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Everything posted by Grongash

  1. Yay, by the time the patch hits live you can put all remaining players in one company on the 2-50 Server.
  2. I played a lot of ARK on official PvP servers... im not "afraid" of them, just sick of a culture that embraces cheating. No fun fighting people who dont fight fair.
  3. While it clearly is over exaggerated the general meassage isnt that far off. We are talking wipe, so this is about the official servers only. If you take the playerbase of the last month before the wipe announcement and substract the pure maintenance loggers you get a pretty small actual playerbase. So far no one of my company, friends list and the people that settled around our region on the official EU PvE Server see any reason to go on if they plan further wipes. Lets be honest, there isnt much to this game other than building in PvE. So you can take an educated guess that at least the PvE part of the game will be screwed if they go on like this. And the PvP part got his own set of problems. Good luck if you think they will ever sort the Chinese problem or get a grip on the hacking issues. Give it a few months and you will all pay taxes to your new chinese feudal lords.
  4. What makes you think that THIS will be the one deadline they actually make?
  5. Not everyone is eating up every crap you get fed under the banner of "early access". There are plenty of EA titles out there who managed just fine. You dont constantly wipe a grindy MMO that has progression/building parts, period. If you have to, you make it clear, and you ease one the grindy parts. Also, most games are EA nowadays, a cheesy way of skipping expensive testing and financing the game thats still in early development.
  6. I guess they assume thats how long it will take them for another major screw up? Fair assumption tbh.
  7. Early Access doesnt automatically have to mean wipes, especially in a game that calls itself a MMO. The reason they had to wipe isnt really connected to any development either. It is mainly because of their sloppy handling of hacks and console commands combined with being unable to actually test their stuff internally (or even use common sense) or track down bugs. Pretty much all of the people i know that started out very motivated and had great interest in the game are now worried that this will be a regular thing now. And the game in its current grindy state is just not enough fun to start over all the time. If you find it fun to spent time again over and over exploring the same copy and pasted islands in order to just level to compensate for the half assed "Skill point system", be my guest. Most people wont do that. It is ok to do it once, or maybe twice. But if they honestly think the playerbase will just keep restarting those annoying parts from scratch they will be in for a surprise.
  8. If they keep the feudal slave system ill pass on the next try.
  9. Even the forum died out Too bad, the game had momentum and a community and they blew it.
  10. They should have used that reset and made sure it would be the last one. I would have ratehr waited a month or longer if that would have been it. I dont feel like starting over every few weeks because the developers bit off more than they can chew. Wich seems to be the motto of this game.
  11. And the few that return will be gone if they pull out the next reset. You dont reset an MMO. Period. Plenty of games have shown how to do it. EA is not an excuse for a painfully slow learning curve of the developers of this game.
  12. They will probably reset the grid aswell, there was talk about additional islands etc? Pretty pointless to scout now for after the wipe..
  13. Dont give them ideas.. the servers already had issues handling the few players with seperated networks...
  14. Its not, but some almost religiously keep repeating that apparenty "Early Access" means we are pre alpha and that makes all their errors and fails ok. Sadly it has become state of the art now to release stuff once it compiles for the first time, milk the first wave of .. erm.. customers and use them as free alpha and beta testers (under the banner of "help shaping the game"). Dont get me wrong, i know what i bought into, and i got my moneys worth already. I dont complain about bugs, i do however have an issue with how they handle them. The reset we get now is because they didnt know what they were doing and did zero internal testing. And the way they fix it is exaclty the same.. extreme the other way round, rushed, not tested, late (because they promised deadlines they never were able to make in the first place). I give them this "reset". But if there is another complete wipe coming im out for good. And dont play the "EA means wipe" card please. It does not. Plenty of games handled that. You dont wipe a "persistant" "MMO" all the time.
  15. That is pretty much what i have been doing the last 2-3 weeks before the wipe announcement, it was also faster than doing treasure maps. Ironically this comes closer to the pirate part than all the official "pirate" stuff
  16. And they held their deadlines hwo often so far?
  17. Im pretty sure we actually played on test servers anyway Wouldnt hold my breath, im sure it will take at least 2-3 more weeks before we will even get the wishlist patchnotes.
  18. Amazing.. so they actually stored that part on the client side... Not easy to manipulate at all But i think fow is gone anyway with the march (haha) update?
  19. Given the current track record i didnt think they would make the set date anyway.
  20. I think there are various reasons. For some, those games seem to be a large part of their social contacts, and i dont mean any "basement dweller" or "mummies basement" clichés here. I guess everything is taken a lot more dramatic if you dont have much going on to counterbalance it outside of your current game of the month. It probably helps them to pin down a person as the root of all evil, i guess it makes it easier to digest. And then there are the "instant gratification generation" kiddies, who think that buying a 20 bucks box also bought all of the Developers souls and all of their past, current and future time I usually just ignore those, it was their parents job to teach them frustration control, not mine. But lets not forget that those are usually just the loudest. The forum may not look like it right now, but there are others too I myself (like a lot of players here) am not too thrilled about a reset in a MMO, but i get that it is needed. I am more concerned about the fact that they didnt really fix the root of all the problems yet. I will however give it a shot in march, and if it doesnt work out for me ill move on to another game.
  21. Nope, the patchnotes said specifically that Ranger's stuff wont be deleted! Lucky you!
  22. Better this way than not telling us and giving us a 2 day notice...
  23. PvP is prolly fun for a bit longer, nothing to lose and all that... PvE is going to tank for sure, where is the point in going on? Not like there is any fun content and exploring and building just became pointless as well... I dont find it fun enough in its current state to just play it "for fun". Which says a lot about the game anyway
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