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About Duffy

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  1. For those reports i used the report mechanics, since we talked to the dev's and they told us to rather do this, than starting a big campaign against them. Dev's got the footage & duped items we got from ChemB, lets see what happens next. I know they will just create new accounts and do their shit over & over. But atleast they need to spend more money for being unfair, unsportsmanlike players.
  2. Boys if i was here to make proof or to report them i would post video footage how one of them is using ESP to find me with no prob's while claiming, or 1 hour footage of them defending a 10v50 raid on 255ms with 100% hit rate on the head. Im here to warm other ppl not to fuck with them, nothin' more. I wish i had footage of the case when he fuckin noclipped to our island, but again im not here to report them to the dev's or to fuck up any repo. IM HERE TO LET OTHER EU PLAYERS KNOW THAT IF YOU DONT WANNA GET GRIEFED SHITLESS IN UNFAIR METHODS LEAVE THEM ALONE!
  3. + go on reddit and check for ChemB and BLDX its flooded with hacking reports & proof for dupe & aimbots. And these guys arent even top10,but we are, we have good bp's buff food and high levels. So pls dont talk like you are smart af when you have no fucking clue. You're probably chemB or BLDX so why do i even bother answering you. ChemB is the small tribe in this case contantly griefing us with hacks and exploits since they got wiped.
  4. We are bigger than ChemB but yeah xD Dude im playing for 500 Hours, im on 300 HP and had jouneyman Plate armor with good armor stats on it. you cant tell me he did pulled my 300 hp outta that in 1 hit you fucking smartass xD Also being naked and shot and still running 1 hitting ppl seems kind aweird to me. Noclipped=Flying through walls. Idiots like you disgust me. I love how you assume we ever shittalked them. You know nothing man, stop acting like you are anything. "Lack of gameknowledge" is it called to let others know that these guys hack & exploit obv. You wanna tell me about gameknowledge and you dont even know what noclipping means lmfao
  5. Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that as soon as you see ChemB players, dont get close to them. We had 1 guy of ChemB on our island to grief us and he solo killed 20 full geared Players with a SICKLE in 1 hits. Right after he nocliped into our base and started despawning PVP gear. Sadly i dont have any video footage just some screenshots wich are kinda worthless. His name was Pathfinder Pathfinder. Take care.
  6. Yo guys just wanted to give you a heads up, since 1 patch ago the ghost ship galeon was "fixed" but on EU/PVP it still doesent take damage. it also spawns on random times like 8 pm and on the next 24 h circle it doesent even spawn not on 8pm neither on 0 pm.
  7. Im not completely sure but i checked out around 20 islands in different tempered regions and i couldnt find 1 plant giving me wheat. So is the respawn maybe bugged? If you know where it actually spawns let me know i would appreciate it!
  8. Are you able to get the ship back on a drydock? Nah no weight limit or anything its just like in a more deep area sorounded by sandbanks. we can move it in the area but we cant get it outta there
  9. Hey we just finished our schooner on our dry dock, we started sailing it and it instantly got stuck in sandbanks surrounding it. Is there any way to get it unstuck or did we just wasted 2 days of work?
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