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Everything posted by bigfishrob

  1. WIPE GOOD. It is early access.. expect wipes and bugs...or go play a dedi
  2. If u think a wipe is unnecessary u been under a rock. There is nothing they can do to realign distributions of land ect without creating more of a confusing mess.right now there is almost no incentive for new players, new players pay the bills. They need turnover to generate more income.
  3. Maybe they will have the larger no build radius. I could see them doing something like make a resource box show the protected build radius like a flag, of course then there would be a billion resource boxes. maybe a very large radius around the bank or something.
  4. blame the top companies, hackers, and greedy land grabbers. It was so bad at this point for new players it had to be done. The land grab was sick, and new players had little to no chance of getting land. and to those saying.... oh land ez quit being lazy ect..... for one i searched a LOT and had just gotten land by one nice player giving it to me. secondly new players have even less idea how to deal with claiming and how or when to do it to succeed.
  5. Npcs should not contest claims....hold an existing sure....but not contest. If u cant be there when it becomes claimable then tough
  6. Current claim i tried to get. I had the water claim almost to shore put a few boats to start a dock the land claim came up and guy who already has good claim down the shore spammed everything in between with rafts and put an npc on the raft. This claiming is toxic af and fosters more and more griefing that they wont define or fix
  7. How so? They dont ban griefers just select exploiters. There is no check nd balances to the system it is troll with no reprocussions in pve....therefore promoting griefing.
  8. I just wanted to see how these alpha top super uber companies were building......
  9. I travel 8 plus blocks per evening acquiring mats for bps and mythos ect. I have not found one claimable area of value for several weeks. The claims i see avail are ocean and tiny spots land locked by other claims.
  10. Yes bc then ppl could freely build in the water and block ppl in with gates or walls
  11. They need to types of flags. Primary which is limited to say 5 per account and secondary which is spam. The primary can have the 21 day protection but the secondary should be one day timers. Meaning they should either end up part of a permanent claim or change hands bc nobody will daily refresh unnecessary claims. IF these greedy land hoarders "need" the land bc of size then somebody will always be keeping it refreshed.
  12. They need to types of flags. Primary which is limited to say 5 per account and secondary which is spam. The primary can have the 21 day protection but the secondary should be one day timers. Meaning they should either end up part of a permanent claim or change hands bc nobody will daily refresh unnecessary claims. IF these greedy land hoarders "need" the land bc of size then somebody will always be keeping it refreshed.
  13. If that were actually true then some companies need to start tossing some land free, but i think u are wrong.
  14. If it were not the intent then grape would appropriately limit flags, not promote top company and actually do something about griefing.
  15. Just limit claims max like 5-7 per paid account. Then "giant comps" still have plenty of claims but not what they have now for this bs top comp crap.
  16. Na pve. Id like to see the main base locations of the top comps. If you know where they are post em up so people can go see how glorious their bases are with the hustle and bustle of soo many players.
  17. Talked to one of the top ten comps yesterday....top ten rank and has 8 active players. 8.....i imagine it takes a 1000 claims to make top ten and they have 8 players so basically less than say .5 % of the playerbase owns probably 50 -75% of the land....not because they earned it or bc they are better players but for two reasons....they have lots of time on their hands and they got into the game early. New players are screwed right now. Needs to be a cap on claims like 5-7 per player so comps have to strategically hold things not bulk hold tons. Give em a week to reset their main claim flags. After that drop the timer down to 1 day and claimable in a couple of hours so if they wanna be greedy and hold everything they can spend all their in game time refreshing crap. I imagine in pve there are prob almost no comps with over 100 ppl. Most are in the 5-10 ppl range with a handful of those active.
  18. Maybe the rest of us are missing the hints. They are not doing anything now about ppl blocking boats in, griefing with foundation spam, kiting sotd or blocking access. Maybe the real intent is that pve is actually still a ruthless pirate game and means fighting on pve anyhow. So maybe the real intent is if somebody like these "top comps" have what you want then you are supposed to use whatever means is neccessary to take it. I mean blocking ports is a real pirate method. Maybe the top comps list is actually intended as a target list instead for those that have nothing to go after and take something. If this is not the intent then top company and taxation have no business being in the pve version of the game.
  19. There is no way even those large companies could utilize all that land. And there are soo many living in lawless bc there are those who started playing the game and flagged up, or exploited ppl off ect and amassed way more land than is neccessary leaving scraps for the remaining player base. In pvp sure thats fine you can go to war and take it. In pve it just promotes greedy land grab. Im sure top companies have designate bed hopping routes ect just o keep all of it refreshed and make it impossible for others to get that land. We have about 5 claims on one section of land. It has little resources and a high pred spawn. So at best ot is good for leaving ships where they dont decay as fast, and we were lucky to get that. Then we go over places like i7 and i8 and see one or two comps with massive entire islands with tons of locations ppl could build a seaport base. And yall keep saying just rent an area....really as toxic as ppl are in this game you expect ppl to want to one pay in game taxes when we already paid for the game, two u want us to trust that these greedy ppl wont decide hey i think i will take that area and use it myself now and simply turn the flag to company only....there is no protection for ppl to trust even renting. Id like to see some numbers. How many claims and how many members those top companies have. If it is anywhere close to over 5-10 per member it just proves the point that it is just greed to feed "top company" egos
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