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Everything posted by trqfreak350

  1. Jats already said they are looking into something similar to the way the bank filters. It may come. But it doesnt take long to use the search function and drop all feature.
  2. There was a redit post that was updated 18.5 I think so pretty recently, taxes are seemingly broken right now, whether its 1% 5.5% it takes more than 30%
  3. There are other games in recent news that suffer this same fate. It's frustrating because some of the smallest QoL things can make some huge impact on game play, I've actually lost tames because i was pulled off my lion not far from my ship and had our only bear there, on passive accidentally, and couldn't figure out where i was in relation to where i got killed because of the map. If there isn't enough time in a day, or you just need extra people to play the heck out of early versions of patches i already have a day job but always up for a side hustle!
  4. honestly i don't bother with anything less than a journeyman, and typically quality 15+ which i find very frequently, i ride around on a horse around our island a few times a week. our elephants... they are prime, i'll sell you a few good ones if you are on NA-PvE. Steve is a level 71 he was a 37 wild if i remember correctly, but we just got a new one that is 160% melee, and 2500 weight tamed at 43.
  5. When close to shore even at 25% sail some things aren't rendering in quickly at all, i've found myself being stopped for no reason for 10-15 seconds then a shipyard spawns in. Ships still aren't spawning in very quickly either, there was a patch about this recently i do believe as well.
  6. with a 180%melee elephant with 6500 weight, it's entirely doable, we have a walk up to our resource bin on our island, and i farmed 100k within a few hours, it's the thatch that becomes the time sink, also i got 5,000 gold per map that i did tonight, with the best journeyman giving me 6600 both in C4 3 tiles from my place.
  7. I climb over the gates, i use oil jars, and if they have tames inside their massive gates i let them "help" too
  8. It definitely doesn't take that much time, if it's taking you that long to do a few maps i'm sorry.
  9. With 500+ discoveries found now, I can honestly say it's a frustrating endeavor at times, sometimes the spyglass doesnt show, and sometimes it only shows at certain distances. I'd love it if they did shorter beams instead that were visible with the spyglass.
  10. I'm definitely not confused, you want the ability to do maps on every 2x weekend without fail, imagine the people that work on weekend and don't get weekends off to take advantage of that, maybe we should whine that we should have 2x weekdays too, it's just soooooooo annoying that i can't get 2x gold, and 2x xp on days i don't work.
  11. everything needs to be easy.. i get it. less effort more reward.
  12. And wood elevator, level up some you won't have an issue getting to it if you want it, or trade something to somebody that can make it, or play with people with different skills than yourself. how many maps are you planning on storing, when i get a 3-4 journeyman, or masterworks worth 1800g each i'm out doing them not storing them for a month.
  13. I used to play exclusively PvP with thousands of hours in Ark, but for the aforementioned issues, and the zergfests that are common i stopped, it's not worth the frustration. but i'd still rather die trying than just log. you don't have to agree, opinions will be just that, you won't change my mind.
  14. 280 slots... what's the point of hoarding more than that? As for blueprints that's 6.2 normal 45 slot shelves worth, i don't have a single complaint about them releasing this early, and giving us what we were asking for. Thx and awesome model on it, really props to the art team @Jatheish
  15. i think there is a timer in Ark when you log out you're still vulnerable for 30 min till protection takes effect, so it would actually be better to stay online.
  16. @Dollie @Jatheish Thanks for listening! Sometimes it's the little things.
  17. 4. Bindable commands to a Number pad either global NESW, or in degrees in relation to bow when at the podium.
  18. Make 20 gliders and 20 picks pull the hydra to the beach and use your boat to drown it. 15 min tops, then use the 2 hours trying to get the stone to the pedestal, so far my wife and I have done O7, and C6, O7 is a nightmare with the 25 plus Gorgons, and 5-8 fire elementals there guarding the cave. Also as far as killing everything, it all respawns within seconds most times. We spent an hour and hundreds if bolts killing elementals only to have more spawn immediately. You also have no reward for them, at least the cyclops give mythos. Elemental cost about 50-70 bolts.
  19. does that mod have the water, and the wind and all the same mechanics as atlas?
  20. after killing it multiple times on the same server, i believe that it respawns after about 2 hours *the stone despawning* and then maybe a small timer, note that some islands have multiple spawn points, for instance, O7 inside the castle area, and then inside the forest behind he power stone area.
  21. i think you're missing the point... but ok, we did it multiple times, it's beside the point, it's not engaging game play, death running into a cave? really? and it's the only endgame to get to the kraken, what's the point if you don't intend doing endgame?
  22. you think this endgame model is sustainable? death runs into a cave from fire elementals, that 1. don't give loot so there is no point in clearing them out and wasting 50 plus bolts kiting it with a ship to do so, and 2 have an aggro range from nearly out of render range. we did O7 yesterday, and between the lag from dozens of ships, 6-8 fire elementals, and 25-30 gorgons just in the cove alone i honestly thought about giving the endgame up and not worrying about it hoping they did something with it. Seeing as how they implemented it, i'd hope that this is not what they have in mind. there are no mechanics to avoid, no nothing, it's just drown the hydra, and death run to a cave, that's not endgame, it's not gating, it's stupid, no matter the strat, the idea is stupid and short sighted.
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