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Gomez Addams

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Everything posted by Gomez Addams

  1. I know I have stated this before but: Our company has spent all our time since December on Lawless islands. We have had zero bad experiences with being blocked by spam or jerk players. I ally with anybody that lives near us and we all have a great time. Having our own entire island or living on someone’s claim has never appealed to us. I try to build stuff like bridges, ramps, zip lines, etc to help people and we give stuff away all the time. The fun of this game (to me) is the randomness of people’s actions and that’s why I play it. My only regret is that I haven’t learned enough languages to communicate better. See you on L9 EU PVE, friends!
  2. I would like to add my voice to the player shop concerns. A shop that could be built and operated for free would encourage dialogue and trade between players. Gold should not be even necessary when things can be traded for resources. In a PVE lawless setting for example, someone could ‘sell’ constructed gliders at the top of cliffs. You could provide treasure hunting supplies to explorers. Ship parts for those who have been damaged. If you want the game to act like your trailers, shops should be easy and fun. Then players will have more reasons to explore for bargains and items. A market place setting would provide another level of competition without adding anything to the game except free shops.
  3. So far so good on lawless in EU L9. There are a couple of pillars here and there and a few ‘Kong Walls’ but mostly it’s people acting very reasonable and kind. It’s a far cry from the 1st go round. There were thatch foundations everywhere and I haven’t seen any except where people plan on building. I also think the extra land has helped out a lot. If we had free player shops, lawless would have city’s like in the trailer.
  4. L9 Chaunsea Island is one of the places
  5. How about huge (like elephant) sized rabbits with the lion AI? Now we are talking. Tame and ride your very own limited edition Dynamite Rabbit with large sharp pointy teeth. It’s Jack Sparrow in Night of the Lepus!
  6. Our company is having such a great experience on EU PVE that we are going to stay. I’m torn a bit but I have met so many friendly people that it would be a shame to start over again. Hopefully the other players who enjoy an empty PVE lawless or wanted their own island will fill up the new server. In any case, it’s good news.
  7. Now that’s a good idea! We should be able to sell titles to ships. Excellent idea. It would be a shipyard with all kinds of boats ready to go.
  8. How about the decorative flags? Call it the lawless claim flag and make its radius the highest. Easy to spot, make and decorate. Spam of the future. Pillar with a hanky. Dancerless poles. Vertical clothes dryer. Stick in a stone...
  9. Um, I think that this is an old post referring to v10.42 not our current version of V100.6. It nice to have people active in the forums anyway
  10. I saw in the notes about the ‘build over foundation’ fix. I have a ramp that goes over 30 units into the air without support. I thought it was my great Frank Lloyd Wright counter weight balancing skills, now I learn that it was just some glitch. Why do the glitches that actually help us get addressed first? Oh well, time to make some pillars.
  11. When my kids set up a lemonade stand in the front yard, l like to charge them $250 a day. I don’t see the problem.
  12. Maybe they could include it as a sandwich so we can all make one.
  13. Before the wipe, I had to log in every 4 days in lawless and now it’s 10. I know some places are getting spammed but I have not seen the abuse yet. Lawless is way better than before for us and it’s the only place we have ever lived. I never have even tried to get a claim and we have 450+ hours since December. The extra islands I’m sure are helping cut down spam a little.
  14. Come to Alice L9 and I’ll give you more than your ship can hold.
  15. This has happened before to us in January. There were zero trees and resources left and the island looked like a clear cut waste land. They fixed it and everything grew back the way it was.
  16. I’ve got great neighbors in L9 lawless so far, I just hope the good community continues. People are using the trading system and selling animals already. Alliances are forming and I have run into friends from the first time around.
  17. I’m actually very sorry that happened. You have my sympathies and the devs should too. I’m in L9 Lawless just waiting for the spam/grief storm to begin. It won’t be any better for us when jerks wall us in or cover the land in pillars.
  18. But being a land owner has to have some benefits because it requires some time put into management. I personally have no desire to be a landlord or a tenant so I live lawless. But it is very nice to see this change directly addressing PVE concerns because it shows me that the devs are listening to this community a little. That’s the best news about this adjustment.
  19. The “art guys” are the best part of Atlas.
  20. I have already committed to EU PVE. So they are stuck with me regardless of when or whatever the devs decide. I’ll switch back to NA after Wipe #2.
  21. Yes, they made a big deal about it. Where are the Quadcorn hats?
  22. “The ‘P’ is silent, Randy.” I cannot wait to dress like Pee Wee!
  23. What We saw last night was 10 days on foundations, 40 days on chests, 25 or 30 on the smithy. The coming spam grief war is the only thing that concerns me. But at least I’m free of the ‘slave overlords’ as Talono says lol.
  24. Why do I need an Island claim with a new10 day decay on Lawless? I choose spam over taxes and EU over NA because NA is NA (not available)
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