).. it's discouraging, frustrating, and overall just plain dumb that FOY was done this way (sorry but true.) Another part of the issue with this quest is that there ARE only two active at any given time per 15x15 official cluster... and they despawn very rapidly for a map of that size; 5ish days, not the 50 mentioned in the patch notes: making it a complete waste of time to even try sailing (for hours of game time) to it for those further away from their spawns only to lag out the moment you get into zone, or get sunk as you cross or even are just sailing to it due to the higher level AoD throughout the region. I think somewhere between opening day and FOY drop, they forgot just how many players are on that 15X15 grid: as tehy recognized then that they needed multiple freeports as starter zones for new players: but somehow forgot that was a thing when it comes to FOY, only spawning two for an entire grid in comparison. That said, this needs more attention. Having them spawn at freeports, all freshwater islands, or making the buff a consumable or limited-time craftable would fix every single one of these issues.
  7. I think the only way this would work, is if the system could compare activity. Most sleeper-posters seem to log in about once a week as it is in other zones in order to keep holding the claim; so this wouldn't do much for the current situation; especially if the period of time is announced. IF they go with a timer, it should be random; with an undisclosed-to-playerbase minimum and maximum of days. Otherwise, I think they'll have to have a look at actual activity in minutes and hours, or; find a way to work with clients like steam to limit the amount of family share accounts able to log into a single server and wipe the rest. The other option that I can think of is ACTIVITY vs size limitations on Crews. As in, you only get so many claims for a certain number of ACTIVE players. If judged by a forced minimum of actually being ACTIVELY PLAYED on each account for several hours throughout the week to retain their claims, and those sleeper alts are far less likely to stick around. Many of the 'large' companies, are majorly taken up by a much smaller number of actual players with sleeper alts in boxes. The reason I say this being exactly what I stated above; a timer can be planned around for landgrabbers with sleeper alts. Activity checks, and proper bot detection will make it a LOT harder.
  8. 45 degree structures would be great. The triangle stuff is great to have for semi-rounded and odd shapes but; gets awkward fast when trying to do angled corners, and takes up twice the resources to cover the same amount of space (something that should be addressed as well, I think.. half walls cost the same to build as a normal wall, as does railing.)
  9. Honestly.. I was kinda surprised teh dinghy had absolutely no cargo space when I built it. Actual docks woul eb awesome too, or the ability to convert your shipyards into docks.
  10. I agree.. gates currently start out at what equates to a medium size from ark, but labelled small. If you were only going top use this on top of teh water (where it can't be placed without something under it anyways) that would be neat, maybe, to enclose a dock area? Fact is, they're WAY too big for on land; and what current tames we have (large = a behemoth gate,) and for us. really, a simple, actually small set fo double doors would be amazing. maybe at most 2-3 blocks high.. and yes; snapping to existing tiles (fence, railing, wall, foundation) would be pretty freaking helpful. having a 2-3 high wall with a 12 high gate cause elephants won't fit in a small gate is frankly dumb. Tone it down a bit, pleeease.
  11. it's an interesting theory, it is. but one has to question why they thought with so much of the population above teh age of 90, spawning or sending so many already laggy freeports was a way to go; and spawning only one or two of these things on an entire official map was a good idea in comparison. Make it an craftable, for criminy's sake. Hell of a lot better than sailing literally to opposite ends spending hours and hours of what game time you have only to find it gone by the time you get there, or so lagged out because gee.. whole server cluster is trying to get rid of the old age debuffs etc: that not only is it not spawning, but you'll be lucky not to scuttle your ship amongst the hundreds of others there. What troll on the team thought it was a good idea to put it on adventure zones right off the bat ought to be reprimanded as well. IF you live long enough to get to shore, you're likely to have a monster kited at you, or waiting to kill you at the door anyway: making the point of getting there entirely moot.
  12. How about, instead of sending people sailing for 3 to 6 hours searching for these buggy things only to find the fountain gone or moved or their ships and other things destroyed by teh lvl 100+ bosses, mobs, and forced crashes; you please make the age fix is made into an easy craftable until that feature, and the generational system is fixed? Our company went to O14 for the first one, only to watch people kite dragons into ships of those who got there. We then sailed to C6, a journey of about 3 hours from our baby base mid-map with shite winds, lag and AoD.. only to see that it had moved by the time we got there, regardless fo teh fact we set sail directly after patch.
  13. I agree with this one! Hopefully we'll see thsi in the future.. not just for the tames' sake but also for those heatstroke days. Jumping in the water is great and all that, but not always doable if you're inland in your base/fort/whatever or exploring. An animal or item for desert/heatwaves counter would be great..
  14. While a lot of that sounds good, I'd like to see the game as it stands now more playable for all modes. As in, rather than having new content, fixing what's there before moving on would be great. The Claim system especially is very broken, and needs some really close inspection to help weed out things like alt-sleepers that equate to manual bot-holding whole islands, animal & player to structure occlusion (animals alpha and otherwise, and players wall glitching to kill and destroy things inside a base/fort is one example. Spawning or just waking up in foundations, floors, ship decks and even inside craft stations is another.) A separation of PVE and PVP settings for items like fire arrows, tames etc would be fantastic.. as what works to balance PVP does NOT work to keep balance in PVE at this time, and let's face it.. probably never will.
  15. This is a huge problem on NA PVE Hydra. We saw some of them disappear on the west side, but not nearly enough. Likely many of them are steam alts through family share. The majority we've seen are just that.. 1x1 or 2x2 boxes with nothing but a naked sleeper in it and maybe a bed to fast travel them there. Nearly all we've come across on our island, have been asleep since we arrived in O13. Landsnatchers in general have been making sure there's fewer and fewer places for folks to settle as well, as even some semi-actives in farther grids looking only to tax have moved in inbetween and taken actually active players' few claims to push them out.. only coming down when either their timers are close or the claim is contested by people actually looking to use it. I doubt we'll see many move out of the congested lawless and tropics/desert zones until that issue is fixed, and folks don't see nothing but red (often to the extent they can't even find their X on the map or island) when they approach a new place. Add in the mess of pillar-spam in even those zones.. there aren't a whole lot of places new or even established players can move, minus maybe the polar and tundra zones; many of which are still VERY buggy: from the borked temperture/fortitude issues, resource issues (our tile had almost no fiber until very recently) to the cray amount of AoD that still haven't been cleared in those zones and very broken wolves and other alphas.
  16. This is a huge problem on NA PVE Hydra. We saw some of them disappear on the west side, but not nearly enough. Likely many of them are steam alts through family share. The majority we've seen are just that.. 1x1 or 2x2 boxes with nothing but a naked sleeper in it and maybe a bed to fast travel them there. Nearly all we've come across on our island, have been asleep since we arrived in O13. Landsnatchers in general have been making sure there's fewer and fewer places for folks to settle as well, as even some semi-actives in farther grids looking only to tax have moved in inbetween and taken actually active players' few claims to push them out.. only coming down when either their timers are close or the claim is contested by people actually looking to use it. I doubt we'll see many move out of the congested lawless and tropics/desert zones until that issue is fixed, and folks don't see nothing but red (often to the extent they can't even find their X on the map or island) when they approach a new place. Add in the mess of pillar-spam in even those zones.. there aren't a whole lot of places new or even established players can move, minus maybe the polar and tundra zones; many of which are still VERY buggy: from the borked temperture/fortitude issues, to the cray amount of AoD that still haven't been cleared in those zones and very broken wolves and other alphas.
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