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Everything posted by Martyn

  1. That's alot of crabs, you can get a cream for that.
  2. Large or Small? Exploit Cheated or found normally?
  3. I remember when I first started, there was rubber banding, it took 10 hours just to get out of the freeport, that was just the sailing and rubberbanding. The freeports were covered in the bodies of sleeping players. The game was freezing and crashing. I'd loved to have been killed by 5 pigs.
  4. In many cases this isn't a bug... it's a minor glitch, you just need to wait longer. Ignore the popup "unable to query server" and "host timeout" and just wait. However in some cases, due to your distance from network backbones, ie you live in the boonies, this will be an issue, which you'll have for all games. If this is specifically just with atlas, likelihood is it's just a glitchy popup and you're not waiting long enough, I have a few people like this in my company, no patience, keep exiting the game in task manager, when if they wait the expected 3-4 mins at the start, it eventually loads up. This is especially bad after patches as the game is still installing and making changes on initial start up.
  5. I realise there's an element of exploitation in these areas, but I often sail through them to go to "the other side" and I'm loosing between 700 and 1000hp off my hull planks just sailing through it. That's damage I need to repair and resources I need to find, before I get into a fight with sotd etc. Obviously players on pvp have further concerns as well. The needs to be an alternative way of reducing exploitation of freeports, maybe even make it impossible to harvest there after say lv 20. In a similar way that people cannot tame animals there. It's bad enough that the wind speeds in freeports is nearly always horrendous and slow going, to then get penalised further just for sailing through it is not really acceptable, nor is sailing around the region. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1748231098
  6. Yeh this had pretty much been the attitude on most player run servers of any type that I've been to in the last 20-30 yrs. People don't realise that when you offer a service to people, it means you need to put some effort into it, it's not just switch on, load up, play. You need a dedicated staff, with people who know how to deal with hackers, who know who is or isn't cheating and so on. It's the same with officials, it's been a long time since I've seen any official game with actual gm's in them. So I prefer to play on standard rules, no mods, no admins, no nothing. Let the players police the server etc. The devs can make and break the game. Course it would also help if you could search and maybe even view a server, without making a character on it, like maybe spectate, see if the conversations etc are active, see what people have built, if there's spam etc.
  7. On release, it was actually necessary to increase the number of the original freeports, due to the massive influx of players, the server was literally flooded within minutes by 60+k people all wanting in. The freeports are mobbed, hundreds of players in every direction. But that was then. Now you might see 1 other player in a free port, either getting easy access resources or a mast head or other cosmetic, maybe some starter crew. There's no reason for all the freeports now. On release there were only 6-7 in total, it's time it went back to those original few. The saved space can be turned into more space for players already in game.
  8. You can also give him any tames he got by unclaiming the tames and it's likely in the next few patches that we might be able to unclaim ships as well.
  9. No you look at those things and then as required upgrade or buy an entire new pc. You don't go onto forums and blame a game with which many others are not having the exact same issue. Sure the games crashed for me as well, on one day it crashed 5 times in a single hour.. then I left that region and it was fine. But that doesn't make the entire game at fault.
  10. Game crashing is your specific problem, not everyones, therefore not the game to blame. You are to blame. Sotd are easy to dodge and won't even attack rafts or sloops unless they're right on top of you. Again, if they're sinking you, that's YOUR fault. As for loot drops never had this issue either, probably linked to having a potatoe for a pc.
  11. It usually just means the region has crashed and is restarting, usually takes 1-2 minutes. Not something worth getting worked up about.
  12. Don't use unofficials because: A = Admins B = 50000x taming speed C = Mods (game changers not annoying admins)
  13. Yeh i think they removed the 2x gold so the cheats and exploiters don't get even richer. I get plenty just killing whales. I got 20k gold atm in my chest that's plenty for me.
  14. It isn't perfect, there's many flaws, but that's no reason for your silly thread. That just shows who you are. Not what the game is.
  15. Ceiling Door. Diving Suit without a cable for use with the Crab. Then we could walk around on seabed.. without drowning.
  16. Arrows and Bullets both do 17 damage.. Yet you can fire the bow about 30 times for every reload of the other weapons. It is completely pointless now to even use the flintlocks, blunder or carbine. Similarly using cannons etc against animals and golden islands mobs.. almost useless now. You have to use the rubbish weapons, but better made versions.
  17. Martyn

    Im out

    An algorithum could certainly be made to track people who say specific things in chat, who rapidly rise in levels, to even track how they're getting the xp. It just requires a developer willing to take that route and to put the work in, because it isn't a particularly easy craft.
  18. Noone in my company can get on either. Server lists are empty for last 2-3 mins and there was no warning ingame or servers coming down. And the moment I post this.. here they are. Coming back online.. what happen? Someone nuke you for nerfing the game? Wow logged back in with ship at full sails..
  19. Regions do sometimes look smaller. Esp the ones with 5-6 islands in them for 122 or 81 pts. But my region is same size as rerelease.
  20. I love these forums, almost every possible complaint I have.. is already addressed on here. Thanks guys!
  21. They need to make it double xp only. And it isn't double harvesting, it's more like 3x harvesting, I normally get 204-255 metal from nodes during weekend I avg 750..
  22. Or level up and survive..
  23. Yeh we get this as well, on wild and tamed.
  24. Nope, last crash file log is from 10th of may 2019.. 8 days ago. No logs at all for today. As soon as I left the region the issues stopped occuring. I was in tundra regions, then arctic, when I crossed from N1 into N15 I didn't crash again.
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