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Everything posted by Zlax

  1. Lol thats about the worst idea, then they just run away with your tames flaming them all the way ...
  2. They need to wait because the patch obviously isnt ready yet, and what where you expecting to get? They cant give you something that actually gives you a leg up over everyone else, they need to considder the longivity of the game, so a cosmetic item is already more than they had to do.
  3. You already can do this, just have NPCs man the cannons? Besides the Kraken has already been killed solo, so its not like its some insanely crazy encounter.
  4. Its not tho? They had fun, did something new and now has a much better chance of doing it the next time around. They even know not to hoard the materials next time because they know they CAN do it.
  5. You will probably have to destroy the tax bank thats linked to the claim flag to "contest" it ? Or maybe build one of your own.
  6. Thats extremely easy to fix tho, just put a massive extra tax on foundations or pillars that arent connected to atleast 8 other foundations. Sure they could just put down groups of 9 foundations / pillars then, but then the total amount of structures to cover an entire island would go up, but ALOT, which again can be curbed by having the cost get exponentional more expensive the more seperate structures you have. Even only doing the last part would fix the foundation spamming.
  7. While your right, the PvE content in the game is extremely lacking atm, I would much rather they work on what they are working on right now. Getting the foundation of the game right before adding alot of stuff that can obscure wether the basics are working correctly.
  8. Problem: With the proposed claim system, people are not able to build defences in their own bases, unless they own the island. This gives people, a legit, feeling of being inferior, and since this is a game, noone wants that feeling. Suggestion: Add a new type of claim, the village claim. A company can only place this claim on an already claimed island. This claim wont take effect until an admin from the owning company has approved it. Once approved it grants an area for the company to build in, where you can place any and every structure you want to, except a tax bank. (possible have an E option to scale the claim size, or swap between several pre-set sizes) This claim can be torn down by the company that owns the island, but this will start a 3 day timer in which the company that build on the land can continue on like before, after the flag goes away everything then becomes demolishable. Benefit: People can build the bases how they like to, with cannon towers in their harbors ect for wartime and the raid window, but still giving the owning company control over who settles where on the island. The timer is to prevent the owning company to screw people over, while still giving them the control of the island (in case people stop playing, are being hostile ect) not sure if 3 days is too long, maybe if the company that has the flag deals siege damage to the land owning alliance have it instant demo, to prevent companies already on the islands becomming stageing grounds for raiders.
  9. At most they would divide into 8 companies, because of the hassle of NPCs firing at anyone not in the same alliance, and so, they own 16 islands, so what? There will be ~1000 islands in the game when the patch hits, one company, that btw cant have ANY other allies as far as the ingame system works, owning 16 islands, I think im okay with that actually. Compared to the hassle they have to go through, its really insignificant.
  10. They said 1 week before the launch of the update didnt they ?
  11. Really doubt this is gonna happen, first if all you have to build a tax bank to be able to claim an island, secondly you need to then defend that tax bank for (1 hour?), and since tax banks take alot of damage from pretty much all sources, its not a likely scenario that griefers will be running rampant doing this. It would be the griefers wasting time, not the ones actually trying to occupy the island, because stopping 2-3 guys that just wanna grief is gonna be fairly easy.
  12. Why do you need to be in alliance with someone to talk and trade with them ?
  13. So, they should have waited 3 weeks, then said, in one week we wipe? How exactely does that change ANYTHING other than your own screwed perception of whats worth it and whats not?
  14. Because then noone else could build on your island at all ?
  15. You really think a company would allow you have to anything on their island if you start spamming puckle guns around their bases?
  16. Wait .. you play PvE dont you?
  17. It wont work, you put down puckles they just roll up with a cannon bear and demolish it and you cant do shit about it, end of war!
  18. Was sitting around chatting with corp mates about the wipe, and most of us are actually pretty hyped about it. Maybe its because we are just the hardcore crowd thats left, or maybe its really that, in these games, rebuilding is actually a ton of fun. The first couple of weeks are a bunch of hectic building and political negotiations ect, after that comes the boring stalemate where you just go around hitting random targets for the heck of it. That got me thinking, how about a scheduled server wipe every 3-4-5-6 months? But not just a wipe, have it be a big server wide battle vs the army of the damned that comes to scour the earth of the living, and based on how well you do in this fight, you get merit points that can be used to buy cosmetics ect. for the next "round". I know people get attached to things, and maybe this will cater more to the PvP crowd as they are used to the whole, wipe/rebuild scenario, but I think it would also, in a modified way, breath some life into the PvE servers.
  19. Maybe add a range buff to mediums in gun ports? Or maybe a better solution, would be to simply nerf the fire rate and accuracy / range of any cannon not mounted in a gun port, would make sense wouldnt it?
  20. The part of having large walls sections that you can add parts to like the ships is actually a really interresting idea!
  21. Yea sickles are OP as melee weapons in pvp, as they take very little stamina to swing, high damage ones do ~70 damage a swing and they swing fast. (and no silly auto aim lock ect, so you can jump around ect while doing it)
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