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Everything posted by boomervoncannon

  1. Oh wow, look at the time! Gotta go. You kids be good. If you can’t be good, be safe. If you cant be safe, name it after me.
  2. So in Ark the color coded quality tiers did not correspond absolutely to higher numerical values. I wasn’t a huge fan but whatever, it didn’t matter much. In Atlas this is completely pointless because of the need for additional kinds of mats as one goes up in tiers. If I have 2 cannon blueprints and one is fine while the other is journeyman and they have the same values numerically, the less demanding fine bp is intrinsically better, which is counterintuitive to everything gamers know. Dont misunderstand me, I actually love the requirement as one moves up in tiers for not just more mats, but more kinds of mats within a category. Combined with the way the different kinds are spread around the map I think this design choice was actually one of your best design ideas. It is great for encouraging exploration and trade. It’s just that allowing lower tier bp’s to be mathematically superior at times works against this whole idea. Please consider reworking tier value ranges to keep them separate mathematically with higher tiers showing clearly greater values than lower tiers. As it stands presently, only a fool would craft those higher tier bp’s that overlap in stat values with lower tiers. These bp’s at present are worse than worthless. By the way, the player who finds one of these intrinsically worse higher tier bp’s,crafts from it because he doesn’t know any better yet, then later comes across a superior lower tier bp, that is the guy who feels like the devs are deliberately trying to screw him over.
  3. I need a mini game for traffic lights. I write about a third of my posts in my car on iPad waiting for lights to change so the car in front of me will go.
  4. Op check your grammar on thread title. It’s not more worse, it’s more worser. amirite?
  5. What are pirates most famous for doing? What is the defining act that makes a pirate a pirate? Raiding merchant shipping. Why does this not exist in the game yet? It’s like making a soldier game where your character does PT, cleans the barracks, goes to the firing range, plays poker in the barracks, shines his boots, puts on parade uniform for drill, hits the chow line at the mess hall, fills out paperwork, runs in formation with his platoon or company, but never actually goes into combat. As if this moment especially on pve, that’s what Atlas is. The notion that there are no pve ships to raid along with SOD’s to fight from day one is something I frankly find baffling. People love pirates, but you have left out the one thing that defines the word piracy. Go figure.
  6. Fair winds! Until we meet again may the forces of evil become confused on the way to your base.
  7. *waves cane menacingly* YOU KIDS GET OFF MAH DAMN LAWN!! *fails cane waving mini game, falls off porch and breaks hip*
  8. Coming Soon to Early Access, Boomer Inc is proud to announce its thrilling new game Forum! Post until your eyes bleed and you have carpal tunnel! Carefully craft your argument using skills such rhetoric, logic, and poop emojis. Flame posters who disagree slightly with your choice of ethnic restaurant, sports team, or pop culture reference! All this and more! As soon as we figure out what that might be. Got any ideas?
  9. I work in sales by apt and drive about 35k miles a year with a work issued IPad. Suffice to say my unfair advantage is my job creates a lot of in between times with nothing to do but bang out a post or 2 to occupy myself while waiting on something else to happen. I actually play more now because the winter is our slower season. During the summer I have days I leave my house at 8 and don’t get home til 10 or later, but then I also have completely random days off. I tend to both criticize those things I consider subpar and compliment those things I think deserve it. I try really hard to avoid commenting on any technical aspects of game design or coding because I know very little about those things. I’m much more likely to comment on human nature or the business aspects of developing a game. I understand your frustration but I think the developers honestly believe at this point that a wipe is the best way to move the game forward. Whether that bears fruit in attracting players back is anybody’s guess at this point. Some say yes, some say no. I can say only that I hope so because economy and trading is the aspect of this game I am most interested in, and those aspects improve greatly the more players are playing.
  10. After several years of Ark that’s where I am. It used to annoy me at first. Sounds like your group just figured it out that much faster.
  11. None of what you’ve said in this post has anything to do with Atlas, it’s just a vitriolic attack on me. Say what you want I will remain of the opinion that doing anything for 16 hours a day is unhealthy and I will not apologize for urging anyone to reconsider that choice. It’s merely expressing an opinion, if someone chooses to ignore that opinion, they are free to do so. It’s interesting you’ve chosen to interpret something I’ve said as an insult which is not obviously so, and criticize me for it, yet have no qualms about openly insulting me. I think most reasonable people can judge for themselves where the toxicity lies here, and I’m quite comfortable with that.
  12. Being physically disabled does not prevent someone from having an addiction. Regardless of whether they can go anywhere or not, doing anything for 16 hours a day continuously for 2 months is not healthy. Feel free to ask any qualified health care professional if you don’t think so. Notice I only urged anyone doing so to seek help. How that amounts to judging them I’m not sure. It’s not like I declared them a pathetic asshole for expressing concern for someone else’s well being.
  13. Drop from almost 60k launch week to under 10k as of late strongly suggests that while it may have been fun in its current state for you (I didn’t mind it too much either, wasn’t perfect but playable enough), it wasn’t fun for enough people. As for why kill a working system, it wasn’t working for enough people, which when making development/business decisions like whether to do a wipe is the criteria that ultimately matters.
  14. If you’ve ever seen Natural Born Killers then you’re familiar with the line ”Look bitch, you knew I was a snake.” Not to excuse it, but this crowd’s history of missing their deadlines is so bad that at this point if you let that surprise or significantly upset you, it’s kind of on you. Mild irritation, some degree of ongoing exasperation, maybe even a twisted sort of amusement. Really though it is only the foolish who take any of Grapecard’s dates seriously anymore. Tbh when they first announced this patch as being expected in Feb, my immediate reaction at that point was “probably around st patty’s Day then.”
  15. Watching college basketball. Go Blue Devils!
  16. When editing a text professional editors read the text backwards, that is to say they start at the end, reaching the last sentence of the last paragraph, then moving sentence by sentence back through the content. The reason is so they don't get distracted by the substance of what is written and focus only on the structural aspects. I think the first rule of thumb for any game forums is that moderators shouldn't play the game in question, in order to remove any interest they may have in the substance of what is being discussed. If it were up to me none of us would be moderators, and yes that means you too because you have an announced intention to play on console. I'd go find someone who plays Quadrilateral Cowboy (a real game on steam btw, look it up) and have them mod these forums. To be fair I would trade them you to moderate their forums because you have been diligent about following the rules so you're certainly proven trustworthy there, and what's more realistic than a Quadrilateral Cowboy? (don't answer that).
  17. Now I really wanna start a company called Floaty Fog Monsters.
  18. I don’t know anyone who fits this description. Jean Lafitte quit. Realist has an anti wildcard agenda. Talano’s avi makes it clear he needs to get some sun instead of posting. Captain Jack is unreliable (he’s why the rum is gone), Winter Thorne dislikes people, Udo has a weird name that I can’t figure out and I’m pretty sure he’s trying to hypnotize us all with his new avi. It’s widely known that I’m a parrot racist so that pretty much just leaves Perci. I just don’t think he’s active enough. I will shoot you in the face with a bazooka if you say that again.
  19. My only problem with this post is that I can only like it once, not eleventy bajilion times as I would prefer.
  20. Good point. Knowledge has value and you aren’t losing knowledge. Example: when Atlas first launched, the reports of a dearth of fiber caused me to avoid tundra and arctic. Later I joined a company and discovered there were benefits to basing there which outweighed the drawbacks imo. Now I know.
  21. I’m a native North Carolinian. We take our BBQ almost as seriously as college basketball. You can have my recipe when you pry it out of my cold dead hands. But for the low low price of just 39.99* per 20 oz bottle, Boomer Inc. will ship it directly to your home or office. Act now and with your order of 3 or more bottles we’ll include this handsome set of grill utensils absolutely free** Paypal and all major credit cards accepted. Operators are standing by.*** *No refunds. All sales final. ** Include 14.95 for shipping and handling of free grill utensils. *** Boomer Inc. is not responsible for any medical conditions that may or may not arise from use of its products, including but not limited to heartburn, gas, explosive diarrhea or in rare cases, death.
  22. I really really like this suggestion. The term Development Access would at the drop of a hat distinguish something that is not merely a week long sneak peek at a game from something that is. Great idea! Precision and clarity of language can help reduce confusion. While it is true that 2 years of Early Access is communicated by Steam and Grapecard, this fine tuning of terminology would at a bare minimum give people a clearer idea of what they were buying and less of an excuse that they didn’t know.
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