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Everything posted by Vorxius

  1. see here It's possible that if we ask nice enough, the team may exercise discretion and keep 2x gold on PvE, since it doesn't unbalance things as much as on PvP.
  2. It's like the guy that drives 135mph down the motorway, gets stopped by police and says.... What did you pull me over for, officer? I wasn't speeding, everyone else was... just... going in slow motion
  3. Cheers guys, good to see some helpful and rational replies. Cudos granted. What it boils down for me is that if 2x gold is no longer a thing for maps, then it devalues weekend time. (which isn't necessarily a bad thing). It means that weekend gold runs are no longer a thing. It doesn't matter if I do maps during the week or, as previous as a group thing on Sat evenings when I'm not in the recording studio. Been a bit of an Atlas tradition, Deliveroo a KFC, don the pirate hat (IRL), and go bee-lining for as many maps as possible. Talking of shipwrecks, took me a while to figure out that an oil lantern works under water (whoohoo)! and that if you push 'X' it removes your breathing gear. (oops). Waffling. Thanks for the replies people.
  4. Just did a treasure map, am I going mad or does the 2x weekend no longer accommodate gold? Main menu doesn't mention gold, so clearly I'm not going mad. Does anyone know if this is a permanent arrangement? I'd typically use our lovely 2x weekends to catch up on gold reserves as well as other resources. During the week is neigh on impossible to get any solid game time in. Fear we're gonna struggle without it.
  5. Vorxius

    Im out

    need several horse and carts to carry it lol
  6. Vorxius

    Im out

    does this count? Only joking with ya. BUT I WISH!!
  7. to be fair Jat, the 2x weekend gives many people a chance to catch up. Week days, for me, for example, I work in the city, start work at 8, sometimes get home at 11pm.. The weekends are my only chance to catch up, and the 2x really helps a lot. If weekends were still 1x, my personal game experience would be 1 step forwards, 2 steps back... I'd feel like i'm always on catch up. 2x allows me / us, to recover, and progress... especially with gold. Impossible to do during the week. I appreciate the 2x every week, i know exactly where I stand, and, can plan accordingly, putting the family first. Please don't change the 2x weekends!
  8. Vorxius

    Im out

    what guillotine exploit?
  9. Yeah I have found this, in fact it happens to players to. When the boat is moving, sometimes you'll 'float' above deck by an in game millimeter or so... this causes you to unlatch from the boat asset, and you'll effectively phase in place, and the boat continues moving, and you pass through walls until the boat is gone and you drop into the ocean. Human players it's not so critical for, because you can yell and scream at the captain, and he'll haul up and wail MAN OVERBOARD, and hopefully if there's no conspiracy, will come rescue you. If you're solo, the boat will automatically stop for you. Animals on the other hand can't so once your rhino or bear or whatever starts this 'phasing' thing, they're gone, and if below deck, you're none the wiser until you reach your destination 7 grids later, and realise it's not there, not knowing where the thing fell off. There was an earlier post about someone randomly coming across a tame that was just in the middle of the ocean! But a lot of text to say that, yep I agree, a holding pen, or something that effectively makes the caged tame part of the boat asset, would solve this. We have never had this issue when anchored or not moving. That's a really good suggestion, fair enough if it only does cannons, I'll give it a try later, but if it does by any chance work for sails, I'll remember to buy you a beer at the *next* / first, atlas road show! Cheers
  10. I think for me, GS have nailed quite a lot of what I need... however, not sure if this is relevant here, but, my biggest need is to work on the snap points of structural pieces. Sometimes, you can build right in to a wall, other times you're 1 pixel clipping something and the entire piece doesn't snap, obstructed. I'd like to see clipping into things allowed if part of the structure is accessible, quite like the S+ stuff in Ark. On boats this becomes a lot more pronounced, so perhaps, smart logic to allow large items to fill in gaps (assumed to be trimmed to shape) just like any old chippy would be able to do!
  11. tbh it's really refreshing to see land owners building ramps for visitors on bears to reach things like treasure chest locations. Part of me inwardly appreciates, and extends warm wishes to ones considerate enough to do this. It actually makes me feel less resentful for the 20% tax... happy to contribute to considerate owners. I do digress, however... Lawless is a farcry to the above though, you're lucky to be able to start a ramp among the wash of foundations and posts
  12. Must admit since my last post in April, things do look strangely better... We have wandering bears again, tigers are back and plenty of giraffe for our food stash... hmm! Stealth fix? In which case, cudos!
  13. We had similar issue with a foundation spammed mountain top, no way up, but needed the metals. The cliffs were pretty steep, so what we did, was have a temp container at the bottom of the mountain, where my company mate was located, and we realised that one of us could grappling / pick to the top, harvest and drop / sling the metals over the cliff, where the packages were landing at my colleagues feet.. he just scooped up the packed and loaded it in to the box for temp storage. Granted it's a bit of a Laurel and Hardy thing to do, but, it worked perfectly. Got all the metal needed, jumped off with a glider, did some sightseeing, helped load the stuff on to the boat.
  14. Verify game cache via steam, and try swapping server, and back again... see if that helps.
  15. Hey everyone, I know this will be likely irrelevant for 98% of the player base but wanted to try and see if I can locate a specific player. Nothing bad, just need a favor. Ed Nordwind. We had a couple of structures pop up right in our home yard, a taming structure comprised of posts, and a makeshift tannery. It's abandoned, as we have never seen the player come back, but, its timers do reset. Just need a huge favor and ask if these particular ones can be taken down, and we're happy to relocate them with public pen if needed.. there's a couple of buildings we need to pop up, and alas these structures are right in the middle of the courtyard.. K9, lawless. Ed, if you're reading this, PM me and we can figure something out off-line. Cheers!
  16. Nope! I think white is slightly lighter clear varnish in Atlas lol
  17. That's a good chunk of a tip right there, will definitely try this tomorrow when the 2x starts Probably good for Rhino to.
  18. Agree, they should have two options for dye. 1) wood stain (as it is at the moment) 2) thick opaque paint (perhaps set it to use 2x dye compared to wood stain). I could definitely +1 this.
  19. Pretty much this, our exploration galleon (PvE) is retro fit almost to the OPs specification (not designed to engage and fight) I'd like an A-B toggle as well. Position A would be all crew on deck (so to speak, with each crew member assigned to a station, eg sail), and a position B where crew can gather when not sailing, so they can perform their regular ship maintenance duties. Bit of a chore unseating crew every time you haul up somewhere, before seating them again all to set sail. Position A / B toggle for the QOL win.
  20. First check the CoC here : https://www.playatlas.com/index.php?/code-of-conduct/ Douchebag behavior like using boat yards to block an estuary would probably come under exploiting. Using a big structure against it's intended purpose to intentionally disrupt EVERYONES game experience (who visits the island, or fellow island residence) is violation of CoC. Second, raise a ticket here : https://www.playatlas.com/index.php?/support-tickets/report-players/&do=form&d=21
  21. That's pretty fracking twatty. Just report. Zero reason for this.
  22. I used potatoes. It's by far the simplest option, and works pretty well. Last weekend, was getting about 8% per feed on a level 22 rhino
  23. You forgot shoodoo, youdoo, and doggydoo!
  24. I just ram them with my Galleon at 15 kts if they get in my way. Hilarious how the little schooner types respond like a heavy 16 ball smashing through those 10 pins. Rammed one last night it didn't get a shot off, just sat there in confused shock whilst the crew peeled themselves of the walls...
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