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Everything posted by Sydhart

  1. I'm 92.7% sure you have to interact with them. This information was passed around in our company and we have an "insider" that would have corrected us if it wasn't the case. But there is a chance it may not.
  2. You sir are still trolling. I never posted that I didn't see his problem, I merely posted my experience from last night which was different than the OP. In C6 last night, our company had 2 ships fighting and there were multiple other ships that weren't part of our company fighting SoTD. There were a lot to choose from and even as we battled one group we would encounter and aggro another group. Our 2 ships and another ship all unloaded on the 58 Galleon. It was a lot of fun and hopefully at least C6 is working as intended this should be the experience we all encounter. More testing is obviously needed though as OP did NOT experience the same thing. It would be good to know which server he was in and people can go test. Our company would be glad to go down and scout and test (and hopefully have a Dev tag along). They've had issues with Golden Age ruins not all acting the same so could be that particular server needs a kick in the ass.
  3. I think it may also depend on the number of people within a given server. C5 is usually very busy as it's close to a lot of larger companies and the artifact guardian is a Hydra which is a far easier fight than Drake so it gets killed a lot. I think the SoTD's are killed more often and may spawn more groups if only 1 or 2 ships are downed. I'm not exactly sure how that system works but could use some tweaking. Especially in the spawn locations. Sucks to just be traveling through the area and a group of high level SoTD spawn right in front of you or on top of you.
  4. The "I don't actually read anything or know who people are but I still need to add my opinion and put others down because I'm insecure and have nothing constructive to say". Classic forum troll. Also, why you got to hate on me like that bro? I grew up impoverished but worked hard and made my own success. It doesn't mean I don't care about others in poverty or think they should just work it out themselves like I had to. I carry cash along with me everywhere I go and buy food for homeless people when I have to go pick something up downtown for lunch. Some of them even know me by name.
  5. We killed about 15 SoTD in C5 last night. 57 Galleon and multiple red Brigs. We didn't have to sail around much to find them either. Edited to add that I'm not saying there isn't a spawn issue. They've been making adjustments to the SoTD spawns so not exactly sure how it works. Lately it seems like I either see a ton or I don't see any.
  6. Voodoo is the bestest! @Voodoo
  7. For animals, it's not enough to just be in render range. You actually have to interact with it. I just hop in the saddle and it resets the timer. If you don't ever pet your puppy, do you think it will want to stick around? Poor little guys need some love and attention dontcha know.
  8. I'm not in a mega tribe. I'm in a small but organized tribe of different intelligent people from all over the world that love to play. Kiting the hydra on a boat while crew kills it with ballista is not an exploit and neither is taking a bunch of carbines and climbing into a tower and shooting it down. It does take a while but you can do it. You can also solo the drake the same way by kiting it to the beach and having crew members on ballista while you shoot it with a carbine and duck in and out of cover when it comes close. It takes skill and practice but you can do it. Yeah, the ruins are dangerous but you can avoid most of the stuff with a little patience and using high ground for visibility. If you are running out in the open then expect to die like any rabbit running through a field full of wolves. I don't understand your comments about skill points. You need to level up! I'm level 81 and have more skill points than I know what to do with. I leveled up by playing smart. Find a higher level treasure map on a new island (for exploration XP bonus), play an XP bonus song, do this on a 2x weekend, and you can get a crap ton of experience. I got 90K experience soloing a purple treasure map on a bear during the 3X weekend. Oh, and don't come back and say you can't get level 81 because you are capped at 55. Go explore ffs. I have over 1,500 exploration points. I got those by fully exploring zones (solo), doing powerstones (some of those solo), soloing whales, finding the friendly mermaid (solo), etc. Based on your comment about the Brig and Galleon, I'm guessing you are on a PvP server. So, my only comment is MASS MULTIPLAYER PVP GAME! What do you expect is going to happen ffs. You as a solo are going to be able to build and compete against an organized PvP group? You can easily solo a masterwork map with a higher level bear and spec'd into healing and fury. As you are trying to SOLO on a PvP server this might be difficult to obtain though. Mythos is easy to farm. You can farm Yetis in the tundra for a ton of mythos. I got 10K in no time on a bonus weekend with 2 bears (riding one and one for damage support).
  9. Good question Lotus! Let's make a list of what you can't do solo. ... ... I can't think of a single thing that you can't do solo if you just put a little work and imagination into it.
  10. I keep seeing these posts about the game being only for mega tribes but I don't think you've actually TRIED to do anything proactive to participate in the "fun stuff". Have you tried hanging out in the Golden Age ruins to see if anyone was killing the hydra? Or asked if you could tag along with a mid size or large tribe when they are doing one? I mean, you just need to be close to the hydra when it dies to get a keystone and then run to the powerstone cave and run through to get a Powerstone. I'm not part of a mega tribe and I have all 9 powerstones and I only play maybe 5 to 10 hours a week.
  11. The main reason people are leaving PvP is because it's nothing more than a grief fest. There is no OBJECTIVE, REWARD SYSTEM, ACCOUNTABILITY SYSTEM, or actual REASON to PvP. I stopped playing on PvP because the only time there was PvP was by accident and most of the destroying happened while we were offline. I can't even find a word to describe how bad/stupid/ignorant/boring/sadistic it is. Can anyone help me find a word to describe PvP in Atlas? What is the objective of PvP in Atlas? To just wipe people out and then gloat in Global? It's like a round of Fortnight except that it takes months to build up instead of a few minutes and there is no winner or scoreboard. So when all that work goes down the shitcan because someone figured out an exploit or easy way to grief people offline, who would want to do that all over? I like PvP games and FPS games but this game has ZERO to make me want to play the PvP side right now.
  12. You hunt SoTD in Golden Age area? You are braver than I. I stopped doing that because of the fear of getting pulled off my ship while fighting them.
  13. Haven't completed yet but clanmate told me how to do it easily. On your ship you will need to box yourself in so the mermaid can't pull you in when you find the circles. Can use railings and or walls or whatever. Once you find the mermaid circle and are out of it, use spyglass to see the mermaid in the middle of the circle. If she is beautiful, shoot her in the face! Once you get close to the beautiful one she'll turn into a monster and try to drown you. The mini game during the drowning is just so you can punch her in the face and escape and has noting to do with trying to make her friendly. If when you look at her with the spyglass and she is ugly, then you can swim into the circle and when you get close, she will turn beautiful and embrace you and you will get the completion for Friend of the Mermaids. I guess they are trying to teach us it's more about what's in the inside than the outside?
  14. I think with they couldn't definitely rework these a bit to make them more of a trader friendly area. Increase the timer when decay starts so that we can at least sit in port for a day or two. The current rules for this make them worthless as tits on a boar hog.
  15. Honestly guys I wouldn't worry about it too much. Once you hit around level 75 you will have more skill points than you know what to do with. I had 121 extra points and still have over 50 after adding the new things from patch.
  16. Food is where it is at then. Get them all fat and happy and then if you need to take a break for a few days find some celery for the larder (it lasts a long time) and you can leave them for days without any other food. I was 14 when Monkey Island came out. I loved that game. That looked and sounded sweet on my Tandy 1000 TL. I even upgraded the sound to sound blaster sound. Took me all summer of helping cut and haul tobacco just to buy that upgraded sound!
  17. If you are just cruising around and collecting gold and resources, I usually just dump it into food. If you are planning on doing the Kraken or anything like that, I'd do hitpoints. Don't bother with anything else right now.
  18. I seriously don't understand why some of you are so focused on owning a damned island when the majority of this game revolves around sailing? Can one of you that say this game is bad and not working please explain how I'm not playing the game right by sailing around and doing treasure maps to get gold to pay my crew and salvaging ship wrecks, destroying SoTD, and getting flotsam for blue prints to upgrade things. I pretty much live on my Brig. I've sailed through every zone (over 1000 discoveries), have created small outposts in different biomes to collect different kinds of resources, and contributed a ton of these to help my company build upgraded ships (mine included). I love to explore and build, find and gather resources, and I'm doing what I like to do within a large company and doing this solo or with a buddy that I've been gaming with for a very long time. We aren't forced to do anything by the Company but we contribute how we like (and even get bounty incentives on certain items that are needed). So please tell me how this system sucks? I'm basically a solo player. I'm also part of a large company (75 people). We own a large island in D5. We have outposts in many lawless and settled islands for gathering resources and taming (which helps the island owners btw). We have multiple settlers that are very happy. We have a town where people can come and trade and just hang out. We go out and help kill hydra's and drakes and get the Powerstones. So again, please tell me how bad this game is and how bad it currently sucks. There's a huge network of players who want to work together and explore content and just have fun. Since you don't want to participate in this, I guess I should just say sorry that you haven't found any fun in this MMORGP. You may want to give this a quick look btw. It might help you realize there is a different way to do things that might be better. It worked for my 3 year old so maybe it will work for YOU! https://www.amazon.com/Mine-Saur-Sudipta-Bardhan-Quallen/dp/0399246428/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=mineosaur+book&qid=1559316144&s=gateway&sr=8-1
  19. Thanks for that link. I looked and looked and could not dig anything up. I'm just glad they adjusted the Fountain quest so there was more than 1 and it wasn't in a random location. Right now it's a little too easy so some tuning could be done but the original iteration was not thought out well. I think it would be cool if they were located within the ruins area of each island and not in the caves. Then you wouldn't have the same stupid lemming run issue like we do with Powerstones. You'd have to sneak or fight your way to it.
  20. I'm not a fan of it either. For one thing, the aging system and the in-game day and night cycle are not even REMOTELY close. They need to slow the aging system way down to sync with in-game days. Also, from what conversations I've heard about the new mating and heirs system I'm not sure I'm going to like that either.
  21. I've never tried fire arrows but that's a good thought. Regular arrows didn't work but shooting with a carbine will also work. It's just hard sometimes when they are coming out of the ground to hit it with a carbine but timing is easier.
  22. Just implementing the full S+ like they advertised would be a huge QoL improvement. With S+ on ARK you could move materials from storage or other crafting stations with just a couple presses of a button as long as they were within a certain distance. Loading 20K metal from an outpost onto a ship takes like 40 trips. It is so tedious I want to choke someone.
  23. What is your source for this information? I don't recall the Fountain of Youth EVER being mentioned in the reveal live stream or early talk about features but real time aging and the Heirs/Mating/Offspring/Children were. The problem was the the Heirs/Offspring system isn't finished yet and it only takes a few months to hit age 100 (perma-death age). They removed the death at 100 because the Heirs/Mating/Offspring/Children wasn't ready. The FoY came out in Mid January (a few months after the game when people were beginning to hit 90) as a "fix" to old age because many people were complaining about the debuff and cosmetic looks of old age. Now that doesn't mean they may not keep it but it's the Heirs/Mating/Offspring/Children that is the method for avoiding perma-death and having to start over.
  24. Explosive barrels work well too. Put a couple down then toss a grenade after 2 seconds of the spawn animation and kablooey.
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