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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/2020 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    Yeah this ain't it chief, these are definitely not the questions people are currently asking.
  2. 3 points
    When can we get the devkit updated? It hasn't been touched since last October and is missing many, many updates since the update that made cats availble. Now, with the Int32 mod id issue (Ark just resolved it), no new mods can be created and used on unofficial servers. So, it's really broken now for any new mod development. When can you fix custom mapping in the devkit and unofficial server? It just doesn't work. Some have tried to do part of the work in Ark and port it over but nearly everyone struggles with getting it to load into a custom map. Even the example map extension isn't even in the kit anymore. Just an empty folder. Are there any plans to improve communication with the modding community? If so, what can we expect? Are there any plans to offer a sponsored mod program similar to Ark? Are there any plans to improve communication with the unofficial server admin community? A significant % of active and loyal Atlas players in the community spend their time on unofficial servers. It's been more than official in the past 6 months. If so, what can we expect?
  3. 2 points
    Amazing, a 3 question pyrate Q and A ? Where you pick and choose what questions you answer ? To make the player base feel like they are included ? And you're serious ? Mr Anderson, we have a problem.
  4. 2 points
    This. I guess they had to add in some made up questions (or at the very least picked the easiest questions to answer) to distract us from the failure of a patch they just put out. You guys realize your "ground work" patch broke the game more, right?
  5. 1 point
    They're focused on PVP now, proverbially kicking the PVE can down the road. Since singleplayer is playing PVE solo, it probably sits with that category.
  6. 1 point
    I really like that idea m8, thanks for explaining it so well It would also be a lot better if you never really lost your mast completely, so you don't have to replace them with new pre build mast but could always repair the broken mast instead.
  7. 1 point
    First of all i'd like to point out that unless you start Atlas with other people then you always start out solo. Secondly there are a lot of ways of making your base less detectable, although it will now be tougher with a smaller map. but if you look for long enough you will find places that aren't easy to see or stumble on, but in an exploration game no matter how well you hide, your base will be discovered eventually.
  8. 1 point
    Are we ever getting new ships? Are you ever going to increase the structure limit on ships? Above you mentioned PS5, any plans to delv into an upgraded Atlas version on Unreal 5?
  9. 1 point
    How do you let ppl keep levels from exploiting over and over.
  10. 1 point
    Thought of revisiting as i was up for a survival style game, saw it had quite a few players, but turns out it's a bait and switch from what's in OPs post. I dont think anyone is challenging people enjoying the game, but they are challenging the devs lack of direction and neglect of the game, which i think is fair to do. If those who work on the game said themselves they will pull the plug if things don't pan out, i think that's something people who DO like the game should be worried about, especially if they're hardly showing any signs of communication and throwing out hollow content. This game still has a chance, but i think the team don't care anymore and want to move on to other games
  11. 1 point
    I personally think that instead of whole sail with masts, cables, ropes, DEVs should: 1) - Introduce RIGGING for every ship. We build ONE PIECE of rigging and put in the only spot on a ship. Rigging contains all masts, ladders, ropes, cables, and SAIL SPOTS. 2) - In loom we build just sails (with no masts just sailyard and sail itself). We choice square and triangle sails. First provide best downwind speed. Triangle - best wing angles (as they were in real life). 3) - We put sails we choose in to the sail spots of rigging.
  12. 1 point
    So the fact they fixed the exploit AND announced it as an exploit in patch notes means it was a viable way to get experience? No, it was an exploit. A way to get experience that was not intended and people “exploited” it. Look up the definition of exploit it’s not “doing it the right way and everyone else is just jealous of your awesomeness...” So if you have a different experience of what an exploit is, great. Devs called it an exploit so us saying ban the exploiters is our opinion of something that’s already a fact. People who used the expoits.... are exploiters and cheaters. End broadcast. Have a great day.
  13. 1 point
    When the devs themselves say "fixed various yeti exploits" I think it's def safe to say that was an exploit whether you like it or not isn't up for debate
  14. 1 point
    I just tamed my first bear since the wipe. I dread it every time. 10 deaths. Bed hit reset timer a few times. Elephant came over and stood on the bear's head. I think it would be mostly okay if the feeding mechanic wasn't so boned. Tames sometimes just rotate on their own. They are cool feeding from a certain angle, but you use that same angle next time and they bone you. Why do we have to piss off and nearly kill the animal, then bola it, and expect it to let us feed by hand? Even by drunk pirate terms that's idiotic. Can't we just have like food on a stick or throw food at it? Maybe a feeding trough to drop down in front of it? It doesn't seem terribly hard to implement and I don't understand why they've left it the same for so long.
  15. 1 point
    just wanted to say bye and i hope everyone that enjoys the game keeps playing, i just cant rebuild and find materials and blue prints for the 10th time beeing offline wiped.+the crashes when ebteribg grids,spawning tresure maps, loosin ships and tames. dont get me wrong im not whining, im an hardcore player 4 life. Peace out.
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