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Everything posted by Whitehawk

  1. Sort of a good idea, but i'd prob fall asleep though, and find myself sunk when I woke up.
  2. Well I hope they do something soon. I've supported the game since release and now on both platforms and as much as I love building and sailing I know all the fauna and flora everywhere I go before I get there, which is becoming a bit monotonous tbh. In a game this size I can't help wondering if quests and other content like that is the only way to save the game now.
  3. Do you boot atlas in low mem mode?
  4. I've had loads of problems with my pc version, But I since had a similar thing with conan exiles and am now starting to wonder if it has something to do with steam. I bought Atlas for the xbox too on release and it downloaded in less than 45mins, on steam it took hours. Conan was the same. I tried everything to sort out the gpu problem, it also started restarting my pc. Maybe it's steam or windows updates I just never found out.
  5. The fishing rod is good f you're a new player cos it gives you gold as well as fish, so if you don't fancy treasure hunting it's a good easy way to get enough gold to hire your first crewman.
  6. tbh most of my best blueprints have come from dragging in the crates, never really checked to see how many of them were medium planks, as I only use the large ones. i'm gonna have to check now as it's got me curious to the percentage.
  7. Yeah there are plenty of freeports around, not very populated mind you. Isalnd on top right of map has a really nice freeport town, sorta oriental.
  8. On my pc version I can see rocks that don't appear on my xbox version. Apparently this was an issue on xbox that was sinking peoples ships, because they were still there even if they couldn't be seen.
  9. Whitehawk


    I wish they would let us import designs on the xbox for the sails, it's very hard to draw with the controller.
  10. Whitehawk


    I don't think the designs will save on the xbox, I have tried many times with no luck.
  11. Whitehawk


    are you on the xbox?
  12. Tbh the internet has played a massive part in encouragement of Ea , kickstarter projects etc. Due to the media we get information on something sometimes years before any progress has been made on a product. Sometimes while it is still just drawings on paper. Companies use this to feed our enthusiasm for a product or to see if it will make money by leaking snippits of information and assessing feedback. How many kickstarter projects have failed? Also sometimes the feedback from the would be buyers will conflict with the original developers outlook, then they have to decide whether to stick rigidly to their vision and risk alienating potential customers, or try to give people what they want and lose interest in their own project. Manipulation through media is a double edged sword. Also we back ea sometimes because we believe we are supporting a smaller company getting started, but this is not always the case, sometimes it's a bigger company in disguise, like when a supermarket opens up smaller grocery stores so we think we are supporting the small business man, when we are not. Either way we look at it, the internet and social media has played a massive part in the way people invest their money and time now, buying ea and investing in kickstarter projects is a gamble, sometimes for both sides.
  13. Actually airships were in the first test of Atlas, although they weren't that great. I think you can still find an old vid on youtube of them.
  14. Over the time i've been playing I have now stuck to all speed and one handling, the only annoying thing is the handling sails look terrible as they are too tall and take the realism away from my ships. And I never put 5 sails on my galleon cos it just looks plain stupid and not realistic at all, but for that I take a massive hit to speed and performance. I used to just do speed sails but have learnt through bitter experience with the SOTD to always have one handling sail now, especially as the wind can stop and you end up dead in the water.
  15. yeh i forgot about the music, but a helmsman is actually sailing. I don't see that they could be used for harvesting on their own though, unless you did it with nodes like bdo.
  16. As far as I know they can't harvest, only sail or attack. I could be wrong though as I have never tried it.
  17. I thought that wheat was one side of the river in the kings arena freeport town, then don't you plant the seeds and they become useable plants? coulda been maize though, it's been a while.
  18. yeh if you are gonna solo the snake take loadsa spare weapons cos they keep breaking, and I just kept dying. tbh in the end I did adjust the sliders in my favour a bit, but even then it was a nightmare boss.
  19. yeh i've even hung around the exact spot for an hour, changed all the sliders etc, still no spawn. I spawned in the mats by command for the sub in the end. I did manage to do the island snake boss though, I think that's the hardest boss I have ever solo'ed in a game!
  20. That islands my main base and I have still never had it spawn there.
  21. I've been asking for airships since day 1, after all they were in the original rendering of the game but they did look horrendous. Personally I think they should go down the airships steampunk road, I mean we have got a steampunk sub already. And as for making people leave with airships and fast travel etc, well, they've left already.
  22. At the end of the day there have been people who have used this forum to make personal and abusive remarks towards the devs and I can understand they would not even rise to answer them. However there are a lot of us who are supporters of the game but are now getting to the point of struggling to play Atlas as much anymore and we have been playing since release. The bottom line is we don't want Atlas to fail. I understand that the devs have Ark to do as well as atlas, but personally I believe that it's like having your own children, you feed your own before you feed someone else's, or at least equally. And if you can't do that let someone else take over the parenting. Nobody can get criticized if they give a project 100% and it still fails. And I still say Atlas is better than ark.
  23. Tbh if Atlas does end up failing, i'll be so gutted. Not because of how much i've spent on it because i've had my money's worth many times over in the last year. No, i'll be gutted because of how much potential this game has got, with a dedicated dev team Atlas could be amazing, imo it already outshines ark anyway. Some of us on this forum have been playing since release and we still do, I think that says a lot for how far this game could and should go.
  24. The trouble for me now is early access, everything seems to be able to be released unfinished now with a never ending licence to take as long as you like developing the base game.I used to think it was a good thing but now i'm not so sure. Early access needs to have precise development guides and set time limits, otherwise it can be used as a never ending excuse to do nothing or do very little to improve a game. Bannerlord 2 is finally out now as early access, and even though it's a great game to charge almost full price for it is plain wrong, especially as it's the players who will be doing the testing and feedback. i'd love a job that pays me for work I might or might not do for two years.
  25. I've been playing atlas on pc since release, and on xbox since release too, and even though I still enjoy the game for the most part I am getting bored a bit now. When I sail to another island now I know what to expect to find before I arrive. I can't say for deffo that Atlas has been abandoned, but regardless of that it's going to take a lot of additional content to keep it on it's feet, and I think by the time the devs show an interest again it will be too late anyway. And if another pyrate game gets released in the meantime then atlas won't stand a chance in the long term, short term yes, but not for the long run. There just isn't enough to do now. Also bearing in mind I've started from the beginning again, 4 times now too!
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