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Everything posted by strawman

  1. I lose more stuff to bugs than to actual gameplay.
  2. It shows a remarkable lack of understanding of their own game. It's easy to call something a bug or exploit if you never made a design decision about how it should work in the first place.
  3. It's still early and there's a 6 gigabyte patch people have to download (lol) but this is shaping up to be the worst weekend for Atlas yet in terms of player loss. I wonder what Grapeshot tells themselves when they compare this disaster to Ark's successful first two months. "We're just too hardcore for our loser players"? Then they tinker with accordion buffs and make underwater structures invincible.
  4. you're actually calling people whiners because they're losing hours of taming time to shitty game code? wow
  5. It's almost unbelievable watching this game bleed. I can't imagine the mental gymnastics they're doing to avoid blaming themselves.
  6. Put a swivel cart on a bear, put an NPC on the cart then put the bear on a boat and sail across a zone line. The NPC is gone. It seems to just vanish from existence, rather than being teleported away, as I never get a mutiny or killed message for that NPC in the company log.
  7. Great way to avoid doing any self-reflection or changing, blaming the players for the developers' failure. These devs love to grief the players in-game, so I'm not surprised they have this attitude out of game.
  8. It falls off all the time. Usually if you respawn it comes back. Grapeshot claimed it was a "visual bug" but it actually falls off and you don't get the boosted stats.
  9. Quoted for emphasis. Something is deeply wrong with the prioritization and decision-making process at Grapeshot. We're about a week out from the stone nerf and more than two weeks out from the introduction of FoY. The captain's log made it sound like they understand their mistake, but the lack of action speaks louder than words.
  10. you can fill them with water jars... put it in the reservoir's inventory and press e on it
  11. I disagree with the reload time change but agree with the ready on hotbar change. It shouldn't take 1-1.5 minutes to be able to use the loaded guns you picked up off your corpse.
  12. so it might not be exactly the same in tundra but in polar there's coral everywhere on the ocean floor hand-collecting one coral node gives ~33 coral which grinds up into 100 organic paste 50 fort and two levels of swim speed skill + two levels of water temp resistance skill is enough to get down, grab a few and get back up entirely alive there's jute down there too
  13. Agree with OP, this captain's log sounds very positive. It sounds like they may start going back on the stone nerf as early as this week, which matters a lot to me as a solo player. Bounties seem to have entirely disappeared from the upcoming February patch notes, which seems like a good decision as far as allocating development resources. Offline protection is important. Too many people have justifiably ragequit after losing ships every night.
  14. Probably one reason lawless is so popular is there's no incentive to live on some company's claimed land and pay taxes when you can get the same resources on a lawless island without the 30% penalty. (If companies would let people live on their land in the first place... on PvP they're all really hostile)
  15. Lawless beds are a really nice change. If I had my way I'd actually add more lawless zones
  16. Company log timestamps when your building pieces are destroyed
  17. i wondered momentarily if the point was to get people to blow up some of the awful gate spam on every island but large gateways have 24k hp and are one of the last things that still sucks to destroy
  18. Steamcharts is just going by the current-users data Valve provides for each game on Steam, I don't think it matters what server people are connected to (or if they're connected at all)
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