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Everything posted by McDangles

  1. I also lost a schooner in a freeport. This was before they added the message about ship decay on the bottom of the screen. The second schooner I lost because the shipyard was too shallow and when I released the ship it just turned into a pile of wood. Fun times.
  2. Found a lvl 24 bear this morning. I tried to tame it and the first two feedings went without a hitch. 3rd feeding the assbag bit me twice and I was done. I hit respawn and it didn't respawn me at my bed but on the other side of the island. Rageface. I just went back and killed the bear and took down my trap. I was taming off the back of another bear. Get the bear down and throw bola. I heard this was a good way to do it because the bear keeps aggro on your other bear and doesn't bite you. That is definitely not true. Also I'm guessing you can't feed without getting off the bear. Honestly I'm only after tames for resource collection at this point. I'll probably just ask around and buy an elephant and giraffe in the zone once I get enough gold from diving. Ugh. Also found a lvl 12 shipwreck that was bugged in the terrain which blocked the entrance. The only other game I have this same kind of love hate relationship with is DayZ.
  3. Get a diving attachment and go make some treasure dives. Then buy a giraffe. The only reason I would try to tame one on my own is if I decided to become a tame farmer. If you're just going to use it to farm thatch, it's not worth the frustration.
  4. I just tamed my first bear since the wipe. I dread it every time. 10 deaths. Bed hit reset timer a few times. Elephant came over and stood on the bear's head. I think it would be mostly okay if the feeding mechanic wasn't so boned. Tames sometimes just rotate on their own. They are cool feeding from a certain angle, but you use that same angle next time and they bone you. Why do we have to piss off and nearly kill the animal, then bola it, and expect it to let us feed by hand? Even by drunk pirate terms that's idiotic. Can't we just have like food on a stick or throw food at it? Maybe a feeding trough to drop down in front of it? It doesn't seem terribly hard to implement and I don't understand why they've left it the same for so long.
  5. It's not a problem. There are 3 places you need to turn it off. This will disable the running head bobbing, melee attack\farming head bobbing, and also the ground shake when big animals walk nearby. Options\Camera\Camera Shake Scale (Slide bar all the way to the left) Advanced Settings\Melee Camera Animation (Uncheck) Advanced Settings\Camera View Bob (Uncheck) Make sure you hit the save button on each page after making the changes.
  6. There is a bug with at the very least some of the food nodes. At first I though it was the just the node model not really matching what you would expect the thing you're farming to look like. For example farming cilantro from a big red flower back before the new patch. It is not. You can hold down H and it says "rice" but all you farm out of it is "chick peas" for example. Maybe that also extends to fiber but its easy enough to check with the H key. In addition to that on my island in E4 there seems to be no pure metal nodes, berries are super rare, and it hasn't rained (open barrels and no it didn't all just evaporate). I never experienced this before the patch so not sure if its a bug, I picked an unlucky island, or if this is part of a change to get people moving around more.
  7. It's not super bad in 1440p, but 2160p I struggle to maintain close to 60 fps sometimes. In a built up area, forget it. We're talking 30-40 fps depending on exactly how built up. I just set my temp to 80 degrees C in Afterburner just so the fans aren't revving their nuts off all the time. The area I set up camp in is not built up at all yet and I can usually average 60-70 fps in 2160p. If it starts to get built up at some point I may switch back down to 1440p.
  8. This game is very GPU intensive. Especially running it in 4K like I am. First try setting every setting to the lowest level and turn them up as you go. I know you're not going to want to hear it but a 970 is super old. That's getting close to 4 generations behind. Running your GPU at 100% all the time shouldn't cause it any problems unless you have very poor ventilation. I was doing the F@H Covid-19 protein folding project and I had my GPUs and CPUs maxed out as long as they had work for it for many months. The 2080ti FE does have a very shitty stock fan curve. It would rev on and off every 10 seconds from 60% to 100%. If you get MSI Afterburner you can make your own fan profile and if you are really concerned about the heat you can set a max temperature for it to throttle down your GPU if you want the fans to run more quietly.
  9. As someone who has bred 100+ bears. My routine was get one stud in the pens to knock up at least 10 female bears. Then wait for gestation (4 hours). Then sail them to a colder climate so they didn't die. Meantime feeding them manually until they hit juvenile in which case I usually hit the colder regions they can stay alive in. Then sail them back home now that they aren't so sensitive to heat. Also if you at all give a shit about imprinting then there is that, which I could easily see people working in shifts to get that done. Sometimes I would come home from work to get the imprinting done. Keep in mind that shit about being a functioning member of society and having a full time job. I guess if I was a college student it wouldn't be a big deal but breeding is not so simple for everyone.
  10. There are three different modes. The players on the server can vote between each game for one of them. The most popular one is TDM, which is 3 v 3 ships. Each side has one large and two smaller class ships. The second most popular mode is booty. Where there is a treasure chest that spawns on an island and the objective is to pick it up and get it back to your base. The third mode is super rare for people to vote for. It's called siege and each side has a fortified island and a couple of ships. As far as I can work out its just siege warfare and whoever scores the most tickets after a certain amount of time wins. There are not really any MMO elements. Your character does level over time but this is just to unlock outfits and hats.
  11. I didn't? Actually it can get a bit repetitive. I mean you can only really play two roles, captain or crew. Nobody ever wants to do any game mode other than deathmatch. It's still feels really rewarding when you get a good captain and crew. The reason I play Atlas PvE is not because I don't like PvP gameplay. I just don't want it to happen to my base while I am sleeping or at work.
  12. It seems easier for them just to create LEGO craft PvP than to create a real MMO experience. Just put all of the LEGOs out there and let the players build and kill each other. When I bought the game I envisioned what the trailers showed. Being on a pirate ship and going with others on great adventures. Thriving cities with trading and questing. There are no real quests. There are no thriving cities. There is no system to group you with players. Frankly for pirate ship battles Blackwake is a much more amazing game. If I could have the base building of Atlas and the PvP of Blackwake it would be an amazeballs experience. Make it like PvE for the most part of the persistent world and give a no holds barred battle experience where you can have fun without risking all of you hours on base building and taming.
  13. Funny thing is I rolled on PvE EU a while back because it was up before the US server. Then there was another wipe and I was happy to rebuild on a US server. Now I have to rebuild on an EU server that might get wiped soon and no US server option again? I don't really care if the server gets wiped in 6 months but if its going to be a couple of weeks I don't want to bother. I really wish they would come up with a real plan with timelines and share it with us.
  14. So yes early access and all that. However why isn't any of this going through the PTR? Why even have a PTR then? Is live now the PTR? When will the new island be up?
  15. I think I get what they're trying to do but it still doesn't make any sense to me. This game is billed as an MMO. However in most of my gameplay I have had little to no interaction with other players other than to trade with. I think they need to focus more on in-game systems to group like-minded players to go off on adventures with. You shouldn't have to go outside of it to a website or discord channel to get a group for something. I think they are simply squishing the map to account for the dwindling player base. Even with the dwindling player base on PvE there were still so many bases taking up beach real estate and hardly any other users logged on. I think in my grid square I've never seen more than 10 people on at a time. So I think that's why they are pushing PvP. So people can just fight for the space on the islands. That's cool and all but if you're a solo player it's probably going to suck. Not sure how else they plan to control the beach overcrowding unless they planned on a lot of people not coming back after the wipe. I've been around since shortly after this game was available on Steam. Been wiped a few times. I was accidentally playing on EU PvE and was happy after the last wipe to start off on US PvE. Now I have to go back? Sigh. I will probably at least check it out but I don't have much interest in PvP unless they put something in that at least gives solo players a chance.
  16. I had this happen today. My elephant always stays on my galleon. I checked my company logs and found the same entry about auto-decay and someone else claiming. There is a feeding trough there and it still had food in it this morning. I was last on the ship with the elephant yesterday. The bears and rhino on the ship are still there. The funny thing is someone left a bear on the beach and its still there with 6ish days remaining to claim. Seems like its probably a bug that has to do with large animals falling through ships as that has also been something I've been dealing with recently. Edit: This also got me thinking throughout the day. The tames falling through ships seems to be a client side thing. If I log off and spawn in an area about one galleon length away from the ship I can see the ship rendering in and the animals render first and fall through while the boat's floors are rendering in. Could it be that somehow on the client side of the people who tamed our animals that the animals were rendered or forced to render further away from the ships and over a period of time became claimable? Is the decay timer server side? I sure hope so. However is the tame location client side? Seems so if the tame can fall through a ship based on where I log on. If I log off and back on while on the ship, I don't have the problem with them falling through. Also I don't seem to have that issue if I relog far away enough that the ship isn't even rendered.
  17. I don't even see where continents would be good for the game, pvp or pve. This game is about pirates and ships. How fun would it be to be landlocked and not be able to place any shipyards? Even on the really big islands the only things I ever see deep inland are traps and shacks for storing mats.
  18. I was relieved to finally find a good island to build on after the wipe. It was great until now. Someone came over and just started building all sorts of spam foundations. Then they started spamming shipyards too.
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