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Everything posted by Nari

  1. The change was reverted but It means they're getting rid of spam.
  2. Can't emphasize this enough. Tooltips/Infocards are in game for a reason. They need to use them for their intended purpose, not just useless flavor text... This goes for EVERYTHING in game from skills to stats and everything in between.
  3. The greatest value obviously. Or just use the same list as S+ and let the player decide.
  4. 104.73 - Any character which was above level 100 will now be reverted to level 100.
  5. If there was any consequence for death at all I'd probably be singing a slightly different tune (or maybe the same tune just in a different key) but there isn't and because of this many find it easier to just die than deal with any of it. This is a problem. It's an issue in ARK as well as ANY other "survival" game using these kind of mechanics without any consequence for ignoring them. Let me put it this way: They could have chosen to punish you for not micromanaging your food/water/vitamins, I mean really punish you for it, but they didn't. Instead they chose to reward those who do. Let that sink in for a sec... because one method provides agency to the player and the other forces the player to comply. There's literally is no downside to this system. You still don't have to give a shit about any of it if you don't want to, they even gave you the means to quickly reset, but those who do put in the minimal amount of effort get buffed. Win/Win if you ask me. I have yet to read a better solution for this issue than the current implementation of Vitamins.
  6. I know the definition and in this case it applies. You know what a really big flaw with the simplified, gameified, version of eating/drinking meat and water to survive is? It's easier to just kys and ignore the "survival" mechanics entirely. Vitamins incentivize participation with buffs. Equilibrium is not a negligible buff. My use of the word tedium was my way of leveling with you as the question was mostly rhetorical, I knew the answer. I do not find the micro tedious in the slightest. Subjective preferences.
  7. It's really not that much micro but I'll digress. Just to be clear, is it the systems design or the tedium of additional micromanagement that's the underlying issue in your opinion? Because one can be fixed and the other is your preference. Personally I'd prefer more features like this in my survival games.
  8. It's not about realism, it's gamification. The Vikings were basically only able to live where there did because of the local Cod supplementing the lack of vit D from sunlight. Without it your bones become softer over generations leading to all kinds of conditions you really don't want to deal with. If their goal was realism the teased legacy system would get very complicated, very fast for these reasons alone. The objective was to gamify vitamins because survival and honestly they're not far off from a system that resembles reality but fits within the genre. It just needs some fine tuning along with Cooking.
  9. God forbid you actually have to micromanage surviving in the survival genre They tried to spice things up. Sure the execution was not perfect,but at least they tried to deviate from the standard copy/pasta HP/Stam & Food/Water that seems to define the genre. imo the concept is solid. Rates need to be balanced and Cooking needs to be adjusted in the process.
  10. + = RMB is the pick. LMB is the axe. (or vice versa) Heck you could even include the Sickle and/or Shovel with the way melee is set up. Make it slightly less effective even to make up for the convenience of the free slot(s) I guess? Idk, I'm just tired of looking like a walking toolbox.
  11. There's only one of each server per region. They're not going to merge regions
  12. No need to read between the lines when they spell it out for you. "- New placeable land structure 'Crew Resources Silo' which allows storage of food and gold to feed crew. Note this will also function on lawless servers, but to do so we've had to have them display island points on the map, however they still will not be able to be claimed." I don't see any signs of another wipe in the near future, and I highly doubt they will use a wipe as means to get people to come back, but you never know. If you're afraid of wipes OP just wait for release.
  13. Yea, that's what I said xD
  14. Pretty sure is has no affect on the trough. Put in in a pres bag, you wont see a change immediately if that bag is already using salt. Just wait or use a fresh bag.
  15. Nope, it should just automagically produce ice when it's cold enough as long as it's not activated (consuming ice). Ours produces nightly, same setup as you describe, Icebox outside in the tundra.
  16. Did you activate it? That mode consumes Ice to cool the surrounding area.
  17. Wait for nightfall
  18. "Those which exceed the limit will be able to place a 2nd claim flag in a viable location." Yea, this doesn't seem to be working. We (Admins or above) have been looking for a "viable location below 16/17 walls" since the update and are unable to place a 2nd flag anywhere. The UI indicates not enough claim points but that's only true if its counting the cost twice.
  19. I'd find another hill to die on. If someones objective is to grieve then they will find a way. They always do.
  20. a·maz·ing causing great surprise or wonder; astonishing. Really?... There are much bigger fish to fry and 2 months is nothing in terms of development.
  21. You lose the ability to ride them until you unlock riding again, and any other perks like feats or commands of course.
  22. Don't give tips when you don't even play the game...
  23. Just because it's not the next thing on the list doesn't mean it's not a top priority. Fixes like these take time. I'd bet money that if they could have patched this INSTEAD of nerfing all spawns into easy mode they would have. The real issue probably has more to do with the servers and chunk streaming than it does collision in-engine.
  24. I'm fairly certain Merlin is right, everything BUT the box is fair game. I keep a Galley in between 2 brigs and have never had one leech from the other.
  25. It's working as intended. I just got done babysitting 3 newborns to Juvy then left em to fate. They're all 50% now. Temperature spikes and Food are both no longer an issue.
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