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Everything posted by uli

  1. 2 different players saying the same thing can’t be wrong ,i will be trying this out after work thanks for the tip
  2. no they are easy to out run sloop with medium handling or speed easy schooner with medium handling and medium soeed easy to outrun someone on our grid said about this large speed and small handling is it really that fast on schooner ? i use medium handling and speed
  3. uli


    it’s your fault u were in charge of your ship i have taken my sloop schooner all over map even yesterday went afk ran into side of one still got away , learn to play the game learn to use ai crew if u have no friends to play with
  4. rafts will get attacked but only if u u touch the ghost ships all other ships will if they get too close within day 20 metere
  5. i never said i ran away i said armour or no armour unless u stack hps u are are very unlikely to survive many encounters with wolfs , unless u are able to jump in water climb on rocks etc only sure way to survive is to have 200 hps and plate armour then u can kill maybe 1 u won’t survive to kill a second stop trying to defend a mechanic in the game that is clearly not balanced , i have tried all sorts of specs from lvl 1 to lvl 51 from bows , swords , piles , guns , and the only viable one for wolfs and lions is HPs and armour , this leaves u with a lot less points for fort / stamina etc mice seen groups take on wolfs with one or more dying before the kill them , the very fast attacks plus knock back makes it hard to shoot anything at them , i have kiled enough if them of them where i am i have wolfs , giant snakes , crocs , all day every day so i know how to deal with them and also know how to glitch to take them down , but if u have to resort to lame tactics to succeed then it’s clearly broken and not balanced correctly the
  6. old flag from before they fixed the flag refresh , it was not applied retroactively i have 1 claim flag that anyone can come place a flag on , sleeer in base kees it contested permanently being contested that’s why
  7. hahaha u had the same idea i did , i am amazed no devs realised a red cross on red claim circles is not a good idea change to a black x or something or an arrow and while at it fix the map market long and lat
  8. more flags they own shorter time to claim , less flag longer go find another claim from players who have taken more
  9. buildings stop resources respawning some buildings have larger radius than other foundations at flags steps respawnss and does nothing to stop claims
  10. over all items are lockable including campfires
  11. only solution is to have ships not be affected by weight while anchored only issue with this would be layers logging out asleep on your boat while overweight so as soon as u raise anchor it sinks
  12. extra decay in freeport’s was added as pvp players were logging out in freeport to avoid damage
  13. it’s brilliant change , kept losing fire arrows and gunpowder fire gel and paste, only things taken happene 2 nights in row from pincoded boxes started having to log out with them on char
  14. stone reservoirs fill up over time , build some connect them together add pipe and tap on last one
  15. and very unlikely it’s an mmo not ark
  16. app being developed that will do just that open and close grids as they are needed
  17. pillars like ark or flags no difference early players get the land in ark it was pillars to stop building and claim areas in atlas it’s flags the countdown timer once once it hits minus 249k u can claim it as the 3 day timer is up ..
  18. 6 walls high is more than enough for the animals in this game
  19. ark pillars in lawless zones claim flags in others it’s all the same except foundations destroy resources
  20. u don’t , u let the flags near the beaches be built on leaving the flags protecting resources as non build zones each flag claim zone can be set as neutral to build on or not
  21. it’s not a bug the 3 day timer is in seconds when it hits minus 260,000 the 3 days are up and u can claim it it will jump back to 17,000 if visited by the person that placed the flag and start the timer again seems only the the person that placed the flag can contest or refresh flag
  22. remive ability for players to leave messages simple which alter our own flags message make it like a mini email system ,they can send message u can collect them from flags u own they show up like a list when u access the flag
  23. read the notes this is for OUR tames , wild creatures can regen by eating corpses OUR TAMES can no longer be force fed to heal or heal from corpses they have also also reduced tame stats by 40% good changes i don’t think so
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