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Everything posted by Kummba

  1. Repairing would just be exploited, we can not have nice things bc networking. Just exchange some broadsides with an ally ship.
  2. Thats why education is good for us! If you ellimingate to many things, you can also eliminate the cause you travel for. As i said before: Sailing is boring because nothing essencial awaits you at your destination anymore. If it would, nobody would care about a short period of bad wind.
  3. Ok, i kinda agree, but the low wind phase is way shorter then the high wind phase allready.
  4. So 2 hours for complete world = 1 h for any point to any point. QED. The one hours is not at any time, but it is doable. People tend to hyperbolism for slower speed, so i did same to make some people think. But dont underestimate a full weight leveled stripped down schooner/gally. U know the server have a slight time-offset from east to west, so u can travel at strongest wind all the time for example?
  5. You and me, we are still here, the yes sayer (colonies) are long gone, some try to improve the game still tho.
  6. None existent small fraction, or gone allready. I dont think anybody would go offline even the 10 days without some rl / ingame friend to look for the base/tames. Imagine they change the flag to pay the ally/all crews in the meantime!
  7. Yeah, just unload a full shipbarrel from time to time. Or tame a cow!
  8. Hey zottle one of my chars is a ghost, i may help u
  9. Thanks. But next time take your time to put in the dedicated item as first iteration, dont hot needle stuff like the flag thingy again.
  10. First off i respect your playstyle. Second, i did the same for a long time prewipe. When i hit the wall you are hitting atm, i switched to use tames, it opend up a complete new game. Third, when progession faster, the respeccing becomes a nonissue, at least for skills, it can remain for attributes tho. I also dont like the changes to the AotD, or to the PVE aspect in generall, but devs are deaf for PVE changes atm. May our time come. PS: You can use a tame to reduce the respec hassle too, the sailing part that is.
  11. Ok, you choose to give feedback again, its fine.
  12. Ok, you choose to complain again, its fine.
  13. Again, it takes less then an hour to go from any point to any point on the map. Get good .... weather mechanics, weight management, logistics ..... or complain again. Speed is more about angle then strength.
  14. He is right, faster speed makes even more things meaningless! Also with more tools (sails etc) we could adapt to specific usecases more. ATM we are limited.
  15. I have heard from a wise woman @blitzed909 that you can box yourself in, and use a mace to kill them off at the outside. I havent tested it bc i dont mind using a bear. I also rather spend my points in taming/breeding then in explosive barrels. Tames can be bought also, riding is how many points, like 15! I you want to play crippled it is not the games fault. I do it at some points too, but i know it is my will and the game do not need to change to fit my needs.
  16. Cobra are the best, lots of meat, scale and xp. Way better then the usual army of pigs. Now we need the spiders back in quantities and i am a happy hunter. ALSO, did a bigger building complex decayed recently around your spot @boomervoncannon? It may have free up some spots.
  17. I want to take a look, but i hate to set up account before i know what for!
  18. ohh @Martyn, i member cimbing death and engram happening too. Breeding buggs and stuff got fixed, they made breeding accessible for solos! Dont let the door hit u, bye
  19. Even if i dont know any of you personal, i like what u do in/for the comunity. Next time we meet we will exchange some broadsides again, so far happy sailing. The confusion sucks!
  20. I had a text prepared but this happend:
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