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Everything posted by Kummba

  1. I know u are a guy with alot of PVE experience in atlas. But what u write is just hopes to be able to prevent ( by yourself) bad things to happen to you. All you write i based on gosip and some bad incident some people (may) had. NO system will prevent that ever to happen. Your dream is, to totally protect your "main base", have u thought about outposts (where other people will protect their "main island")? Some Questions to the wannabe Landlords: *Will you want a protected your outpost island too, when the upkeep is not to bad? How do you plan to handle island with bad Landlords? *Will your Island be open for others, even tho it will increase upkeep? *How will u find/destroy undermeshed pillars/foundations? *Can u imagine that the nicer your island is, the more it becomes a target for trolls/griefers? *Did you estimate how much effort it is to "protect" your Island from some dedicated griefers? IT IS A DREAM! The money stuff: Why care about the company, their spending and earning. I dont get player that paid for a product care about the producer of the product an d their future income. It is their job to keep the game atractive for new player (new money), so if they have to employ a GM to keep the product going, they should do. Shifting responsibility for bad expirience to other player (landlords) will not help with grow of the game tho.
  2. Ok, you are the Kraken guy, right? Is it an argument for or against the PVP claim in PVE? If for Claim: To do something about it by your own, you have to be the landloard, or friend of the landloards (which have to be still playing) in the NEW system, right? Then you are fine. Otherwise not so fine. The new systems aim is to shift the devs/ GM responsibilities to the Landloard tho. If against claim. You are right, who defines the landloards arent griefer/greedy bastards themself. They may drop the mask when another company is established. In both systems it is griefing and should be handled by GM tho.
  3. THIS is my playstyle too. But in all systems implemented/discussed before. When i set a base i know when it will be able to be taken away as earliest. NOW i set base (outpost), wait 12-x Hours, see if it hold, then start using it. Same for fortify/expanding. For me thats a setback.
  4. You can only start farm after your buildings are save (12-48h?)
  5. In your new base or your ramshakel? QED
  6. You build on a claimed island, place a shipyard, start building ship while the landloard can still demolish the shipyard, griefers heaven. WHO say griefers cant be landloard? QED
  7. Ok, after inaktivity (of the landloard) the Island looks how exactly? Who wants to claim that shithole then? Guess only the griefer! And it will depop, because upkeep! To make changes only tho some people can expirience the ilusion of "land ownership" and worsen the system for everyone else is beyond my understanding. Lawless everywhere is fine. U can sill play the landloard, just without the power. I will burst in tears about the first reports of demolished shipyards with almost finished ships. People dont see consequences just the illusion of ownership.
  8. If you enjoy that stuff that is.
  9. Thats the thing, i will not do it, as many other will not do it. I want to play, not herd other players! But then i am in the hands of the people that like to play the landloards role, and most likely they like it for abusing the power only.
  10. The old claim system was a horrible hot BUGGY mess. If they port it over it would be so bad. Actually they were right with no claims needed in PVE. With any claim system we will get taxes back, which is unhealthy in PVE. *It will complicate the start. *It will make people lose their farm. *It is a build in grief mechanism, not a grief protection. How prevent landloards from taking upfront fee to allow your building...... So my settlement on a landloards Claim is increasing their upkeep, nice of them when they let me settle! THIS IS ALL PVP mechanism, but put in PVE with a hot needle. As said before with this u cant not realy use a new base (on another companys settlement) until it is save form demolishing. Think also about first day, what problems it can make, will stuff placed before Claim will be save (bad, spam will stay) or can be demolished (bad because false hope of settlers). How is the claiming done anyway? KEEP the feature that when u build u know how save it is from the start. AND then they care about abusing Alliances for caliming exploits I can think of several ways to do this anyway, so for the shitty Claim System we get taken away one of the few mandatory MMO feature in this game? AND WHY? For the top ten list? Or is it test for PVP? I dont even know.... it is sad.
  11. (PVE) What make you think so, your expirience living on a lawless island? There are many lawless island with really limited spam. It is mostly done by new or younger players. And often they only living on one island anyway. For my understanding it would not be a problem, especially not with a good balance of upkeep. Nobody needs to own Land, just a base!
  12. U sure? What if the Claimer is the griefer itself? What if the Claimer dont care about the griefer? What if the Claimer can not keep up / is not willing to keep up with the griefer? All thats a fully griefed island, instead of parts of an island.
  13. (PVE) And again, as potential Settlement Owner, how many hours per day you are willing to spend to remove unwanted entities? And for how long? Once u fucked up, and the island is partly spammed, will u continue invest the time to protect the rest? I choose not claim for that reason. Also people are stupid and may even spam just to offend the owner, even if they would not have spammed in another system.
  14. QFT - F then Minus one Island in an PVE MMO, thanks for nothing
  15. A big 4Head to Grapeshot for listening to the landlubber which want to have an illusion of owning / dominating something, sitting on "their" land/claims and rebuild Manhattan from "earned" taxes. I am really interessted in the ratio between caring Landloard and the lazy ones (tax earners). How many will keep different playstyles in mind? ----- In PVE -----
  16. (PVE discussion) Will you store your (important) farm in an unsafe base? When u want to establish an outpost, u now have to set it up, wait for xx hours before "really" using it. When it gets deleted one hour before countdown runs out, u go to another island and wait xx hours again? In current version and first revamp version, your base (if you could have set it up) was safe for 4 days form the start. You could use it immediately. Now Atlas is a waiting game instead of a hunt, i strongly dislike.
  17. What if it is not the case and the landowner does not care? Will u want to wait 2 Days before using a newly set up base?
  18. For PVE: Lazy as Fuck, now u bank on the Settlement Owner to deal with pillar / foundation spam (which i think would have not happend everywhere anyway). In return they can get taxes. Sounds not to bad when the owner is nice and is doing his job. But what if not / not anymore (will taxes support the upkeep?)? Also when i want to settle on an settlement, i have to wait xx hours /days before i can be sure nobody can delete it anymore. Any new addtion to a base, wait again before utilising it. Pros: * Nice active owner can make a lovely Island possible (what ever that is; mine would be: only small buildings, nearly all resources saved, bo blocking buildings etc.) * Less need for GM involvement (?) * Settlers Buildings can be safe for longer (after a while) then current lawless. cons: * First comes first serve * Taxes (for Treasure (visitiors!) etc. just stupid in PVE) *How to deal with lazy af owner, just "earning" taxes. *Even as owner, kepping all settlers in check is a hard job with no real benefit (it seems, ok taxes, but u get them anyway) *What when the layz guys even get several islands? *(Exploiting Limits) Making "shadow" Company with temporal members (or just alts) for more Claims. *Having the illusion of owning will attracked the lazy more then the careing ones. *Want to settle in/ near a specific grid: It can take several days before finding an Island where the settlement is not deleated, no fun meachanism. I personally would like to see the "free for all" aproach you had before for PVE. DONT neglect the upkeep in both systems, it will be the deciding factor agains spamming / server performance if balanced/implemented correctly.
  19. You need to reaggro it with a Headshot from a gun, then all bolts register
  20. That is gaming in general, u just keep the moments!
  21. Good Guide. The bear will be able to do any map tho (with feasts). And there will be no fog of war anymore, u can see the full map ingame. For container just put a tannery on the ship (120 slots). In general make use of the respecs. I kinda disagree with dropping low level tho, if u have more then 6 on an island in your grid, the journey is worth it, just put them all in your hotbar and enjoy the lightshow.
  22. After relog he was on surface for a short time (also no riding option), happend on PVE EU: @JakeM May check coding of the bull then. I have been there at least 50 times before. It is kinda hard to navigate, but never happent before.
  23. Happend to me now too. Also were attacking a Bull to tame it. ...
  24. Thanks for the answer, but i know this, the inconsistency is that in the description of the receipes (like for cooking and Organic Paste) it says Saps (not Sugar as the parent resource) is needed. So it is kinda a wording thing.
  25. Sugar is Sugar, but for crafting like cooking and organic past it is Saps!
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