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Everything posted by KingLlama

  1. I'm stuck in the damn ground. https://imgur.com/a/sxlgtA3
  2. This game has torches? what? And you can place them on a hook in a house.
  3. We have to remember this is a video game. Even with a company with 10-15 people not everyone is going to be on because thats just the nature of having responsibilities . A sandbox game isn't about punishing everyone unless the game creator intended that. We should have some form of offline protection for our items be its a window of time we set that cost say a certain amount of gold per hour or something along those lines. We shouldn't have to risk say 15-20 hours of work or resource gathering to lose it when we have to head to work. A video game should be entertainment not another job.
  4. Thats crazy to think about because, they had a huge base it sounds like with defense. It should take a while to get through. It shouldn't be easy. Now it'll be a hot knife to butter.
  5. This is pretty ridiculous. Two double negatives to stone? Really! Thats not how you balance a game.
  6. you think I am mad? Who is they? I'm actually working on my own game. Have been for the last 3 years. Had two people join my team recently so, progress is ramping up on it. It's not a bs excuse because Its reason why I started working on my game.
  7. You have to actually push it to the higher up support team on steam.
  8. What I would like is the people who keep bitching try and create their own game. Stop being whiny people and do something about it. Refund your game and work on your own.
  9. The new skin system for armors. A new bounty system will be added. Figureheads for ships. A cave PVE dungeon for a new mainline quest. A submarine for salvaging and exploring underwater. new monsters crab and camel type Talked about added ally markers being teal for claimed area in the map. This is what I can remember from being on at my lunch.
  10. I feel they need to fix the way we interact with stairs/ladders. It isn't super fluid for the most part.
  11. Some good concepts. I would love to see the pvp and pve server merge and have the certain tiles be pve only.
  12. So my girlfriend is using a controller to play but when she equips a item like flintlock,cutlass,two handed metal spear and aims at a animal it doesn't allow her to hit them or shoot. Is there something we need to configure for the controller to be able to hit people/monsters?
  13. Thank you for looking into this. Good job on your guys part.
  14. It actually depends on how you spec. If you spec into harder hitting melee/archery/pistols. It all depends on playstyle. If a level 5 who knows the melee system can take you out with a couple basic spears. Well you are just not fighting right.
  15. I think this is a good bandaid fix. I'd rather have my boat up and floating but not sinking.
  16. They need to optimize the particle graphics. It's pretty bad.
  17. You won't lose your character. You just join the server you normally play on and it'll load your character from the server. Characters are not saved locally.
  18. I appreciate you being honest and working towards making the game better. Right now it's been hard playing due to the new patch causing issues with the lawless land. I would love for you to fix the radius and the bug it has become. We have some areas with trees next to foundations on L7 on NA pvp.
  19. Here you player counter for pvp servers. https://atlas.reznok.com/
  20. I think it is actually a bug. We have trees spawning/rocks spawning right next to the foundations. If it was just a simple radius fix. It would've been done yesterday.
  21. Last night, I stocked my schooner for a expedition I didn't get to go on. Cannons were prepared,water skins ready, it was time to go but life is more important.
  22. Population will decline while we are in Early access due to the game changing and people not wanting to endure bugs. People will start to realize this. It'll get bigger once we hit the full release. I'm happy to see the game succeed and see the company flourish.
  23. It was hard to play last night due to that. We barely could find anything. All I could find was fronds/fibers.
  24. Where do you know the info based on this about royal navy?
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