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Everything posted by YoBerg

  1. Yeah...SotDs have been a problem for awhile now....one island on my server has about 12 of them in a blockade on the northern island. Tried doing a quick treasure run and spent 2 hours trying to lose the Fleet of the Damned.
  2. Maintenance really isnt hard at all. It's a bit more difficult if you're out solo, but even then just keeping an eye on it and eating every now and then of all 4 colors isnt more than a mild inconvenience. I've died more to alphas and/or mated bears than i have to food-related causes (deficiencies/poison/starvation/overeating/thirst).
  3. The secret to eliminating alpha rabbits is in the grenades tree...i've got video footage: https://youtu.be/TnOdAT6H94s
  4. Not gonna lie, this made me laugh xD but i agree! Being able to troll would be awesome! Maybe not when you're booking it at full speed, but maybe when sales are at <30%, or when sailing into the wind? Would make looking around islands for land/a place to park more meaningful, and would add yet one more reason to go sailing rather than sit on the beach or anchored ship. I'd like to see a Fishing Net attachment for ships, too...maybe a one-time use thing you had to build or maintain every time, but would gather in fish en masse, along with the resources you'd get from harvesting?
  5. You magnificent scallywag. Thank you!
  6. Love the idea, but as a current solution have you tried digging on the shore with a shovel?
  7. Regular wolves pretty much 3-shot me in fur armor (we're up north). An Alpha wolf on our island killed 6 bears in two hits, 3 giant snakes in one, and proceeded to skullf*ck me and my ally company (roughly 6 guys) for the better part of 40 minutes until we put about 150 carbine and pistol shots into it. Was using the cannon, until i found that the cannon did less damage than the carbine. In between having its way with us, it proceeded to slaughter every single living thing it came across... Now that i know about fire arrows still being effective, and now that swivel guns have purpose in PvE, it might not be so hard...but holy crap i had less than a second to react when it came out of nowhere from across the island....if anything, we can say it makes for some crazy stories lol
  8. I enjoy building boats/ships. I would love the ability to list ships for sale, or for the ability to transfer ownership from one company to another.
  9. Having resources spawn in your base definitely made up for the fact that we were pretty much just renting the land (basically). I'd much rather claim an island, but we all know THAT isnt gonna happen, since my company is about 8ish people who have lives outside of the game. Y'know, things like work, family, school, responsibilities...interests that dont revolve around video games...and only massive Chinese zerg companies or people who spend 24/7 logged in and playing are considered with the format of the claiming system...
  10. I wouldnt mind seeing this not only for ships, but being able to tow *anything* with the grappling hook. Like, say, if you kill a fish in the deep sea but have 4 sharks circling you so you cant jump in...
  11. Snakes are just plain broke. Not even Alphas...Every time I log in (usually once per day) there seems to be a Giant Snake trying to eat my company members by glitching through the roof/walls/floors and attacking us. I mean...come on... Wolves are in the same vein of broke. Attacking walls, sure. I can get that. They smell prey, they go after it, especially if someone builds on a predetermined spawn/roaming area. However, having a wolf swim far enough out into the water and eat your body where you parked your Brig or Galleon is a bit excessive on the "free roam" scale...Having to start over from Square Zero every time you log in is very disconcerting and honestly, I'm getting tired of it. It's what got me to stop playing Ark, too...no matter how many walls or defenses my team built, there was always something that managed to waltz by all of it and completely destroy the stuff in the center. I think that changing the code of aggression involving predators to only latch onto the persons/people who aggro'd them, then return to the spot they were originally at would not only solve a lot of offline deaths, but also solve a lot of griefing problems of people using alphas to destroy everything in a base then steal a claim when someone's offline. Unless, of course, the devs state that that is a feature of the game and a genuine strategy. In which case, we might as well just straight-up hack the servers and argue that digital piracy is still piracy.../facepalm.
  12. The only other solution would be to create instances of each server, with a clan only able to exist on a single instance at a time and not be able to change over without forfeiting their claims. At least, as far as I can see, separate instances of entire servers would allow for double, triple, quadruple, etc. the number of people that can play the game without completely shrinking the land availability.
  13. I was under the impression that Ghost Ships and Ships of the Damned were two different things. Either way, i agree with you for both PvE AND PvP. I've seen so many player ships just get swarmed by SoDs because there's 15 of them on a single server, and they all kinda float between the islands, keeping players from gathering resources that are scarce on their base island. IMO there should be 1 per 50 players on a server.
  14. This looks suspiciously like something normal survival and/or MMO games have for skill trees.... ( = . = ) What kind of nonsensical logic are you trying to apply here? Your proposed method would make things clear, make planning into character skill growth easy, and would not only allow for specialized player choices but also actually make people feel like their choices matter! HERESY! (you said make fun of you, so there you go) I definitely like your approach, in all seriousness. If the idea behind higher skill costs and isolated trees is to "force" players to specialize and include others who know something that they don't, then stuff like Beast Mastery is self-defeating to this concept inherently. Remove saddle crafting from the Beast Mastery, create a Leatherworking tree that can make ALL things leather- and hide-related, and let's get some player-run trading ports going. I mean, let's stick to the perceived and implied spirit of where the devs are going with this. (personally I like the idea of being able to eventually know everything, but having to choose where to go at the very beginning. But that's just me).
  15. This would be nice. If I wanted to dump a bunch of valuable points into something blind, I'd go play the stock market. It's really tough trying to see what is coming up, and what leads to what. Definitely needs something more streamlined and less cluttered, IMO
  16. Lions, man. Lions need to be nerfed hard. I put in almost 5 hours last night, and right up until the last 15 minutes everything was nice and calm, other than the occasional wolf, snake, or bear, until all of a sudden a pack of 4 lions and a screaming meemie of giant snakes spawned in right on top of me and insta-killed me by leaping, latching on, and firing me off a cliff like a cannon onto the beach about 280 yards away. They then proceeded to kill every single thing in our area on the island, one- or two-shotting pretty much everything until there was nothing left. If it wasnt for the high spawn rates, the whole place would have been barren and this could be considered an extinction-level event.
  17. Agreed. I was very disappointed when seeing some of the new values for skills after the update. It was hard enough trying to figure out what skills were needed ASAP for survival, which ones were useless for our island (farming with no access to fresh water, anyone?), and now we have one person in our 4-man crew who is level 22 because he built the ship, and the rest of us are around 13 because we were gathering resources and didnt want to spec into something that someone else already had. I mean, 8 points for something that's only two options down on the list (iron tools)? Really? Things were hard enough as it was before the "rebalance." Now advancement is darn near impossible, especially with the soft cap that is ghost ships running rampantly through our cluster of islands...one solo player, who just wanted to sail to another island, had almost three days of work from PRE-BALANCE destroyed for no reason, and now it's impossible for them to rebuild in any kind of reasonable time. TEDIOUSNESS DOES NOT EQUATE FUN, GRAPESHOT!
  18. YoBerg


    At the rate myself and my crew have been respawning, you'd be an elder by 30 lol
  19. So, as we are expected to do, I started in a freeport, worked my way through leveling and resourcing to get a raft and provisions, and proceeded to sail into a new grid so that some other poor bloke could do the same. (I must say, the sailing mechanic is WONDERFUL and combined with climbing has completely made the game for me). Anyways, I reached the barrier of the grid, and was kicked out as I tried to connect to a new server. Okay, all well and to be expected given the state of the servers at the time. When I went to log in, I had a character create screen, and my character from before (as owner of my Company) is still around, but now there's a SECOND Yo Berg in the company. I can't remember the grid I was travelling from, I think it was the L freeport. If there is a glitch when traveling from one grid to another leaves your character, ship, and everything you posses on both in limbo, it needs to be fixed PRONTO. My crew is scared to leave our current island, which is just infested with hostile creatures that raid every human camp on the place, because we've dumped a solid 20 hours of playtime into the game and are thoroughly enjoying it. tl;dr 1) Started in a freeport to get a raft 2) Sailed away in an attempt to reach friends 3) Crossed barrier into new server, got a refused/timed out connection 4) Character is stuck in limbo, although still exists in the Company registers Thanks!
  20. Highly agree! I don't mind the tediousness of it, but having 3 resources relatively plentiful and then having one (Vitamin D) nowhere to be found is a recipe for frustration. I mean, berries, full of juice, don't even replenish your hydration. If we're gonna walk the tightrope of realism, I mean...come on. Honestly, what I would HIGHLY enjoy, and from the discussions on my server there are many that agree, is that a Hunger bar is good. A Hydration bar is good; in fact, both could be considered critical to the survival genre. The micromanagement that is resource gathering just for food as things are, however, is just too much. Even just tying health into the hunger bar and giving buffs/debuffs based on vitamins would be much easier to manage and deal with. I don't mind the shakes as long as I'm not going to die in 60 seconds.
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