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Everything posted by strawman

  1. I have a lot of hours in Rust so I'm used to offline raids and player vs. base. Thing is, I've never felt like I was playing Player vs. Developer until last night.
  2. Next patchnotes are guaranteed to have "babies can no longer be alpha"
  3. exactly, this is the long-term consequence of grapeshot's decision-making. you can just look at the sub numbers on reddit, they've barely moved since week 2. the gaming community at large knows atlas is a joke and that's not a hole grapeshot is going to be able to dig itself out of
  4. no, i quit because the devs nerfed my defenses by 2.5x with no warning at 12:30 in the morning, and it wasn't a "me problem"
  5. Solo player. Spent the 2x farming a stone base with two four-layer storage rooms and prefabbing a brig. Woke up, everything was lost to offliners. Not a big surprise when you 2.5x explosive damage to stone in the middle of the night, eh? Goodbye, Atlas.
  6. if you want the rest of the players to leave, i guess
  7. Look at how bad Grapeshot's design decisions are and ask yourself whether their code is just as bad or worse. As others have said there's a strong correlation between heavily-built grids and lag with low player counts. I've had a feeling since the first week that they have code which, for each building piece, is visiting every other piece in the same building (or every other piece in range). Apparently the solution isn't to fix their code, but to nerf stone to uselessness...
  8. been having this problem for weeks tbqh
  9. this... atlas was a great game at launch but every patch is harder and harder to keep playing
  10. If you were hitting ramshackle sloops they don't give any mats from salvage
  11. wow so black butterfly is still playing but some random says something racist and the banhammer falls real good adminstration grapeshot
  12. This game has a lot in common with launch SWG... incredible potential, and brain-dead developers who can't fix anything and rapidly ruin a good thing.
  13. pretty sure the optimal solution is gonna be spawn in a freeport and get a ramshackle sloop to get to the fountain
  14. Their reasoning is wrong and they need to admit that instead of buffing general carry weight on elephants and making them the optimal tame for all gathering situations
  15. i'll give you that v14 didn't make the game worse but the patch that added SOTD, the tame nerf, the firearms nerf, now the elephant nerf - patches are not something to look forward to in this game
  16. nah dude this is really all the devs fault. terrible launch, each patch makes the game worse, nothing being done about cheating... the community is toxic because the development decisions are toxic
  17. it's bugged and not working how the patch described - most likely you're unable to recruit new crew if there are 20 level 1 crew belonging to anybody in the freeport grid
  18. Their level is usually the same as the SOTD's level was (unlike level 1 crew from freeports)
  19. this is a tough one... can't really down SOTD to get crew without crew on the guns... please fix soon
  20. How much damage does the explosive barrel do to stone doors/walls/gates?
  21. I get "drink" and "access inventory" from the spouts that come from digging by hand or with a shovel
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