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Everything posted by Abysian

  1. You mean top 5 offline raiders ? Sorry but there's no pvp in that.
  2. Yeps would indeed the best solution for everyone. Cap it per player, but also a hard cap for a company.
  3. Oke let's turn it around then, make tundra the lawless, so you can go live there
  4. No, i've played PVE. But people play what they want, you're probably one of those offline raiders, that would hate offline protection because that means you would actually have to do some pvp before you can raid someone. But i can imagine that it's too hard for the likes of you. Killing someone and stealing their stuff, destroying their ships while their offline ain't pvp. People have the right to play like they want, and when they want. So if they want to go to bed, have to go work, or do other stuff. They want their base, ships etc to be save while no one is online to defend it.
  5. So people that work, have children, have a girlfriend, do other stuff then gaming, aren't allowed to play the game ? I never heard of a mmo that required you to be online 24/7, or to be an international clan. People want to play the game like they want, and don't have to worry for people like you, that only can come out when everyone is a sleep. Offline protection is something that is needed, it's one of the main reasons people quit pvp.
  6. That will not solve much. The only thing that most people can agree on, is that we need a claim flag, but with a limitation and a hard cap. Everyone wants at least their own spot, or their own spot with the company. If everything or mostly everything would be lawless, there would be too much foundation spam etc. They already wanted to do something like that, and it was clear that almost no one liked that idea.
  7. Because taxes can be good. If you're at the receiving end. They just need to add a skill like someone mentioned in a other topic. For example, a skill that lowers the amount of taxes you pay, let's say it can have 3 points, -10,-20 and -30. The owner of the claim/island won't lose income, but you won't either anymore. I think if you take away taxes completely, people will find a other way to let you pay.
  8. True, but they mostly have some other methods of doing things together. What i actually tried to say was, we need the bigger company's etc because we don't have a other way of doing things together atm. It's limited to company and alliance, and even alliance is to limited.
  9. I don't get him either sometimes. He doesn't really like the game, it will never be a success according to him, bashes a lot of people that does like the game, and he does that all, while waiting for the console release. I really don't get him, it's like he's in conflict with himself.
  10. I like the idea of solution 3, i think the current claim system with a cap on it will work the best.
  11. You use the word I a lot, the game isn't only about what you want. It's not because you're happy with how the game is right now, and are able to play the game fully. That others feel the same. We all know and admit that some aspects of the game are really nice, they are very good. But the claim system didn't work. The players that had a claim flag or more were happy, people that were forced to live on lawless weren't ( except for the few that had a wonder full time on lawless, not everyone had it bad i noticed ). And if you're really happy, and all you can think about is yourself, then rent a server and play on your own the way you want. It's clear that the majority of people wasn't happy about the claim system.
  12. A limit on claim flags would indeed be nice for pve. I think 2 claim flags for one person will be enough. If they make them a bit bigger, maybe like the size of sea claim. But also put a hard cap for the big company's something like 75. I think with 75 flags a big company will have space enough for everyone. Or even something different, i like the idea behind owning a island, you have to admit that it sounds cool. But it's not something that can really works in pve, since everyone wants a spot of their own. That way your more sure of your base, your stuff.
  13. https://game-maps.com/ATLAS/ATLAS-MMO-World-Map.asp This is a nice map of atlas right now, will change after the update. But this might give you an idea.
  14. Crew that is sweeping sometimes falls trough the ship. Every time you load in, there is a chance they're at the bottom. If you go look, you will see them under your ship at the bottom still sweeping. I check my crew multiple times to see if they're still on the ship.
  15. The idea is nice, but if you have the 0% skill then, and the landlord doesn't get income from you, he will just start to force you out. Maybe make the skill so, that the higher you advance, the less % is taken away from what you farm, regardless of the taxation. So if you have skill for 0%. The landlord still receives the income, but you don't loose anything from what you farm. This way you can farm everywhere you wan't without having to worry about the taxations on islands.
  16. Isn't that with all mmo's ? You get some extra levels, you can get a bot stronger from it. But we will already have packs of sotd, that already will be harder ( the galleon looks like it can deliver a punch ). It's about progression, moving forward, and growing. Because there are already bp's for guns. They just choose to make use of the shipyard bp's to let them make ships have higher levels. I really like it.
  17. And why would that be so bad ? The only extra thing you get are extra levels ? What would be so bad about it in pve ?
  18. *bump**important, related to connection issue*
  19. The gamer is still updating, could be because of that.
  20. Not really, most pirates only resorted to violence if need. While there were pirates who did plunder and murder etc. It was mostly just hearing the word pirates that struck fear in people. But not all pirate were plunderers. But i get your point, and i like the idea behind a settlement, but i don't really see it working in PVE like it would on PVP
  21. Yeah, it's too bad the servers can't handle more. I hope they will one day. It would be so cool to have a massive battle, without the lag you have now. It would be epic
  22. Removing the alliances, reducing the company size even more, it will tend to get a "solo" game then. Alliances open other ways to play the game together. Oke agree, we don't need company's that can have hundreds and hundreds of players. But it should be able to be a good amount of players. Big company's can open up good trade groups for smaller company's. agree on that, the server need to be better then, but removing alliances it is not the solution. It's the game and servers that need to be taken care of. So they are able to handle it. But i do get your point.
  23. That we need alliances, we need big company's. You're trying to make it a solo player game. Just rent a server and you have your solo gameplay.
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