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Everything posted by Kirves

  1. @JakeM any idea on this issue?
  2. Kirves

    Carbine range

    yup i'll see what I can do
  3. I've seen a post from @Dollie that they have seen our (PVE) concerns and are talking with the team for some solutions. There is nothing official stating that they're doing anything different with PVE from what is on their captains log. So as of right now only time will tell if anything different is coming.
  4. Lets be honest, everything is getting wiped because its the easiest way possible. Not saying its the right thing to do but the easiest.
  5. Kirves

    Carbine range

    Carbine range is very short or seems very short. On normal sized creatures a pistol will hit at further distances then a carbine. Which it should be the exact opposite.
  6. Done hundreds of maps as well. Have never gotten a hatchet bp.
  7. Still can't build on the front of the galleon any ideas?
  8. Yah I wish I would've saw this event before and would've loved to contribute and been a part of the auction.
  9. https://gyazo.com/5e90d71b2edeb9b50d11d81d051e7f4e As the screenshot shows I can't place a wood wall on my galleon because it needs a foundation support. Any suggestions or is this a bug? Made plenty of boats before an have not had this issue.
  10. The funny thing is what they are implementing isn't a new system. It already exists it called a lawless zone which the whole atlas will be with your "new" system. Claim flags are a great idea just have been poorly implemented. The 2 A.M. removing sleepers and adding a 20 day upkeep on claims was a huge hit on a lot of people. All they need to do is reduce the amount of claim flags people can put down whether is an individual restriction or group restriction. Make the claim a square instead of a circle to maybe fix overlap. Reduce upkeep timers to lawless decay timers of 4 days. And finally have an upkeep cost to your claim flags. Just a flat cost nothing that goes up or down depending on what you have built because you are already restricted on how many flags you can have in the first place. They're adding all these new features to PvP claiming but the only thing they're adding to PvE is a repair station.
  11. On PvE the current system needed tweaking that's it. 20days for upkeep is way to much. If you would've made it 4 days like lawless land or had a upkeep requirement on the flags with the reduced time it would be better. No claim flags on PvE initially is going to be a mess until all the whiners who are getting grieved quit and the pieces of shit grievers get bored and quit. Then you'll have the people playing the game you have now. Who have been through the thick and thin to get something in this game and it has been more thick then thin. Also having a hard cap on claim flags in PvE would also fix a lot of issues whether you put a hard cap on individuals or when you're in a bigger company then hard cap it to suit the size of company. Which the more flags your company has the higher the upkeep.
  12. Instead of a hat cosmetic for my trials and tribulations of the last 600 hours of gameplay. Here are some other options of course they are not as easy as flipping the reset button but maybe you keep whatever loyal customers you have and when the patch does hit we see an incline in players. No reason to wipe anything. Implement your new system and if people don't log in to build you auto repair structures your new system will clean the server for you. I would recommend leaving claim flags in pve to limit structure grieving but put a hard cap on the amount of claim flags an individual can place. I have been playing since the beginning of this buggy mess but I have gotten a lot of enjoyable hours out of it and thank you for that. Now that you have announced a full wipe me and my company are done. We may log in to check out was is new but with no warning before you released it into early access via a WIPE schedule. I don't see any reason to invest anymore time in a game that makes drastic changes. I can guarantee before this game is officially released it will be wiped many more times. Good luck to all who keep playing, will definitely keep an eye on updates to see if anything changes but for now its good bye.
  13. https://gyazo.com/c27e56f5778324a0f0756fe9e9ac028e Haven't built of lived on lawless in awhile. Decided to make an outpost and noticed that tree's, grass and rocks would re spawn inside my foundations and structures. I know in non lawless zones that resources stop spawning in and around structures. So i'm not sure if this is intended or a bug. Did you guys do a fix cause of all the foundation spamming in lawless to have structures not stop resource spawning?
  14. All preleveled they still have a little room for growth. I have a 57 male 29 wild, 53 female 31 wild, 60 female 41 wild, 63 female 35 wild. Discord Kirves#7197 for screenshots or any other questions thanks! NA PVE The Hydra's Den D10
  15. Also can't demolish my own structures in my claim NA PVE.
  16. make sure to upvote the post peeps
  17. @Jatheish Not sure if this has already been asked or answered so sorry in advance. But is there a chance we can personally see the upkeep timer on our own flags? As of right now I either need a stranger to place a flag by mine to tell me. Or I would have to get another account and do it.
  18. @Jatheish What seems to be the problem? Why don't we get updates or acknowledgements of this issue? Do you feel we're entitled? If you don't have a solution then simply say (we are aware of this issue but don't currently have a solution but are working on one.) Man that was tough to type out.
  19. Sadly you can't do anything about it until the devs come up with a solution. As of right now its working as intended.
  20. Red means you can't place any structures on it. Yellow means you can build on the land but not close to any exsiting structures on the land. When the negative timer reaches -259000 seconds the land becomes claimable. Just because the land can be contested doesn't mean you can get the land. Most of the time there is a sleeper there which contests the flag. When you lay down your flag run up to it and look and see if you see CONTESTED on it. If you do then there is a sleeper and you will not be able to get it. If it doesn't say CONTESTED then you need to find the flag you are trying to take to see its countdown timer. After their flag counts down then your 10min timer will start counting down allowing you to claim.
  21. How about play either of the 4 official servers. This sucks just as bad on PVE. I understand we don't have guys sailing around sinking all our ships on PVE. But the amount of high level monsters on the island is insane.
  22. Here is the main bug report on this issue. We have this problem constantly and with the cost of stone structures this has become a big pain in the ass. Please upvote and post pictures or whatever you can there. Thanks.
  23. All pipelines seem to be plugged atm.
  24. @Jatheish It would be nice if you guys had a section in the forums that would show known issues that you guys are working on. Cause as of now I would say most of us have no idea what changes or what bugs are going to get looked at. All you give us is this content patch in late February. Personally I don't want more content, I would love to see the content you have work. I would love for the game to be optimized so I don't have to run it on the lowest graphics to play it. I play plenty of other games on medium to high and enjoy 60+ fps.
  25. @Jatheish I would love to sail my galleon all over the atlas but the problem still is griefers sinking my boat. Is there any fix or solution in the future? Big part of your game is exploring every grid and every island and I feel like I can't do that unless I use a raft or sloop.
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