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  1. 2 points
    Regardless of what's available, it a TERRIBLE DESIGN!! As the captain you should be able to tell the crew EXACTLY what to shoot at and WHAT NOT to shoot at. The radial options on the weapons are poor at best. You should look at the steering wheel and hit E for captain options where you can choose EXACTLY what you want. Its stupid that as the captain, I can't say to my crew, "ONLY shoot at SotD and whales! Those are my orders!" PIus i shouldn't have to tell the CANNON what to shoot at. You tell the crew! The orders should be a blanket statement for the boat. Yes you can hit C while steering to make them all passive and not shoot at anything. V makes everyone start shooting again. R closes gunports.
  2. 1 point
    Our 24 hour Extra Life stream is fast approaching and we welcome all of you across the ARK and ATLAS communities in joining us. Let’s see what we can raise for the kids through gaming and giving with our fundraising event starting November 2nd at 9 am PST! Live from our Seattle Studio to bring you entertainment, over 10k in giveaways from sponsors such as AMD, Alienware, MSI, Elgato, along with Collector’s Edition boxes, game keys, Discord, Nitrado vouchers, codes and more! So please tune in, whether you’re a streamer, a donator or just keen to be along for the ride, we’d love to have you! In the spirit of the event, we will be enabling boosted rates for all players on our Official Networks. These rates increase incrementally as each fundraising milestone is reached: ARK: 0.5x increase on all rates across our ARK Networks for every $5000 reached up to a maximum of 8x. ATLAS: The full rate increase breakdown can be found here As an added incentive to raise money and awareness for a great cause, we'll be revealing unseen content from the new Genesis DLC as we inch further towards our goal. Tune in on November 2nd to find out what's in store! Gather your tribes, alliances, and stimberries and join us on an epic 24hr adventure! If you’re feeling heroic, and want to support the event with your own stream and donation goals, sign up here and let’s raise some money! We’ve also launched a Discord server for our Extra Life event: https://discord.gg/gnUFBMT Remember to read the guidelines in the #welcome channel to get you set up to come along for the ride. In addition to spicy challenges, contests, and in-game events, here’s what you can expect to see during the show: Key Events 9.30 am - Extra Life Interview 10 am - Donation Incentives Breakdown 2 pm - Alienware Interview 3 pm - Games 5 pm - Discord Interview 7 am - Developer Interview 8 am - Wrap Up Please keep in mind that exact times may vary We look forward to seeing you all on game day as we come together for the kids!
  3. 1 point
    Here is the jist. So, you go to a freeport, and you buy stuff on marketplace, no problem. Here's the catch. The item has to be delivered to "your" freeport in the form of a cargo haul, so you gotta wait around a while to get it. There's another catch. The cargo hall is essentially just a cargo container that some random player has to buy for some gold that can't be looted so we can always just assume it was somebody else's items, or the cargo rack can be taken to the freeport and cashed in for some gold. Player should also have the option to do a pickup and get his items immediatly. You could also pay premium shipping any amount you want to expedite the transfer of your goods, that gold would go 50/50 to the delivery guy and the freeport. Here's the intended effect of the system. It gets players moving goods around. The more people trade, the more they play, the more opportunities you have for piracy. Yes piracy, not just fighting over land like a bunch of cowboys. The money that a freeport acquires would allow players to instantly sell items to the freeport that the freeport lacks, which would probably be resources from further and further zones. The lower they are on the resource the more they will pay, eventually incentivising players to move those resources to that freeport. As for treasure maps, there should be a "map vendor/collector" that you can give treasure maps to for something like 5% map cost. You are then able to buy the map for 20% map cost. The catch now is that the treasure map when bought has no gold in it, instead it has a novelty item that you have to go back to turn into a (not the) "collector" to get the full gold reward.
  4. 1 point
    Once they get the ship npc's working properly I'd love to see a fleet commander skill, so you could solo ships full of npc's and command them from the lead ship.
  5. 1 point
    Was discussing this with my friend about how we think it should be..... Captaineering tree should have a skill available it the top row (1 pt) for something called CREW ORDERS. Once taken that person can create a piece of paper/parchment scroll that allows the captain to choose specific orders for the crew. What to attack, when to attack, when to sweep and fix, when to defend against invaders ect Once the CREW ORDERS are done the Captain needs to hang it on the boat... On a mast, on a door, a wall... Ect. The orders hang there by a dagger (that would look cool). Once hung up, the crew follows those orders. If they need modifying, you remove the paper off the mast or wall and either edit it, or use the current method.
  6. 1 point
    Having the opportunity to constantly improve your gear And ships or tames is what keeps Games like this alive. As Helix Said Getting everything served on a silver platter, you are done at some Point And thats the Time People leave the game. I actually like it when Game Progress is Slow pacing because if you achieve One of your Goals it Feels way better if You Invested Time in it.
  7. 1 point
    The settings didnt fix it for those of us in our company that had the problem with npcs still firing. What did fix it was assigning all those cannons to a group, making sure the group was active with all the others on the hotbar, and then they listen to commands.
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    Yeah they are going to be walking the plank pretty soon if they keep that crap up. with us they are doing it regardless of Freeport/lawless/owned islands. bunch of jerks to be honest. I mean we are paying them after all. They have food and gold so they are just being dicks at this point. Haven’t pulled out the guillotine yet but I’ll let you know how that goes. They are about 20 cannonballs shy of getting a high and tight in a very medieval way lol
  10. 1 point
    Just went to my first powerstone island and ran butt naked through it. The minute I saw 100 plus tames I was like “nope, I am not bringing anything with me” got far enough to get a discovery point and get my ass roasted by a drake lmao
  11. 1 point
    MAKE HEIGHT a Gold island Multiplier Just STARVE the company of gold if they want a high base. This adds a gold sink you ALWAYS WANT it keeps PLAYER CHOICE IN THE GAME IT WILL REQUIRE MORE UPKEEP FOR THE CHOICE! ITS A WIN WIN
  12. 1 point
    Season 2 deja vu "A black cat went past us, and then another that looked just like it"
  13. 1 point
    Nope, the crafting bonus were game killing... That is why they reduced their impact this much, until they get going on game balancing again...
  14. 1 point
    I agree, there is no way to protect ships from bored trolls passing by. Stone gate is one broadside+game over, so ship hangars dont help. 9hour combat window is not giving any troll protection as well. Anchored ships = invulnerable would be the perfect solution. Wouldnot hurt open sea combat but prevent offline lolstomping
  15. 0 points
    To Grapeshot. Your community has created servers which actually mix PVP servers and PVE servers on 1 map. PVE usually existing around equatorial and tropical zones, while desert, temperate and tundra are PVP. This allows all players of all play styles to play together with very little issue. Each zone server is set up independently, incorporating PVE or PVP settings, and I think they have a superior idea. It opens more of the map to claimable space as well, removing any need for lawless zones, which take up a ridiculous amount of official servers. Having the PVE zone around the middle zones allows easy movement to PVP areas where certain resources are needed, without having to extend themselves too far into hostile territory, plus not many PVP players are just kos, so the danger risk of quick resource trips is actually pretty low. It also gives PVP players the ability to help subsidize the PVE economy, by bringing in those less common resources to PVE players, without the ability to attack. There's also the potential for hiring ships and captains for escort protection to power stone and Fountain of Youth locations. Whole new dynamics and ways to play, all while extinguishing the lawless zones made unnecessary by neutral, everyone can build, claims. I understand these would constitute big changes, requiring some map changing as well as reassigning each server to PVP or PVE settings, but overall I think it would be a good move in the long run. 4 Public Official servers, all open to everyone, as well as each new server cluster you add to the list as the game's player base continues to grow.
  16. 0 points
    so they are cheating?? how i can be in xbox server only without pc players?
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