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Everything posted by wandelaar

  1. confirmed ... but not consistently on every cobra sporting island
  2. We've tested yesterday and it further limits the level of the treasure map you can successfully do on your own (not just in your case, but also in the scenario where you use a mount to bite and claw through the Army of the Dead). Even the crossbow is useless against them now. I wonder how the powerstone acquisition will fare now ... BTW: hats off to you ... after the 1.5 update I gave up on doing treasure maps on foot ... I never even considered building on the fly as part of a fight tactic against them.
  3. As a work-around you can use a keyboard macro to toggle running (pressing/relaesing the run key). There are plenty of tools out there in case your keyboard did not come with macro support.
  4. Hi Tiberius_Theron, How big do you think the need is for fluent single-grid-at-a-time servers? I would have thought it is non-existent, since even our company members are seldom in the same grid at the same time.
  5. The wheather often forces me to not go sailing with the current ship: be it bad wind direction, no wind, rain, fog, cold gale. Only the bad winbd direction lasts longer than 5 minutes because even the 'no wind' episodes are short. 'Not enough wind' might be a bigger issue depending on your choice of sails ... anyway. You are speaking for plenty of people when you say that wheather makes us stop playing then and there with that ship. (I usually fast travel to another ship at the other side of the world and continue playing. In PvE that's easy because you don't have to safeguard anchored ships. Also, there is the daily round of bed-activation and trough and larder filling that needs to happen. Building chores are long done by now, but they used to be bad-wheather options as well.)
  6. The question is too simplistic to answer correctly. Would I like a solution to lower the long-distance travel times: yes. -|> introduce a long-distance travel mode (with a limitation on course adjustment speed + with a slow procedure to rig the sails differently, that does not allow a quick change to a more versatile combat mode) Would I like to keep the current speed for encounters and manoeuvers: yes. So in your poll I answered 'no' as a PVE player. And I would have answered 'no' as a PvP player as well if you would have set up the poll to allow for player reality (where players are not exclusively PvP or PvE).
  7. It would be more constructive to fix the meals so that they actually provide long term balance. Most multi-vit meals now only replenish 1, most currently do not balance the nutrients and most currently do not provide any longer term advantage. There (currently) is hardly any incentive to cook in PVE. (grog is all you need)
  8. You need to interact with each animal (that you want to keep (tamed)). This can be riding, commanding, packing ... there is a rumour that looking in the inventory might do the trick as well. As far as I have been able to observer it is less of an issue on land in bases as all animals there tend to share the same timer. I can't be certain as I might have just checked out bases of players that diligently 'touched'each of their animals that day.
  9. No hints ... this has been an issue since forever. Theoretically the cart can be destroyed (when the owner is in the quadrant), but good luck achieving that without killing the bear.
  10. When achored, your ship is unsinkable. But it is *best practice* again to pull up/retract your ladders. Most important advice: use all the animals that you keep on ships regularly. I have been boarding a few out of curiousity and the claim timers of animals on the deck differ ... quite often a few are claimable while most are on 7+ days. So clearly it is not simply a matter of rendering to reset the timers.
  11. After being neglected for a week it doesn't surprise me the giraffe was willing to eat out of another hand. Nor would it surprise me if they decide to allow animals to turn wild again and escape their bonds if they are ignored/uncared for/not interacted with for a certain amount of time. (and yes, we would would like to have definite answers and rules ... but we are beta testers)
  12. Hi Zottel, the devs should not read the fora, but the testers should read them consistently (as they might ... we don't know).
  13. Tried PvP server and could get on that one ... but I still can't rejoin the EU PvE server I was on (B10). There is no error message, no reaction ... the screen seems stuck loading Primal_BP ... but it isn't stuck as I can switch applications and end it normally as well.
  14. uninstalled BattlEye service and removed binaries, re-aquiered binaries and re-installed service ... no change. Tried Ark ... no problem getting on an official server. But with Atlas ... no getting on official server.
  15. I'm not sure what data I can give you. EU PvE, client 104.2, windows 10 up to date, nvidia driver last two versions |
  16. 1. Would you consider a tow line (for the ships)? 2. Hoistable sloops? Currently a ship the size of a galleon should either be able to get a couple of sloops hoisted up (like the dingy) or have them in tow. It stands to reason that towing would create drag. It would provide extra mechanics for island exploration as well as offer extra tactics for island attacks. 3. Stilts or growth potion? For many of us the dwarf height was not intentional and running through the landscape was far more enjoyable when I had at least an average height. A growth potion would be a welcome addition to rectify this. But stilts might be an even more fun idea. The should give you a speed advantage as well probably combined with higher vulnerability (as it is easier to lose your balance). They should be the type of stilts that don't require the use of your hands. 4. Fortune favors the rich? Would you consider side-effects to a companies wealth? Example: 10% health bonus to all settlers on an island where the treasury holds more than x gold? Obvioulsy something similar can be accomplished by selling totems that have such an effect for a settlement. 5. Reputation/Karma in PvE? What is your vision on these for PvE?
  17. Hi, with previous version and this version there are cases where the waterbarrels on a ship become empty without cause. I have two waterbarrels side by side on a ship. Upon server restart the one with the open lid (and sugar in it) became empty; the one with the closed lid (and only water in it) kept it's load of 392/4000. Yesterday I had quite a few weird fenomena: that same waterbarrel that yoday became empty held 4000/4000 and with filling 2.0001 waterskins it was empty -no server restart involved.
  18. He basically repeats the question for about 3 minutes and might still hope for an answer.
  19. cheat TP O13 178426 -392674 430 The snow shows as a rain equivalent but does not fill you with water, nor the skins. It does fill the barrels.
  20. Not necessarily ... it varies a lot. My first rejuvination was pure chaos and took multiple attempts. And yes, the final run was anti-climatic ... that was a case where all the bad stuff was dealt with by others. But later in the Anarchy period I went for my second dip in the fountain. Again I tried several times but spread out over days, a single run at the time (because it is no fun). The final run was a sneak walk outside -seeing baddies and avoiding them- with a lot of luck and a clear sprint inside and back out. I sneaked back the way I came , swam back to the ship and sailed away. I was the only player in the quadrant.
  21. True, so living as renter now only comes with the risk of the owner being opposed to your build-of-the last -24hrs and from the owner losing his claim to a new owner who might want to clean the beach.
  22. I hope so ... in the anarchy period I scouted a lot and it seemed to me that on a lawless islands there was either hardly any foundation spamming or it looked like a serious pissing contest. You need but one player kicking it off and it can become a chainreaction. Where I built players are quite respectfull of neighbourghs.
  23. I haven't checked the numbers in over 3 days, so no I'm not sure.
  24. @Martyn Whether this is sloppyness or a feature is still unclear, but they have not tied the subtype of the resource to the the same plants consistently, or to the same rock images for that matter. So for every quadrant you need to assert that what looks like thyme is still thyme and what looks like the plant that gave you straw, maybe now gives you cotton. Silk (also a fiber) comes from trees in some tropical quadrants (same dark green as the lemontrees but with a rounder crown). I haven't been able to assert that this has improved since the 1.5 update and again, they might have done this on purpose so that we need to harvest samples in every quadrant instead of trusting our eyes.
  25. The sails are repaired separately from the masts, so you need to aim a bit to get the right "E" option. Good question about the loss of speed with shredded sails: IDK but I've been assuming that would be the case.
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