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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/2021 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Have you thought of reworking Armored ship docks? 1 Per Grid, per company, and it can store multiple boats? Not a fan of The claim towers i think you kill off a large part of the solo players with this. AND its spyglass obstruction is STUPID, if you have alot of claim towers you cant see anything!? why? also cant see the radius while holding H ? wtf I dont even play solo, or in small company's but this mechanic.... I just see it as a answer to armored shipyards and spam. And i think there are better solutions then this thing, i really just think there are better options
  2. 2 points
    Obviously the feed back from the community isnt herd otherwise we would get the answer from what keep being asked........ via Majority of the same question. New claim System??? its Season 1 revamped (Lawless for a reason - Be seen and not found) - Might aswell call it Law and Claimed. - Not Broke dont FIX IT. (Now you can claim someones BP'd Ship not just there base. or you might be lucky and claim half of the base now that is funny lol) Barrels still able to shoot from Boat (Been complained about alot in the last 2/3seasons) Remove them and allow Over Board Barreling via Hand. Armoured DOCK (Way too many for one company in one Grid - Reduce them to x2 Per company Per Grid?) - (NEW FREEPORT META ON ANY ISLAND just need an NPC Vendor with them) Sea Tax Island (No build except for bank and towers?) - (Theres Armoured Docks placed there and FOB Boats hmmmmmm) Honeslty ide love to know who asks these Questions you guys throw out there because the Normal questions that would be asked are never seen lol Side note the past few updates that came out were good IMO (Stam Drain and movement of Glider) - (Ballista Flame increased over Sails) - (and i do like the Dolphin/Seahorse) So a big well done and thnak you on these Patches. You wont get more people visiting the sea when it take less then 40minutes to claim someones isle on LAW'd they wont go farm becuase of the time travel. You wont get more people visiting the sea when they can lose the 50k Galleon within x5 Barrels! 35k brig x3 barrels 5k schooner x1/2 Barrels. You wont get more people visiting the sea if they have to dock at a LAW'd isle as something going on in rl to come back and they lose there ship. It takes days to Claim a ship with What yours is mine (Useless skill for awhile now) but if i thow a SEA CLAIM down its mine within 40mins. YAY!!! - FAIL SYSTEM Season 1 Some may have given more to this game then me but since launch ive invested 6k hours and is still playing not so much now becuase of the Wipe Hype but hey. Questions that are asked must be from the new Players honestly or even the dev team throwing questions to each other as there role play tester.......
  3. 2 points
    You have No clue.. like i said in previous posts that you make. go back to CS or Rust. This game isnt for you. When you tame any farming tame for wood/stone/thatch thats PVE. when you build ur BASE thats PVE. when you BUILD ur ship thats PVE thats so ur aware of what PVE is... PVP Explained... Blow someones base kill them - sink someones ship kill them. YOU Need PVE for PVP.... Alot dont like PVP and like to create there own stories so leave them to it. They dont wanna grind for a few hours after work to sit and fight they just wanna chill, building playing taming etc i do PVE on Official so i can PVP like SOTD's Ghostship for Buffs and other bosses lol.... THis game is a pirate game, not allowing to destroy ur opponents seems idiotic to me! Makes no sence Pirates back in the day dug treasure again PVE aswell as fought lol.. I know while i make this post you will not comment as you IGNORE 90% of your replies but please stop with ur useless posts..
  4. 2 points
    I just hope the dev's actually look at other games successes in the same genre. Passively gaining resources and income isn't a fun mechanic in any game. The whole market place with passive trades etc. all needs to be reworked. It really did kill a large chunk of content for PVE players, while not offering a whole hell of a lot for PVP players either. The whole mechanic of passively receiving any types of resources or income is just not entertaining. Add in pre-made ships u can purchase for gold with little customization and what do you get? It's like the dev's don't even understand what people still cling to this game for in PVE, it's human interaction it's trading and bartering - it's making cool customized and unique ships in their own shipyards, not buying premade ships with gold and having everything passively handed to them resource wise over time.
  5. 2 points
    Attention: Devs. The latest Q & A is completely terrible for PVE players, which should be a considerable amount of your very loyal player base.. Your latest Q & A stating your intentions to not make any more PVE "content" at all (bosses / quests ). All the while, there have been plenty of complaints from players that you should focus on more interesting content, cause of us PVE players always running out of things to do.. ( in case a player doesn't like breeding). Please take note of this, if you want to retain your tons of really loyal, long term PVE players. Aswell as keep new ones from leaving, after a short while. I want to add that, in my company during these 2 years, when we gather up to do things like powerstones, Kraken, or Ice Cave, everyone in the crew "wakes up", and comes online again, after being passive and not gaming for a while, etc. Even old players that have been offline for quite a while, often come back, at those more special occasions. So, a few more side quests/smaller and easier bosses to do, would add tremendous ways to "lure in" new and old players into the game. Just my 2 cents. Regards from a day 1 (PVE) player.
  6. 2 points
    Do you devs hear yourselves when you speak? You say one thing then in the next statement contradict yourself. You say you appreciate the suggestions and comments from your community but obviously don't pay any attention to it or just don't care. Focusing on PVP is fine and understandable that you want to go that direction but to turn your backs on the PVE players is going to be a huge mistake. It saddens me to walk away from this game but I just can't do it anymore. My animals can wear hats but you won't fix the stuff broken in the game since launch and are now openly admitting that you are releasing broken content to us players.
  7. 2 points
    PvE things can be as simple as varied treasure hunting or archeology things, more reasons to dive, varied npc ships and npc's on islands. Small outpost to overtake for blueprint rewards, more crafting or things to do on boats while they sail. More building PCs, alpha creatures, npc base attacks both at land or sea... Random quests at ports to earn gold or crafting quests to turn in for rewards like bps. Scavenging ship wrecks for boat upgrades.. the list goes on and on. Also, yes open up more config settings for server owners or implement a questing mod system so creators can create their own questing or treasure hunting content..
  8. 1 point
    Haha lol. Good job you succesfully offline raided somebody and stole his galleon full of his best breeding tames? Well done... in 40 minutes(considering you are poor with 0 gold) you may deleted 1000hours of work from maybe several players who bread this horses and spend hours in taming the best stats possible. But unlucky you the game did not allow you to use all this horses for yourself. Go cry. If you feel this succesfully and think the Devs do follow your suggestions... well you have pirated this game and everybody will abandone it... YARRR Best joke i've seen long time.... i have a galleon ... i have the biggest stick.... BUUUHHH i got outplayed by a shooner which even did not commit barrels to you.... just get some skill and respect for others. Maybe your galleon was overweight, was level 0 and the shooner leveld over days, build in a mystical shipyard with mystical planks and guns... but yeah BUUUHHH it was still a shooner
  9. 1 point
    Well thank you Devs for Posting the Q&A at least in this forum. But it would be great if you actually would also read the answers... or even the complains before the latest patch(that one week later fuck*ed everybody on PVE). No wonders your questions are that worse selected.... on Discord you have daily 10k spam messages... nobody can read them all and nobody can collect that information to find out what players want. You may focus on PvP but this PvP gameplay got my health down that i needed a 5 month brake from it... but still love it somehow... but actually playing PVE because my ships are (mostly) safe there. I would not mind a good sea battle known as a mighty captain of Season 3 but throw my Ship for 3 Barrels.... Well i tried taming Dolphin but this fishes always swim away so every feeding is red... i will not tame a crocodile.... PvP Meta is still fast horses... it's like playing a super haevy tank vs. wheel tanks and arta in the game "World of Tanks"... but you can bait every 10 seconds LOL You "remove" any award of the Booses(Yeti) because of a little exploit that happened to bad codeing and could be easy fixed. Just give the Kraken Fight an Option to choose between V1 and V2... that's all players need. If you don't want to focus on changing this it's ok... it's your game but at least as long this bosses are in the game you should get 3-5 Lvl Ups from killing one of them. Yeti needs a large group to complete but it's ok. Solos can do Kraken if they prepare well. Also the Dragons nobody really wants to fight them...(Only usefull weapon is the carabine - balistas miss 90% of their shots) I just went whale hunting to get both skills but after completing there is 0 reason to hunt a whale anymore... maybe you should get an additional taming buff if you achieve 50 or 100 spearm whale kills? That would be cald a progressing skill. Devs just listen and fix the most important bugs... we appreciate if you create new things... but in the meantime let us have some fun playing the game to test it for you without getting any pay therefore. And you know yourself... the current islands are not good in many cases... do not rearange them in the map(like maelstorm)... fix them before you do that. Don't mix the vegetation zones with the stone/metal zones. The first map was much better. Trading should work over 3-4 grids and you should be allowed to accept more than 5 trades. If you cancel trades they should be removed from your list. After 90 invites you can't invite other markets anymore ... you need to destroy market. Fix the Blue Prints! Just today i got a legendary Balista with 103% damage and 168% durability(that's grey for me and straight going back into the water)... again no large sails better than blue found in golden age after 8 hours and 1,6k cannon balls fired.(remove mid size sails or change/buff them and allow shooners only to have mid sails - there is no reason to place them actually) 3 Galleons Lvl 52+ dropped only gold and amunition without any BPs!
  10. 1 point
    And who are you again? I'm sorry, but I don't see any badge beside your name, or on your profile, that shows you have any authority on deciding what is considered "playing the game right" Have a nice day though
  11. 1 point
    Its really sad to see you guys go in this direction and neglecting a core component of your game. PvE does not only provide content to do for the pve server, it provides content for the pvp players as well. It gives incentive to go out into the world, it creates oppourtunity for players to encounter each other and the potential for conflict to occur. You say you want players to create stories as they live in Atlas, yet by neglecting new enviornmental content you reduce these stories into only "we went out hunting and killed some noobz". This becomes stale and eventually boring.
  12. 1 point
    @George Catcher and Atlas Development Team Piggy backing off of Georges points and offering some corroboration and alternate feedback 1 Food- I observed many people choosing to cheese the food system by either popping the brown pill or punching an animal until it killed them. The solutions are simple some have been in place for decades a. When you DIE you should LOSE EXPERIENCE. Period. Yes even in PvP, carebear bullshit. b. The the average human can survive SEVERAL weeks with zero food and MUCH longer on partial rations. Knock off the character pissing and moaning every 5 minutes for a meal then miraculously sailing FOREVER with zero hunger unless its cold c. Theres more but I'm sick of giving you ass clowns FREE UNACKNOWLOWLEDGED FEEDBACK *** Fix your shit when it ccmes to food DEVS, if you can't understand how, DM me *** 2 Tames- DEVS -Is this fucking Ark or Atlas? Make a decision. I am NOT a fan of your ENTIRE, OFF-THE-TOPIC-OF-PIRATES TAMING CLUSTERFUCK. My opinion. I'm not saying scrap it entirely, but lets just say I think you might want adjust your development priorities. *** Another one that I can help with, if your confused D........M....... Me *** 3. Devs you do realize that gold coin WAS NOT the only form of currency, right? a. Silver b. Copper c. Barter d. Authentic Letters of Deposit e. Bullion *** Once again if you need help with this fucking rocket science, , DM me *** Get your shit straight
  13. 1 point
    Lets see if this question gets answered-- if someone wants to re-post it on discord I would appreciate it If you intend to make this "one of the best and most unique PvP games ever", exactly how do you plan on solving the "Wolves vs Sheep" dilemma? I have heard of several vague "incentives" mentioned to encourage large companies to work with small companies, but I haven't heard of any specific details that can't be solved by a few alt accounts. Sidenote, if you want to encourage the Atlas Community, a LARGE step in that direction would be tagging whose question is being answered and who exactly is answering it. *** Bumps appreciated *** R1K
  14. 1 point
    The fact is they are turning Atlas into rust on water. Maybe the devs want a game filled with trash talking griefers , who knows? After all they don't exactly communicate that well ,do they?
  15. 1 point
    Game is not moving in a positive direction. keep ignoring glaring bugs/issues and lack of pve content. just keep adding more stuff to tame and relying on the community to build "player stories" from pvp, because they clearly won't be gaining any from PVE. They go hand in hand pvp & pve, you can have both simultaneously. Make lawless zones pvp zones, make the safe ports and non-lawless zones PVE. Do it all in 1 big server, those that want to PVP go to lawless, make rare resources in lawless, and or keep the golden age where you have to sail through (lawless) pvp zone to engage with golden age. You can do both pve and pvp on a single server. It's so stupid how when I go to PVP I see the biggest companies hiding their stuff in freeports and getting on every 8-12hrs just to repair stuff. Give people both choices, let their be PVP zones and PVE zones on 1 large server, make it so you can't craft the best stuff without taking risk in those pvp territories fine. Most PVP stories are those of people quitting anyways due to broken mechanics. Even hardcore pvp fans will often agree they don't enjoy losing everything while being offline raided etc. Let people that want to pvp do so in lawless and have fun make it a battle zone as it should be, and those that don't want to can avoid it while not being able to accomplish max end game tier items/ships etc. without risking it in lawless. Many games have been able to accomplish both pvp and pve on single large servers, the community is too small to even justify having a separate pve and pvp server at this point.
  16. 1 point
    Hey, one of the better Q&A. I still dont get it fully, but its nice to finally see where you want to move. As PVE player i would totaly like the official PVE network with disabled farms/warhouses/markets and no claim towers. All that stuff felt more like anticontent, reducing player interaction and player storries. So concider to just disable this mechanisms for PVE. Regarding claim towers in PVE, i dont see how new players will have a space to live on afger a while, everything will be claimed in lawless. So without a good balance in points it will be bad for everyone most likely, and that balance would mostly be neccessary for PVE, so i dont see it done right. Anyway, you talk for almost a year now about tradewinds, can you please tell us what they do?
  17. 1 point
    As a PVE player and never s PVP player, I was dissapointed to hear that you won't consider supporting both paths. I know it is a lot of effort but your only going to succeed and make money if you draw all players into the game. Reconsider your focus on the PVE genre. Other then that I really enjoy the game and look forward to the new changes, thank you.
  18. 1 point
    You guys keep saying you want more “player stories” kind of hard to get those when there is hardly any content to use, in my opinion they kind of go hand in hand. Maybe it’s just me but the way y’all go in about pve almost seems like y’all have a strong disliking for the game mode. And if that’s the case why not just go ahead and get rid of it altogether. Since y’all don’t care to work on it an it’s obvious that’s it’s just holding y’all back.
  19. 1 point
    So yay PVP! Fuck the PVE. Sounds like you're really working on the game for everyone. Its sad when the gameplay I paid for is no longer going to be allowed. I want a refund.
  20. 1 point
    Makes no Difference if you ask me they removed the system due to bugs with it and allowed Claimed islands and Lawless. Now Lawless is not that as its owned so should be Law and Claimed. There was a point to being a lawless going unseen as your enemy searched for you while farming the Rare resource, Now you just having a shit stick saying HERE I AM Now they've just shown where the enemies are in LAWLESS areas so the Small group that do usually settle going undetechted now have a come get me sign because if they dont someone else is gonna claim there base.. We put one down to have a test of it to find we claimed someones half a base lmfao. all we did was demolish a wall and we owned there resource box and ammo while they had a few storages and there door. ITS A JOKE SYSTEM Its a pointless attempt - There major focus was to bring more sea exploration hence the Dolphin/Seahorse as its is a sea game as such This claiming system will not want people to explore, because ur base will be gone within 40minutes, its the same as the BUG on the Seaforts not allowed to build on it but yet you can place an armoured Dock and just place a fob boat there. Now that makes sence too (Not).. WANT PEOPLE TO GO TO SEA MORE???? Remove the Barrel from SHIPS lol Been Complained about for what 2/3 Seasons but its still here lol... No one and i mean no one wants to spend hours doing a boat to lose it in 3 barrel shots and with the cost of ships now. I admit Im guilty i use a Barrel on the back just so i can match my Opponant but i really HATE this. In No game SEA type have i seen barrels been shot from. Barshot yes that was a thing.. but come on! They really need to look into this, atleast there last team put the PTR up for awhile to be tested by the community before implementing, Now this team run it for a couple days or so and i doubt there testing otherwise they'de know the issue's and not release its last couple of updates. eg: Armoured/Claims. Only thing that did come decent from the patches were the glider stam drain and movement of that aswell as increased flame damage of Balista. they still allowed the barrels to be shot from boats but hey thats another story lol.
  21. 1 point
    yes I told them remove noensense custom building from land and sea, and give us whole ships and houses. The game performance is totally killed by custom buildings, people spam structures that consists of hundrets of pieces. And the buildings look ugly. And Building is not fun! No it is NOT! Having to rebuild my ship a hundret times or rebuilding my house and land defence isnt fun! It's repetitive. I want nordic, greek, chinese and egyptian cultural ready buildings and ships that u can just place and put ur stuff inside. THe whole nonesense building needs to go! Same wiht ships. Stupid custome building I hate it! Making ugly ships is creative!? No ur just being lazy, not wanting to design ships for us! To make this game look good, run smoothly and be fun, all custom building needs to be removed. But the reason why the game will never be great is the developers care only about money. They have no interest in making a great game. They think like this: Ok how do we make more people buy our game? Ok, lets add some gimmicks (dolphin riding, seahorse riding, animal hats, decorated boats etc.) that will attract new customers! Yepp, thats how they think. Thats why they havent fixed any bugs. And are not going to because in their mind it is "why waste time on fixing bugs, when people are dumb enough to keep playing our games the way it is" Their whole focus is on gaining new buyers, they believe we are already stupid enough to keep playing their buggy mess. So nothing is fixed, only gimmick has been added. And they remove people from the forum, that speak those things out! That's why the majority of the forum users are all big company worshipping followers. Thats the people that are left here. People like u and me are the minority here, even though we are indeed the MAJORITY if u get what im saying! Even though Atlas is a pirate game, the ship designs and battle mechanics are horrible! Even android games do a better job than Atlas at this:
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