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About Hetra

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  1. I suggest having upgradable structures with a structure limit in an area. I know many people get a lot of FPS lag with the thousands of individual structures that we have to place to effectively defend ourselves. This would effectively help reduce the amount of objects that need to be loaded in when entering an area by allowing us to have a minimal amount of layers while still also being an effective defense.
  2. I would like to see them lit, like in a campfire, or by a friendly torch, something like that.
  3. Please open up an Asia server, the Chinese players are toxic to the game and whenever they come to our server, we start to lag. We can't hit them, but they always headshot us somehow.
  4. On a side note, alpha chickens and rabbits don't make sense...
  5. Remove or severely nerf Alpha animals please! As it is now they just crush you and you have no way to fight back. I had 3 tamed bears following me when one alpha wolf attacked, it killed all the bears and only took about 1/20 of the health. If you shoot it with a carbine, it takes a good 50 shots at least for the low level alphas. The alphas are just plain stupid as it is in the game now. It would make more sense to have a slightly stronger than normal animal, but it just has some other animals that stay in its pack.
  6. I mean... if you can hit someone in the head with pretty much any projectile they should die (if they aren't wearing metal armor).
  7. Right, but when you're going to hit someone in real life, they can't just run behind you while you're taking your time to stop moving, lift your sword, then swing. You will run up to your target and cut them without stopping, it is supposed to be fluid.
  8. Flame arrows are ridiculously over powered. They are so much better than guns (they do more damage to armored people and fire faster) and they can light people and things on fire through stone walls.
  9. Hetra

    Bed stacking

    We broke into a base the other night and this base had literally about 10 beds in the same exact spot. This is illogical.
  10. If you happen to die while crafting, all materials used in the crafting process are lost.
  11. Still broken, even after the server reboot/update.
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