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Everything posted by Percieval

  1. Wiki says I5, J5, B6 and H10
  2. Good. It’s always better that toxic players take care of themselves.
  3. Well at this point, you’re better off having a wooden ship than a stone one.
  4. If you don’t get an answer here, there’s an seperate section for private servers.
  5. Easier said than done. We’re playing PvP and have all materials on our island, but if you don’t.. try get a trade done. I believe this is some kind of pre-update on the market one. I think we’re gonna sell a lot of metal and paste there. Which is pretty stupid because not only don’t they have the items, they will have to pay for it too. We benefit from this update double, they are screwed double.
  6. I don’t get it. How is this development different than ARK’s? EA was always an excuse back then so no idea why it wouldn’t be at this game. Modding communities keep numerous games alive. They used us for testing over at ARK and they’re doing the same thing now. I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I really get the feeling people thought ARK was all rainbows and sunshines when in fact, it was screwed up too from time to time. How many times have we complained over at the forums because they either nerfed something way too much or buffed something way too hard. Having such servers creates lag and rubberbanding, everyone knew/knows it. They’ve done some pretty stupid stuff until now (eg stone update & the entire claim flag system). Should they have learned from their mistakes over at ARK? Definitely. But if they didn’t, that’s a shame for us but that doesn’t make me want to stop playing the game, for now.
  7. Well what else can you do. I believe the person releasing the ship will become the owner. So just try it.
  8. I hate it, it looks ugly, but it works. So yeah, got it.
  9. Agree with the person above. I’d rather be stuck or have them stuck than let them sink my ship, I’ve never been in the position since I don’t play PvE. But that’s what I’d have rather.
  10. When I said the same, someone living in tundra almost blasted me for saying it because they have paste enough. I’m confused.
  11. If you have a server, and your friend has one, you can connect them together. Make sure 1 of you has a main and the other server is an expansion server. But if you have 10 friends playing it you can make 10 grids.
  12. Pure trolling. Everything you hate, we like. Everything we hate, you like.
  13. Sure it does, we seen that in ARK, and then there was an uprise, then a downfall. Imo this game had many stuff that people attract too so when it gets better, it will be more populated eventually. That’s just my guess, can get the other way too.
  14. I disagree with the change since I want my base to be somewhat opposing to future threads. You kill it so fast now that its a bit stupid. What’s a stone base worth at this point?
  15. I’m okay with it? I think the first thing I posted was ‘is this serious?’. I’ve told about my bug to ask if people had the others. Next time I’ll say 50 metal and 100 paste to not hurt your feelings. You’re not getting anywhere with this.
  16. Then make a statement about the stone patch. We heard nothing about it so far and people are pretty pissed at this point.
  17. Defend it so heavily, funny. Kind of done with people saying that since I have made my concerns about many aspects, just like the stone structures right now. I’m not sure what you’re getting at but do it with a bit more trying.
  18. A handling sail is for faster turning? I thought that too when I first made it, then i figured it catches wind in difficult directions so I thought that’s what they mean with handling.
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