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Jack Shandy

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Everything posted by Jack Shandy

  1. According to you too grindy = bad Not a big deal = too easy (bad) And your metric for this knowledge is what people here post.(not the most reliable of sources) I put it to you that if some find it grindy and others find it "no big deal", maybe it's in an Ok place. If you think island ownership should have no cost, that is just lazy and just a little entitled. All that aside, the devs have voiced a few things they were to introduce, like structure upkeep and decay that varies from lawless to settled islands, as it stands the difference is minimal. Once these things (if ever) make it into the game, we will have a better handle on the costs of living in lawless, being a tennant or owning an island. At this point, with what is possibly only partialy what the devs intend for the game, criticising it either way is pretty pointless. What we could do with is more communication from the devs as to what direction they intend for this aspect of the game.
  2. ^ Not realy, The problem was XP gained with mounted weapons from AotD But instead of fixing XP gained with mounted weapons from AotD They make it so mounted weapons can't damage AotD. (and a lot of other stuff too) Anyone can see thats just plain dumb.
  3. Not Trolling, genuinely confused as to how you can die so many times to a storm. I can only speak from my perspective, and I welcome storms, for the wind picks up and hence my speed. Even my cargo gally, 4 speed, 2 weight sails, so steers like a pig, sure you need to counter steer to stay straight and gig left and right to avoid tornados, sometimes you can’t fully avoid them and take a tick or two of damage, but that’s all. How you can die so many times in a storm is literally beyond my comprehension, and thus any complaint you make about them seems to me at least blown up beyond all proportion.
  4. It's hitting the casual gamers, if you play only a couple time a week, something used once a fortnight IS used often. But now, you just loose it. and maybe loose the player too. Too much of the recent changes are putting people off the game, it's realy dissapionting.
  5. If you have 0 - levels in health, 0 - levels in Fortitude, 0 - Clothes on, and not bothering to steer your ship, then yes i suppose dieing that many times could happen. But if that is the case. Why?
  6. What! The wind arrow getting smaller & smaller for the last 1/2 hour isn't warning enough?
  7. +30 fortitude +10% movement speed +20 Melee Damage (don't make use of this much) Thats all the incentive I need, plus 1 pork pie, 1 fish & chips and all vit's are ballanced.
  8. A few seconds less............on the ostrich I was taming bola broke at 1:35 every time, only managed 2 feeds each time. Was going to report it, but a server notice popped up and when I checked it was to sort out the bola issue. I was trying to use a bola so I felt happy about the restart. You got to allow GS to fix things like this as and when they can, i bet if you'd been trying to tame you'd have welcomed the update too.
  9. You can tell if the slow gain vitamins are still active by the pressence of the "plate of food" buff icon. We use Pork Pies & Fish and Chips, all but the orange vitamin shoot up, that one takes a minute or two and the icon is there until it is done.
  10. I can fully understand, you not wanting to risk any of your ships, tames and other gear needed for raiding at any time other than when you are the one raiding. You have your, I presume, very secure home base where you feel safe. You just wish to fight and win, and you've done all you can within the games current confines, so you want the game to change so you can keep fighting, all perfectly understandable.
  11. That has always been the price of expansion, the risk of spreading yourself too thin. Sounds like an interesting challenge. It has the added benefit of not needing to change the games ship speeds.
  12. Or you could, I don't know, build an outpost from which to attack those places from. The logistics of an operation like that might be an interesting thing to play in a game like this.
  13. Ah! back to the "we've wiped or neutralized all those close to us, we want to wipe or neutralize those further away" argument. You do know sailing speed will only help you in the short term, once those are wiped or neutralized you'll be asking again for faster sailing or ship teleportation to further your reach. I don't know what the answer is, but asking for more speed isn't it.
  14. There is certainly something wrong with crop plots. Fertilizer useage is way higher. When reduced to seed or seedling due to lack of fertilizer, regrowing only sometimes works. Destroying and placing new plots solves the growing issue. (Not sure if this solves the fertilizer usage issue, yet.) Not sure when this issue started as I generally keep my plots well filled with fertilizer.
  15. ok, done a bit of research. There seems to be 9 golden age ruins now, but there used to be only 8 with the ghost ship dropping the 9th. I don't remember seeing an update that mentioned this, I must have missed it.
  16. 10 Knots minimum you say - 1 day later - 6 weight sail, 6 cargo rack, 99% loaded galleons all over the map. Nope, can't see a problem with this. (Sarcasm)
  17. Maybe not skill, but a good dose of common sense. If the wind is light and blowing in the wrong direction, don't sail. spend some time doing other stuff, looking for tames, gathering some light (Fibre) resources. sail when you have fair winds, not crap.
  18. Are you sure, Wiki say's it drops 9th power stone (Cyan)
  19. Ghost ship was destroyed moments after we transitioned into the region, we all got the acheavement and skill unlock, but none of us got the powerstone. Do you need the other 8 first? do you need to land a shot on the ghost ship? It would have been helpful to wait before destroying it, I know there were others that didn't get into the region before the ghostship was destroyed and got nothing for all the hours they spent searching and following the ghost ship.
  20. That doesn't work, as you travel faster your sphere of "nothing to do" will just grow to match. And Realist's post is about non-destructable bases - very much about not getting wiped / loosing everthing.
  21. Yet if you eliminate that threat all others are in your words too far to bother with. Also what you say is right "That's PVP", but only as it is right now. That's why I said it needs to be figured out, I'm not saying Realists idea is the right way to do it, but some method is needed. Edit: To be honest I don't understand the "if you don't want to risk your ships/tames/base" in a PVP enviroment. I honestly thought that risk was the point of PVP.
  22. You are the one the said you had no competition close enough to bother with. If you want people to fight within easy reach you need to keep viable opponents within that reach, simple as that.
  23. Oh! I'll certainly check that out. thanks for the heads up.
  24. I've noticed my plots running out of fertelizer. I never did keep a close eye on them, just filled them up to 250k+ when i notice them getting low, but clan mate noticed them empty and put 1-2 fertilizer in each. when i went to put a large quantity in each some were empty again. I'm going to keep a close eye on my plots for the next few days and see whats going on.
  25. There is your problem right there. No long running back and forth, no pesky loner hitting your ships in that grid or other. All neutralized, you wiped out the competition, either gone, allied or whatever. You did this, because you could, and now there is no-one left. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are the one playing in this way, help the devs, figure out a way so you cant neutralize all those close to you, so you can have more battles, more fun playing this game.
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