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Everything posted by Pizik

  1. Looking at the sail area one would expect that 1 large + 1 small would be most effective as in total they have a much larger surface area (Small sail being the same size as the top sail on the large sail I believe). That is ignoring mast / rigging / sail weight. I suspect this is how the game has been designed. I assume the game also tries to represent the fact that putting 3 large sails on a schooner would make it capsize every time you turned the ship so they prohibit that with the points system for sail placement. Regarding 2 medium sails, it certainly looks better. A company member and I did a test run with me in my baby, A Schooner Matata (1 large, 1 small) and him in his 2x Medium schooner. It was an easy win for me but I wish I could just go with 2x Medium.
  2. It seems you haven't played much or are not privy to what is happening among the bigger companies. There are fights among the big companies. I am not certain where you have gained your "information".
  3. I must be super lucky as I have not experienced any game breaking bugs. Yes, a little annoying to have to demolish a foundation every other time I respawn at my base, but that is manageable. Cannons hitting ceilings above them, I can cope with replacing the panels and changing my design. These are the only bugs of note that I have experienced in the past month. some people seem to be unlucky or just uncertain what to expect from an EA game.
  4. One of the things I love about these games is that you can interact with people from nations who you would never normally communicate with. Yes, it is sometimes a real PITA but it is sometimes really nice to see other cultural perspectives on things. I remember giving a little area to some Thai people in Ark who couldn't speak English and struggled with the game (everyone thinking they were Chinese) but we got on really well despite the language barrier. I honestly think that, not only is this good for the game, it is good for the whole world; bringing people with different views on things together and helping them understand each-other's perspective. Yes, I have seen racist comments but it is normally from the losing side of a raid when they have little else to lose. Talk to people regardless of nationality and things will always get better
  5. Fair enough, I did zero investigation into how practical it was Thank you for thinking about it for me
  6. Jean, some fantastic work. I was having a scroll down the list and spotted that two of the accounts have the same image. Any way you can do an MD5 or similar hash of their profile images and then create a "Linked account" part that names those who have used the same profile picture (excluding the default steam account picture ofc) Anyway, love the site
  7. You can visit more than once and the buff stacks.
  8. I suspect you mean "Anthills" but this does sound like a nice idea
  9. Typical WildShot (I prefer that to GrapeCard) development, add a feature (NPC vendors) that sell items that require you to exploit a bug (exceeding capacity) to use. Classic.
  10. I don't know if it is true but someone told me there was a way to remove water via a console command the same way you could remove fog. It seems a coincidence that they fixed this by disabling those commands in a recent patch and now you have no water. As for the file tht won't validate, that may be your character file so it would normally not replace that one (as the game would forget where you were for the Rejoin option)
  11. TYGER_STD: Open a command prompt and type: ping -t Leave that running for an hour or two (or while sleeping to get best results). When you have had it running a while just press CTRL+C on that window and it will give you an idea if you have connection stability issues. You will get a statistic like the below (which shows a stable connection) or one that shows a higher percentage of Lost Packets. If the connection looks good (less than 1% loss) then run the same test while playing and see what happens when you have DCed.
  12. I couldn't agree more. I know I would struggle to make a shirt from a bolt of fabric, but I still know how to put a shirt on ^.^ The only reason I can see for this is to stop people speccing into a tree, creating what they need and then respeccing.
  13. My favourite bit of Nautical Jargon is the Forecastle, no one will ever pronounce it correctly unless they have heard it said (folk-sul pretty much)
  14. I hope that list is not everyone who has been banned because it contains only 521 unique IDs (There is also 1 ID listed twice). That is not very many bans in nearly two months considering the number of players.
  15. I have had this happen when sailing through one of the "Mirage Islands" that appear sometimes. The boat reacted like it was sailing up a beach but no damage to the hull. The other crew didn't see anything unusual.
  16. I would have to agree with removing this. Although, it would make FoY a lot more difficult ^.^
  17. If you drop some of the gold the boxes float.
  18. Apart from change the Governance settings to Personal Owned? As for the OP's post; I have always loved solo play but it is so hard in Atlas. 10x harder than in Ark. I ended up joining a company just because I couldn't cope solo The company mechanics are pretty good but I don't think you should rely on them for keeping personal stuff. Most companies have a concept of personal owned tames or smaller ships.... I just wish when I logged in my ships were in the same zone I left them (But I have never laid claim to the things I have made and others borrowing them have saved them from the murky depths twice this week :D)
  19. DannyUK, it is a particularly hard one for the developers to fix due to the authoritative nature of Atlas and Ark servers. Basically as you login (or move into render distance) your client asks the server if MOBs can stand where they should be stood (MOBs zone in before structures). When you are zoning in the client thinks, understandably, that there is no floor under the MOBs because it is yet to be told that there is a floor there by the server. This results in the MOBs dropping into the floor a little. Unfortunately the creatures can then get stuck in the mesh client-side because when the server delivers the required message to say "Zone in a floor here" the client has already dropped the animal lower than it should; there is a little give and take regarding the location of items or the game would be hell to play (constantly clipping against walls or doors whenever your client is slightly de-synced due to latency). Any fixes to this, very irritating, issue would likely make it easier for people to no-clip into buildings or exploit other techniques to ruin the game. Annoying, not easy to fix (and still happens in Ark).
  20. I am getting a little tired of all the threads people start which are self-entitled and full of hyperbole. Does anyone really think that "Thanks for breaking XYZ devs!" is really a good idea for a forum post? Firstly, the Devs do not break or imbalance things on purpose. They are trying to create a game that is a success. The thing people need to realize is that you effectively bought a Beta Key for a game and you have no right to complain like a child when something is changed and does not have the effect the developers intended (Or it does, but you just don't like it). People really need to keep in their minds that this game is not complete, it will change for the better and for the worse many times before we get a true 1.0 release. You are the tester. They will patch and things will break. You will test the software and then you should create a carefully crafted bug report detailing all the information like location, item / NPC names, what you did, and what happened - and do it in the Bug Reports section of the forum. The thing you shouldn't do is totally lose your shit on a public forum, claim that you paid "all this money for a piece of shit blah blah blah" because that is a sure-fire way to get yourself added to the Ignore lists of people. What good is it to the game if your attempt at a meagre complaint gets ignored? My advice is to never post a rant immediately after something goes wrong with your time in game. Go for a walk. Make a cup of coffee, have a cigarette if that is your thing. But don't just come on a public forum with pointless cursing and salt just because the game is not complete. I Atlas
  21. This never happened in Ark and you could jump out of water onto rafts / structures. It triggered when you were in contact with a mesh of some kind.
  22. In Ark they had facility to pre-mark in game the areas that were going to be wiped. I lost my beautiful beach base when they re-designed the snow biome. I got over it
  23. It is odd how the only people who seem to defend ChemB and BLDX etc in these threads have only ever commented on threads about ChemB and BLDX hacking. OMEGALUL12 is just the latest of the three that I have seen doing this. Weird, eh? (Just for clarity, the others were zyrtec and FEAROULIS )
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