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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/17/2019 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Network: NA PVE Grid: Every grid I've traveled to. Description of issue: Upon joining the server, changing grids, fast traveling my ping goes to 255. The game is incredibly laggy. Interacting with anything seems to queue up actions and then they will happen in like 20 sec intervals. A lot of times if I disconnect and reconnect I can get it to go away, my normal ping is around 70. Once my ping is normal it will stay there until I change zones by either sailing or fast traveling. If I stay in my current zone I can stay on for hours and not have an issue. I have google fiber with a gig down/up. In this particular video the ping mysteriously cleared up on it's own, usually I have to disconnect and reconnect to get it to go away. The issue started several patches ago and has plagued me ever since. Any screenshots or video demonstrating the bug: Here is my speedtest to show my internet speed.
  2. 1 point
    i am bored soooo.. wipe tomorrow?
  3. 1 point
    Everyone Knows griefing but this guy went too far. After the First shock Moment i went And had a Cigarette,went back to Play atlas again After i calmed down a bit. Too Late,it went too far this time. I had to call my psychologist in the middle of the night,so he came to me at 3 in the Morning And gave me some pills so i can get some Rest. The next Day i pulled myself together And started atlas And i still could Not believe how cruel Monsters Human can be. Someone placed 50 penguins under my Palace And whoever Heard- the Sound of those Things know what im Talking about. I can never visit a zoo in my live anymore
  4. 1 point
    well thankyou very much 4 the tip, I tried it and it does work...sometimes It was enough to catch most things before they timed out or died of starvation, I only lost my crew, a few smaller animals and a couple of crabs thankfully. so Again man, thanx 4 the tip, it is worrying however that such a bug is still around and un adressed, that and the fact that left up to my ticket I would have lost everything as it still has had no reply Thanx again m8, much apreciated
  5. 1 point
    Come on now guys. We can all wait till crossplay. I have to wait so you guys have to as well. Lol
  6. 1 point
    Another update: v.1.9.9a Minor tweaks. - Added: Blackwood Wizard: Added "AltSaveDIR" option. (Thanks to @Neitfall for requesting) - Changed: Wizard: Changed the "Coming Soon!" description for Blackwood to the intended text. (Thanks to @Neitfall for reporting) - Fixed: Util Update: The util wasn't completing the shutdown before running updated util. (Unfortunately, this won't help until NEXT update.) - Added: Added Blackwood icon to "Select Wizard".
  7. 1 point
    Are there any plans to make skins functional in the future? I feel like it is a waste of potential game-play mechanics to make all of the skins purely cosmetic. For example, the metal figurehead could be a ramming bow. The Hydra set could be a set that gives a bonus to taming. I think this would also be a better use of the blueprint system and a more traditional MMO approach. In my "Atlas Nations" post I suggested a more traditional approach to PvP/E by using NPC factions. Are there plans to move forward with such a system to counteract the issues that currently effect PvP? In this post I detailed a system (that admittedly needs some work) to allow both PvE and PvP players to play on the same grid, allow different flavors of PvP players to get content, and still allows for the current system of land claims. This more traditional system has worked for EvE Online; are there plans to move forward with a similar system? Will there be any fixes for breeding and taming to make it a more casual, traditional MMO style affair? I feel the breeding, storage, and taming of animals in Atlas is too much like Ark and cheapens the experience a great deal. Would the team be willing to take actions like: reduce breeding times, increase bola times, allow for power-stone taming, get rid of breeding temp requirements (or make an item equivalent to the Ark A/C Unit), allow newborns to use troughs, and make an number of tames summon-able/respawnable thus reducing their numbers and overall focus?
  8. 1 point
    Depends on how much you want to invest. I suggest a dedicated Schooner with speed sails, minimal accoutrements, two blueprint Ballistas facing rear, a diving rig, around 400 ballista bolts, and a carbine for pulling. Get some good fur armor and you can go Polar where the whales hunt you, not the other way around. Try to put alot of your sloop levels into +damage. You can easily outrun any whale even in a sloop, but you need the speed to cover alot of ground while hunting for them. Stick with the prevailing winds and you'll cover more ground. Once you kill one, use your diving suit to stay warm and avoid shark aggro while chopping blubber. Don't forget to loot it before you start choppin.
  9. 1 point
    one can only hope. wipes are the only thing that brings life to this game.
  10. 1 point
    +1, these should be removable when anchored.
  11. 1 point
    I get it, you did single player for the snowflakes so they can enter admin commands and feel like they can actually play. But now you have to realize your debt to society has been payed , and you need to stop listening to all the calls for pink bows and ribbons and the fact that these people are trying to take over. Remember the fact that is a pirate based game and things are supposed to be difficult, hard to earn, and maybe even have a sense of gratification in the end. If this confuses you or you are unsure of what direction to turn just Google pirate. I am not after realism, as much as I am just having something fun to do, and what the heck if I go out and get a bunch of doubloons I should be able to spend them how I see fit. You used to be able to tax someone off an island but no, you got stomped down because you were "oppressing the masses". Now they are crying to turn the whole damn place into a homeless encampment. Here is the clue, and if you think really hard you know how it works, people will pay more taxes if they want to stay on an island that I pay gold for. Just a simple example. You made wildlife suck, there is literally nothing to be afraid of, why? Because more snowflakes crying because they died. OMG I died in a survival game WTF!!! Stupid posts about locked content, I could elaborate but these are the same freeloaders I already spoke of. How much gold for that pink ribbon on your bear? I will honestly say you guys have done a great job on a lot of things. You took a huge list of things people did not like on ARK and changed them. Great, but if they made everything on ARK as freaking boring and en eventful on PVE it would have tanked a long time ago. M.A.G.A Make Atlas Great Again
  12. 1 point
    Yeah. You should be able to pick up cannons, swivel guns and turrets - if you can carry the weight of them of course.
  13. 1 point
    I recently started playing this game together with my wife, and so far it has been really fun. But there are a few things that could be changed for the better especially when it comes to single player and coop. These suggestions are mostly tied to exploration and progression: - Treasure maps: Exploration can be quite rewarding in games, but if you find what you are looking for all the time, it stops being exciting. There are just too many bottles at the beaches, and you get tired of finding them 5 minutes after you start playing the game. It quickly becomes a farming issue instead of exploration. The second issue is that the event is always army of the damned. Adding some more events could be beneficial. Like underwater treasure guarded by an alpha shark or something. All in all, give us far less bottles (and maybe increase the loot from each one), and vary them up a bit. Hunting treasure is fun after all, or should be at least. - The sea should be more dynamic: Sailing in this game is really fun tbh. But the encounters could need some diversity. Currently in coop and single player, you only see ships of the damned (who only spawn in armadas btw), and storms always spawn on top of you. Every zone contains a lot of ships of the damned, so you are sure to encounter them all the time, and since water spouts always spawn on you, you are sure encounter them a lot too. This ties to what I said in the treasure map section: If something happens all the time, it stops being exciting. In this case it becomes more of a nuisance. So I suggest you add more variety here too. Add some trade ships with lots of good trade resources sailing around. If a player attacks them, his ship gets a debuff that will aggro Navy ships sailing around. Also add some pirates that will aggro players and navy ships alike (I know you are adding pirates with the pirate encampment patch, which is great!). When it comes to storms let them be more random so you can see them in the distance, or at least see the spouts in the distance and make them more dangerous. This will add drama and tension. Adding more types of storms like lightning storms and maybe a rare Tsunami could also spice things up a bit. I don't think these suggestions would cost too many hours in programming time, and they wouldn't really require too many new assets.
  14. 1 point
    STOP MAKING PVE POST STUPID whiner and the "toxic PVP player" you are. PS: Not Sorry for copy pasting your own words If you are that bored there is other games out there for you
  15. 1 point
    you do realise there are 2 game modes , u want to destroy settlers time and work , u want to tax them for protection , u want to rule over them and decide who can and cant settle or build then go play play pvp , or are u too scared and just want to act like you are a big bad island ruler all safe on your non risk pve island . if u do play pvp then wtf are u even concerned about pve for ?
  16. 1 point
    Yeah, god forbid someone who joined the game a little late actually wants to have a spot of land for themselves. News flash: not everyone wants to be a slave to the island owner who takes a share of their hard work and... oh yeah, can destroy all your stuff anytime they want. I pay a mortgage in real life, i'm sure as hell not going to pay one to you in a game.
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