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Gemini Five

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Everything posted by Gemini Five

  1. I have earned everything I wanted in game and had it deleted three times. I've spent a year making suggestions and bug reports to try and help improve the game. If you find that the same as wanting a win button... you must be a millennial.
  2. I understand that but I live in a polar zone. It is easy to out run a whale, but when the first sign of one is its health bar, that has already aggroed on you, right in front of you. Also as someone that lives on 15, I'm now seeing a whole lot more whales now! I think there may be too many now but I don't hate whales and would not remove whales. Even as recent as a few weeks ago, you might sails many grids without seeing one. Not anymore. It's about the balance of danger. Some danger is good, too much becomes a nuisance. The biggest part of this is something we have discussed here for a year. That being rendering range. Do you see the danger coming? Or, does it sometimes renders in your face. I've been here since release. I never left. I had almost 1000 hours prior to the first wipe. When the population dropped all those times I was here. I've unlocked the points a few times. I've had zoos worth of tames. I've explored. I've hunted SOD. I've done all those things and I'm doing most of them now. I just don't want to spend hours sailing to resupply. Really, after your 100 book length rants or shills about the game. You are normally the one that's unreasonably reasonable about what people want or don't want in the game. But you are correct about this one. Dollie won't need to come and correct your errors. Others have also asked for fast travel. Maybe I'm not the only one who would rather get back to playing the game instead of counting waves. I spend a lot of time on the water but sometimes I just want to get some cargo moved without the time sink.
  3. There has to be a better way to get 14 grids without watching the water pass by for 2 hours. In the past you could watch tv or youtube while traveling. Now you risk your ship if you look away for 15 seconds. The SOD are nothing but a pain now. I don't even have cannons unlocked yet and yet I can't sail a grid without dealing with them. They render leaving you seconds to react if in your path. Now. the whales! What happened with the whale? Is it birthing season. Their numbers seem to have just exploded recently. You know what sucks. You spends a few hours farming mats for a brig and a whale renders right in your path. You are full speed heading to it, it's aggroed on you coming at you full speed, you can't turn fast enough so you hit head on and come to a full stop. Hours of farming lost in 20 seconds. Boy that's fun! We really need some form of fast travel with your ship and goods. Face it, it's not like we have some booming trade market that's going to be unbalanced. I'm sure some may like to roleplay the long day at sea but I'm guessing most don't want to spend their free time watching the sea pass by dodging SOD and whales. One downside I see about Atlas is that it is always making you spend time doing things you have no interest in doing, just to do the things you want to do. Like extended sea travel and low yield mat farming and now almost no xp for killing animals. We need something like the Eve's warp gates. At least getting us to the general area we are headed.
  4. Can't say I like the crab wrapped around the wheel much. I'd rather have something like a mermaid. I think I got about 650 in gold. That was nice. On the way up I saw a giant whale pointing downward and still. Thank god that big bastage was sleeping.
  5. Yes on pve! More speed but with rendering time on SOD so low now... I say the SOD and now whales are a major problem for me. You have too little time to react. Faster ship speed makes that worse. You must at times spend over an hour traveling but can't take your eyes off the screen without risking the loss of your ship. There must be a better way to deal with long trips... like fast travel points on the map. More and more I just try to avoid long trips altogether.
  6. Hmm, all most of our progress has been reset to zero 3 or 4 times now, with 100% loss of everything.. Do you know anything about when the final game ver will come? Do you have any facts on if and when more wipes will come? If we have more wipes, history would suggest you will lose everything and restart new.
  7. I don't think anybody really cares. We all saw the videos and threads.... so what.
  8. Just an update. I don't know what changed. Maybe someone read your comments. I'm all of a sudden seeing more whales than even on 14 and 15.
  9. We have had this issue since day 1. I and many others have resorted to keeping our tames in towers. I go at lease 6 walls high. I've not lost one since doing this. Edit: By tower I mean barn where the tames are kept high off the ground. I think in terms of stage 1 being high enough cobras can't get to them. Stage 2 higher yet where cobras don't even aggro on them. I spent a lot of time in the polar zone with yeti. There I keep my bears about 12 walls high and put a wall around the building keeping the yeti out of aggro range of them.. I can stand up top with the bears and watch the yeti circle below without issue. The key is "out of aggro range"... so they don't damage your building attempting to get to them.
  10. I've been around the gaming world for a long time and I've watched the development here since day one. I'd say the biggest problem is the top person on the development team. From day one it's been what I see as unfocused on the big picture and unclear on a path. Just like in RL, when an area is not running correctly, it's almost always the person running that area. When I see some of the actions taken I think this company may be low of cash and desperate. That would explain some of the decisions. Otherwise I'd chalk it up to grab ass. Overall the game is improving and the concept has a lot going for it. I guess we'll just have to keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best for it. Lately it seems the biggest problem is back to one of the old ones. That being grid performance. And from chat, many think the same. I've found myself leaving the area I want to be in for better running grids. Two days ago I was transporting bears by sea. I crossed a grid line and all my bears disappeared. I stopped, turned around and searched both sides of the grid line for a while before, out of the blue all my bears were back standing on the deck. I'd suggest at this point a focus on bugs and performance over new content. Get step one right, then move back to step two. Or you end up having people leave for both reasons.
  11. I live on the 15 line. I see them often. Do you know what to look for? Look for a green health bar. You normally will not see it in front of you but to the sides or rear after it aggros on you. Sometimes it looks like 1/8 to 1/4 of a mile away. The ones that don't aggro, yeah look for them breaking the surface. Take a line mid way between the islands and the grid line and keep your eyes open and head turning.
  12. Test your "wiggle room" feed your bears to full. Remove all food and check your bears food level after 24 hours. It should let you know just how long the bears will go without any food. They will not all be the same. It should be days.
  13. Put the crew on the sails and wheel or take them off the boat if you are going to be parked for a while. I just fire them all and rehire the next time I go out to save the gold. But that's only an option if you don't need high level crew.
  14. What I didn't see here about the Eve model ( I was there for about 15 years) once they dropped the punishment in high sec, and for the most part allowed high sec ganking (pvp) it killed the high sec population. And even though some went to low or null, many just quit and Eve's total population started to decline. In the first few years Eve had a robust high sec, never again after that. I think the same would happen here. It would be fun at first then many would grow tired of it. And those only wanting pve would be the first out the door. Take a hint from the big games like WoW, leave the pve'er to their own pvp free world.
  15. I cannot harvest on a few islands at least one of them is a lawless. I go and test every few days to see if this has been fixed yet. You may have the same bug.
  16. It's a matter of choice. Many areas lack something. I live on the 15 line and have a small base on the 8 line. I make a run every so often for fiber and a few things. I like the 15 line for a few reasons... few people, lots of space, different dangers like yeti. I mostly play solo and live there fine. It's been interesting learning how to live there. The only things I really lack there is fruit and fiber. If needed I could get fruit from the sea and fiber is only a grid or two away. But you must keep a few bears.
  17. Have you tamed any recently? I can't find that "without getting hit" area anymore. That only works for me when he is resting. My last attempt, he bucked like a madman the whole time. I got 2 low level ones only by living through the hits.
  18. People have asked to have them removed since day one. They seem to be a lot less dangerous than they used to be. Deep inside GrapeShot wants this game to be very dangerous. If you missed the very beginning, let me tell you, just staying alive outdoors could be a feat back then.
  19. I've tamed about 20 in the past and 2 lower level ones since the last wipe. This week I made 20 attempts to tame a 21 and failed to find the box or was killed or didn't dps it's HP down fast enough every time. People have always reported trouble taming them and many have reported never being able to. For what its worth.... I... I never had wheat so I always use cocoa, where your best armor, use a trap, move in under the front right leg to feed, cam around and find the box, feed and get out of range quick, keep track of the feed timer and count in your head, save the last feed in every bolo cycle to the last few seconds, start with extra of everything in inventory, kill all other wildlife around before you start, place a bed nearby, if its your first time, find a level 1. If all else fails, maybe I'll sell one of my low level ones. M8 E15 if I'm on. With the XP changes, its likely I wont be. Good luck!
  20. Been here since day one. I've done enough maps. They are boring now. Prior to this last wipe you could kill grind to level if you wanted. Now the XP is too low to kill grind.
  21. I have leveled a few times now. I don't remember it being so slow. At level 37 killing an elephant nets you about 6 or 7 points of XP. I'm not interested in doing any more maps. Just wanted to play the game. XP gains seemed to go from very fast/maybe too fast in the lower levels to far too slow. I don't even plan to try at this XP rate. The way things are decided here always strikes me, left unaddressed or smashed with a hammer. New things promoted before ready. Now it seems, a push to play the way someone wants you to play and not how you want to. GrapeShot needs a calm clear voice at the top and less of what looks like panic rush and knee jerk reactions.
  22. I've made a lot of long trips over the last year and it's getting a bit old. So I suggest this... Every 3rd or forth grid, top to bottom and left to right have a fast travel point on it, on the map. You click the one closest to your destination. Then the next grid line you sail through, you spawn at that fast travel point. This leaves you still needing to sail a good ways but not 2 hours. Sailing 2 or 3 grids can be interesting. Sailing 12 grids is not interesting.
  23. I mostly tame bears. Lots of them due to losses from the yeti. I live on the 15 line. I always use traps. If you mess up they make the difference between life and death. I rarely have trouble with the structure in the way but then I've done this many times. And almost everyday at logon, something is waiting in the trap for you. Use the best food... that gives the highest percentage per feed. Drop a locker near your trap full of supplies you can grab in a hurry. Place a bed nearby. The more you tame. the more you learn, the better / faster you get.
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